Hot Bench: Kevin Kissinger '26

Kevin Kissinger '26

We’ll start with where are you from, what were you doing before coming to Charlottesville, all of the typical stuff?

I am from Spokane, Washington, and I lived in Washington all my life. Coming to Charlottesville is the first time I’ve ever been east of the Mississippi River for more than a few days. I went to Washington State for undergrad and studied political science and French, and before law school I worked as a court clerk at a trial court in Spokane. I handled evidence and worked directly with a judge. It was interesting to get a look at what they did in chambers and to see how the court worked.


It seems like half of the UVA Law class plans on clerking after graduation, but you already got a chance to do some of that work. Can you tell me a little more about that experience?

The work I did was a little different from a clerkship you’d get after law school. My main job was handling evidence at trials. I was responsible for physically handling anything from drugs, money, pictures, and weapons during trials and bringing them to the jury any time the attorneys requested it.


Can you tell me about the wildest evidence story you have?

It is generally a little spooky to handle weapons that were used to commit crimes, but the craziest thing that I handled was actually a vehicle. We obviously could not bring it inside the courtroom, but I stayed with it outside the courtroom and made sure it was prepared for the jury to view. What was crazy is that it was left in the exact same condition as three years earlier to the point where it still had uniquely preserved McDonalds food inside. It was pretty weird seeing a three-year old McChicken Sandwich with a bite taken out.


So when is the last time you’ve had McDonald’s?

I don’t think I’ve had McDonald’s since!


Let’s move on to your time here at UVA. What is your favorite case that you’ve studied?

There was one Contracts case about a dance studio where the studio kept encouraging an old woman to buy dance lessons and promising she would become a great dancer. The judge seemed to have a fun time writing the opinion. This may just be my high school English literary analysis coming out, but I love how the judge seemed to use language to make it feel like you were dancing through the literary form of the opinion.


I think that one was just a note case in our class. I will have to bring that up with Professor Johnston. Anyway, you seem to have a lot of legal experience already. Has that informed your decision to come to law school?

Absolutely, my goal coming to UVA is to clerk after graduation. I first got experience working in the student judicial body in undergrad, and this paired with my experience as a court clerk after undergrad has made me realize that I want to eventually become a judge. I love writing, researching, and analyzing complex issues, and it seems like a fun job where I can use the skills that I love to use so much.


Interesting, so you want to become a judge. Do you feel like you make good decisions?

I tend to overthink things. If there are two equally good or bad options it may take me a while to come to a final decision. Although, as a disclaimer, I have never been arrested, and I’ve never been in legal trouble, so I think I tend to make good decisions.


If you were not in law school, what would you be doing?

My fantasy job would be a professional musician. I played clarinet and saxophone through college. I have not played a lot recently, but music is still an outlet that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy doing. I would love to make music professionally for movies or for video games to bring people together for an otherworldly experience.


Okay, now it's time for our lightning round! Favorite juice?



And yet there is a strawberry smoothie sitting on the table between us?

Yeah, I am a big fruit guy.


Fair enough. Favorite dessert?

For a Halloween theme, I will go with candy corn. Coach Mike Leach once had a rant about candy corn, and I was very offended by it. He stepped over the line with that one.


I think we’ve all been disappointed once or twice by a Mike Leach rant, but candy corn? Really?

I didn’t want to say apple pie because I did just say I like apple juice, but that is probably actually my favorite dessert.


Favorite living centenarian?

Sister Jean from Loyola Chicago. I hope to be as dedicated to something like college basketball at 104!


Okay, that’s a very wholesome answer, maybe not quite what I was expecting. What about your favorite Cabinet-level executive branch position? 

Secretary of Transportation. I think there is a lot of opportunity to improve the public transportation system.


Another very good answer, but not the direction I thought you would go. How about this, what famous historical figure does your grandfather remind you of?

Are you talking about Henry Kissinger? I shouldn’t be surprised.


Yes! I’m sorry. But…are you?

I will give you the response I always give when people ask me that: “No, thank goodness.” Besides, both of my grandfathers were much cooler than Henry was. Sorry, I realize I may have just disappointed half of your readership with that answer.[1] 


You may have disappointed half of our readership, but you probably relieved the other half. Let's finish this up with: If you could live in one movie universe, what would it be?

I am a hardcore Harry Potter fan and would die happy if that world was real. I would also love to live in a universe equivalent to National Treasure. My family grew up around history, and going on an adventure to discover history lost to time would be incredible.

Interviewed by Noah Coco ‘26


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