Social Media at UVA Law: What's Hot and What's Not?
Lena Welch ‘20
New Media Editor
Since #ANG has rediscovered ANG’s Twitter account, it’s time to review the social media presences of UVA Law student organizations. I’m going to focus on Twitter and Instagram. Y’all get the Facebook event invitations, you know which organizations are on Facebook. In the meantime, one retweet = one respect.
I’m also limiting the review to student organizations and programs; otherwise, the library (@UVALawLibrary) would win. Y’all know their Arthur content is *heart eyes emoji.* The @UVALaw account would also be a winner because, as some of y’all know, they are responsible for my *fire emoji* phone background of Dean Risa Goluboff and Pharrell Williams. It’s truly the greatest photo in the world.
Nevertheless, some of the student organizations are churning out good #content, highlighting the goings-on around North Grounds and beyond.
Virginia Law Women | Twitter: @UVALawWomen
Virginia Law Women joined twitter in the spring and has been giving us gifs and girl power ever since. @UVALawWomen’s retweet game is strong, inspiring us all with successful lady lawyers. Follow if you like staying up to date with the women at UVA Law as well as the stellar alumnae.
Ranking: 8 RTs
Public Interest Law Association | Instagram: @PILAatUVA
While PILA hasn’t tweeted since 2014, it does have a new Instagram account. With only eight posts, @PILAatUVA has room for improvement, but I have a feeling some spring events will provide good content. Don’t forget to donate, y’all. Your public service classmates can use it!
Ranking: 6 likes
Black Law Students Association | Twitter: @UVABLSA | Instagram: @BLSAatUVA
@UVABLSA highlights the organization’s involvement in the greater Charlottesville community, which is definitely something to be commended. BLSA’s accounts also feature some excellent graphics. Plus, last year’s “Nice for What” video was *100 emoji*.
Ranking: 10 RTs
Latin American Law Organization | Twitter: @UVA_LALO | Instagram: @LALOatUVALaw
LALO’s Twitter account primarily tweets out its Instagram photos, which automatically improves their #hashtag game. Also, it has posted about the Shaping Justice Conference and the Virginia Law Weekly, and that goes a long way with this reporter.
Ranking: 9 RTs
William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition | Twitter: @LileMootCourt
@LileMootCourt features some excellent photos. Its tone is particularly positive and encouraging. Even if you’re not writing a brief, you may want to give them a follow for the good luck GIFs. It’s also a good introduction to #AppellateTwitter, so prepare for the quote tweets.
Ranking: 8 RTs
American Constitution Society | Twitter: @ACSatUVA
@ACSatUVA has a self-deprecating tone to its tweets. I expect its following will increase with its student convention coming up. In the meantime, give them a follow for interesting information with a bit of silliness. Plus, they tweeted about the Shaping Justice Conference, so…
Ranking: 7 RTs
Federalist Society | Twitter: @FedSocAtUVALaw | Instagram: @FedSocAtUVALaw
Fed Soc’s Twitter and Instagram accounts are focused on its events, perfect if you want to be in the know for everything it’s sponsoring. Good graphics and timely information make these a couple of well-run social media accounts.
Ranking: 8 RTs
Program in Law and Public Service | Instagram: @LPSatUVALaw
The Program in Law and Public Service is new to Instagram, but it is definitely worth a follow. The idea behind it is simple: public service students do cool things. Plus, the boomerang of Robbie Pomeroy ’19 and Spencer Ryan ’19 is one of the best posts on the internet.
Ranking: 10 Likes