Counsel's Counsel: October 18, 2023

Counsel’s Counsel is the world’s preeminent advice column for law students. Written by recent UVA Law graduate, Jane Doe, J.D.


Dear Jane: I am a 1L who took five years off before starting law school. I left my life as a bachelor in New York City working for a major consulting firm to come to Charlottesville. The first few months of law school have been academically fulfilling, but one question continues to pop into my mind: Am I too old for UVA Law?

The average age of the Class of 2026 is twenty-four. Most of my classmates are KJDs with below average social skills as a result of going to college during the pandemic. I don’t know what it means when one classmate tells another who has just aced a cold call that he has “W Rizz.” In between classes, I stand in silence as they talk about different TikTok sounds. The only TikTok sound I’m familiar with is the one my watch makes. When I made this joke recently, one of the KJDs in my section rolled her eyes and told me I was “elderly.”

I feel especially old when I read the weekly Bar Review emails. First, I don’t really understand the jokes. More importantly, am I really expected to dress up in theme every week to go out? Who has a full Gatsby costume laying around? I don’t have extra cash to spend on a new outfit each week; I’m maximizing my savings in a 401k. Bar Review should be about unwinding for the evening after a long week of studying the law, not attending a weekly costume party.

Finally, there is nothing that makes me feel more out of place than carrying a backpack and using a locker. This isn’t high school! I want to fit in with my classmates, but they are just so young. How do I make it through the next three years? 

- Already Gone Gray



Gone Gray: They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I’m going to try. Here are some suggestions for getting through the next three years without being called a boomer every week by your younger section mates.

It might feel like you are the oldest person in your 1L section, but you certainly aren’t the oldest person on North Grounds. You don’t need to spend all of your time with the KJDs. First, we have multiple professors here who are octogenarians. Try taking one of them out to lunch on SBA’s dime. You might find the conversation a bit more relatable. If you are looking to hear more cringey dad jokes, there are plenty of younger professors—and even some students—who are fathers.

While you probably thought you were too old to attend a fair, the Student Organization Fair would have been a great opportunity for you to learn about OWLS, the oldest and wisest law students at UVA. If your hair really is already gray, I’m a little surprised they haven’t already recruited you to join their softball team. It isn’t too late to sign up for their listserv. You should be warned though: I’ve heard of twenty-six year-olds attending OWLS events.

I think your complaints regarding Bar Review and the weekly themes are wholly justified. FYC has absolutely taken this too far. Halloween is once a year, not once a week. It is concerning that the 1Ls didn’t get rid of their costume boxes when they graduated college. You can just emulate the current 2Ls and 3Ls, who dress in normal going out attire each week regardless of the proposed theme. Although, if you dress up on theme, you might get a shoutout in your 1L GroupMe.

You are not the first person who has complained to me about wearing a backpack in law school. Luckily, there are other alternatives for you to try. You can use a briefcase, a satchel, or even a male purse. Ultimately, I think most 1Ls, regardless of age, find a backpack is the best way to carry all of those heavy casebooks while providing maximum lumbar support. As someone nearing thirty, I’m sure you can appreciate avoiding lower back pain. 

You have come to law school to learn how to be a lawyer. Next summer, you might be getting assignments from associates who are younger than you. A member of Gen Z will likely be telling you what to do one day. If you don’t start to learn their lingo while you are in law school, you are going to be behind in your career. Figure out how to enter your slay era now, and you will be just fine.

 - Jane Doe, J.D.

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