Hot Bench: Jackson Makanikeoe Grubbe '23

Jackson Makanikeoe Grubbe '23

What was your path to law school?

Born and raised in Sherwood, Oregon, south of Portland. Until the end of high school, I really struggled with reading (I was in remedial classes in grade school), and I really wasn’t interested in reading. I had loose plans to be a welder during high school because I had taken welding classes, and I had been an apprentice. During senior year, though, I became friends with my school’s librarian, who just asked me a simple question—“have you ever tried reading for fun?”—and gave me a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. After that, I understood the appeal of reading and started reading books on both the First and the Fourth Amendments. All of this kind of showed me that there was more to the world than binding metal (not to knock welding—who knows where my career will take me) and helped me make the choice to go to college.

I studied English at BYU-Hawaii and graduated in 2018. After that, I worked on a political campaign, and then at a think tank doing policy work on topics ranging from native Hawaiian homeland issues to energy. I had taken a few classes in undergrad, and had some mentors who had been attorneys, so I had planned to go to law school for awhile but wanted to work before going back to school. One thing that solidified my decision to go to law school was a week-long networking trip to D.C., where we met with attorneys in government and private sector positions. I plan to use my policy and compliance experience to do regulatory and compliance work in D.C.


What have been some of your favorite memories from law school so far?

Going back really far, my section put on a field day near the start of 1L, which was a great time.

I like the energy at UVA generally; people here are just down to do things. My section would dress up for Torts each week with themes like “Torts and Jorts,” “Jerseys and Torts,” and “Morts and Torts” (everyone wore Halloween costumes, even Professor Strauss). Stuff like that really is consistent with how UVA had been described to me before I came here and has made it really fun to be a student here.

Honestly, being part of the softball tournament last year was really fun,even though it was a ton of work. Just getting to meet so many other law students from all over and seeing the whole event come together was awesome.


Stepping outside of the law school bubble, what are some hot takes you have?

I unironically like Pitbull and I am skeptical of people who say they like him now because there haven’t been that many of us that have been consistent until recently. Part of his charm is that he is bad; it's like campiness for music.


Why do you think people have embraced Pitbull?

Maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe it’s cool to like unapologetic pop music from middle school, maybe all the Pitbull lovers came to UVA Law. But back in the day, it was popular to hate on Pitbull, and I was getting heat for liking him.

Another apparently “hot” take is that I like cotton candy ice cream. It's one of my favorite flavors, and telling people that gets them heated. I am just so confused. Ice cream is already so indulgent, so why not just push it to the absolute juvenile max and make it taste like cotton candy, too? I can go to the store and buy strawberries; why do you need strawberry ice cream? Strawberries are healthy for you; why are you just going to make them unhealthy when you could have the healthy source? Bottom line is that you should open your heart to cotton candy ice cream (this also applies to bubblegum ice cream). 


Okay, time for the lighting round:

If you could bend one element, which would it be?

Water bending. I would just constantly explore the ocean with that. Look for buried treasure and Atlantis, try to befriend a whale. Easy choice for me. The exploration value of water bending is too high to pass up.


Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive?

Probably Jesus, get a sense of what he really was saying. Be nice to get answers straight from the horse’s mouth.


What movie do you think every law student should watch?

I think if you are an incoming 1L, you should watch Birdman or Whiplash. Birdman gives you a sense of the pace of 1L, and Whiplash can show you what it looks like when ambition goes too far.


Any final shoutouts you want to give?

Shoutouts to Reece Henry ’24, who is always smiling and giving off incredible vibes. Also, shoutout to my mom and brothers, who will be visiting in late October; I can’t wait for them to meet the Law School community. And, finally, shoutout to the 1L who brought house wine to Morris last week. We never got your name and are sincerely trying to thank you. 

Interviewed by Jack Brown ‘23