What’s the First Rule of Feb Club? Talk About Feb Club

Chrissy Oberg '18 and Beau Daen '18
Guest Columnists

By this point in your law school career, no matter your year, you have probably accepted the age-inappropriate nature of your social life. But while your friends spend their time wasting away at expensive brunches in various cities around the country, why not embrace your dwindling youth and join in some harmless fun the whole Law School can enjoy?

NGSL historian Charles T. Baker, after exhaustive research, has found that Feb Club dates back at least to the mid-80s when one enterprising alum (now a partner) hosted a black tie New Year’s Eve knock off on “Feb Club Eve.” “It’s a tradition as old as time, and the highlight of my year,” says Charles Baker, who is most excited about this year’s “Tide Pods & Cheese” event.

In all seriousness, Feb Club is something wholly unique to UVa Law and the general collegiality we enjoy here. It gives 1Ls the opportunity to get out of the rut of cycling between Ivy, Pav, and the Biltmore and to meet 2Ls and 3Ls in a low-stress, unstructured environment. Who knows what kind of good advice you might get in a dirty basement from some 3L in a toga who is clerking on the Fourth Circuit? Moreover, Feb Club allows the numerous affinity groups and social clubs at the school to host parties where each and every student is invited, giving everyone the opportunity to socialize outside of their usual circle. 

We are happy to have posted the Feb Club Calendar in this issue and you will be able to find more details about each party on Facebook. We encourage all students and professors to attend as many parties as possible, make new friends, come to theme parties you don’t quite understand (again Tide Pods & Cheese), and remember that exams are more than two months away.

Your Feb Club Cruise Directors,

Chrissy Oberg & Beau Daen 

Feb Club Calendar  (1).jpg





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