Law Weekly Staff Biography: Kimberly N. Hopkin '19

Kimberly N. Hopkin ‘19
Development Editor

Kim Hopkin (4 of 6).jpg

Name: Kimberly N. Hopkin 

Law Weekly Position:  Development Editor 

Hometown: Orlando, Fla. (Although I have lived in Phoenix, Ariz., Fairbanks, Alaska, Honolulu, Haw., Colorado Springs, Colo., and Anchorage, Alaska as well) 

Undergrad: United States Air Force Academy (so some would say this is my first “college experience”) 

Favorite Law School Activity:  LIBEL! It’s so much fun to be a little silly and make fun of ourselves  

Favorite Wine: It goes by the season: Summer: rosé, Fall: red blends, Winter: champagne, Spring: dry Riesling 

Spirit Animal: Sometimes I’m a Raccoon, sometimes I’m a Golden Retriever; there is no in-between.  

Greatest Achievement: I have spent years and hundreds of dollars to create and maintain the perfect bed. Reasons I don’t go out late at night: Goose down comforter, 800 thread count sheets, six pillows of differing firmness, and a linen duvet comforter. 

Favorite Movie: It’s a tie between Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and While You Were Sleeping.  

Why I Joined the Law Weekly: A section-mate invited me to a student org that gave me free pizza in exchange for building a social media presence. Alex Haden ‘17 was one of my favorite PAs, so I kept going to gain some magical mentorship from him. 


Court of Petty Appeals: CATS v. Law Weekly


Court of Petty Appeals: Section A v. Section B (aka In re Wanna-Bs)