Hot Bench: Nikolai Morse '24



Hi! The easiest question first, where are you from? And how did you end up at U VA Law?

I was born in Mainz, Germany. My dad was in the Army, my mother grew up there. We moved to the suburbs of Chicago when I was like two and I grew up there most of my life.


Behold my Intelligentsia coffee mug!

I love intelligentsia! So yeah, I lived in the Chicago suburbs, then went to William & Mary for undergrad and after working in Chicago and the Bay Area for a few years, I came here for law school. Virginia schools just keep letting me in!


Relatable. So the big question everyone wants to know: how do you feel about your tenure as all-powerful leader at Law Weekly?

 I mean, it's been great. It’s probably been the thing I've spent the most time on in law school, even before being EIC. I’m really gonna miss it.

It’s this thing that…doesn't really add much to your resume. But I spent a lot of time on it over the years. I would just say law school is already super serious. And so it's nice to have something that kind of helps us to poke fun at this whole crazy experience.


That’s a good way of putting it and it is so important to have a break from the seriousness. What has been the best and worst experience with Law Weekly?

 I think the toughest thing was when three members of the undergrad football team were killed. It wasn’t something I was EIC for, but I was on the board and we talked a lot about how to address it. And it’s weird because I wonder how many people actually read the Law Weekly, but of those that do, we still want to try to do the best we can to be really thoughtful about these events.

I think the best experience might have actually been from 1L year when I wrote an article for the April Fools edition which was about how Georgetown had fallen out of the T14. And I satirically joked that they bribed their way back in. But then the day before we published our paper, the new rankings dropped and they were number 14 again. An April Fools’ miracle.


That's awesome. So, after law school will you be pursuing another position with—and I quote—"absolute power and total immunity from prosecution?”

 Oh, gosh. Well, I'll actually be clerking for a federal judge.


Oh whoops. I won’t write that.

 No you should, it would be funny. But no, I'm pretty sure I'm an at-will employee. But it’ll be a great experience. I'll clerk and then I'll go to a law firm.


What drew you to Law Weekly?

 I went to the student activities fair my 1L year and they just had the most ridiculous table. Like, they all had Red Solo Cups and a boom box playing, and the EIC at that time was a very bro guy called Phil who is awesome—and he's really terrific!—but he and everyone else were just vibing and hanging out. I was like, this seems way more fun than some other things.

 I also worked in finance for six years before law school. So the longest writing I did were emails. And I really wanted an easy, fun way to get reps in writing and just banging out 800 words every week. Super helpful.


Love that! Last big question. I was at the SBA election debates you and Andrew were moderating, so I figured we could turn the turntables on your questions. If you were running for SBA President, what would your platform be?

 Um, actual transparency. I want to know how much money SBA has and where it all goes.


Oh I do remember you were very focused on that.

 It's kind of crazy. This is a public institution and it's our money. So I don't understand what the harm is in telling us how much there is and where it's going. I imagine most of it just goes to the events that we all want. So anyways I'd say actual transparency, more events, and basically I think that's the only function of student government. Just tell us what's going on and what you're doing. Give us more things to do, more events. And then like every once in a while when there's tension between different communities at the law school, try to mediate those disputes.


 Ok, lightning round! What day does the week start, Sunday or Monday?




Because you don't have to do anything until Monday.


Copy that. Um, Wes Anderson—Yes or no?

Yeah, sure. The um, was it the Darjeeling limited?


That sounds familiar.

You don't know your Wes Anderson?


No. I don't like Wes Anderson.

You don't like Wes Anderson??



Wes Anderson is definitely into Wes Anderson.


I feel like it’s the Tumblr aesthetic but not in a fun nostalgic way.

It depends what Tumblr you're on. There’s a whole Edward Scissorhands Tumblr, which is a whole other corner.


That’s true. Get you someone that can do both, I guess. Best place in Cville for French small plates and super cool Front of House staff?

Oh, C&O obviously.[1]*



Interviewed by Nicky Demitry '26 

[1]* alley light is disowning u


Court of Petty Appeals: Ex parte Law Weekly


Court of Petty Appeals: Not All Friends are Lawyers (NAFAL) v. Student Bar Association