Hot Bench: Puppy
Hi Puppy, thanks so much for taking the time to be here and for biting my nose a little bit. Now I know you were adopted literally like an hour ago, but is your name really Puppy?
Technically the nice folks at CASPCA have been calling me Emerald, but it was part of a whole gemstone bit and maybe doesn't quite fit me ~personality wise~ if you know what I mean. I'm excited for my new fam to give me a cute name! They probably already have tbh.
True, sorry for not knowing it yet. That's my bad.
That's ok. I'm like only a few months old so realistically it's going to take me a bit to learn it anyways.
I'm older than you and also zone out when people use my name so don't feel bad. What's up with those ears by the way? They're phenomenal.
Thank you, I get that a lot. All I can say is that it's all natural. I'm a walking (prancing) advertisement for adopting shelter pups, cuz I'm so frickin cute.
God that's so true.
I feel like the rest of this article should really just be pictures of me.
I think you're so right. Thanks again for visiting. And not going to the bathroom anywhere.
I am a Good Dog.
Interviewed by Nicky Demitry '26