Docket Duel Update!!!

Welcome back to the Docket Duel. I know you all have been dying to know: who’s the new leader in 2025?!?! And you’re all fools. Of course it’s still Mitu.

But the numbers have shifted quite a lot since our last update. Professor Gulati has jumped ahead five points for a total of eighteen Docket mentions. But his runner-up, Professor Cahn has narrowed Professor Gulati’s lead to just two points.

Meanwhile, and most notably, a new challenger has entered the top five. In a stunning turnabout, Professor Saikrishna Prakash has taken Professor Citron’s spot on the board. Congratulations to Prakash! But beware—The Docket is a cruel and fickle mistress, and runners-up are close behind.

Will Mitu keep his lead? (Yes, probably). Will the three tied professors keep their spots on the board? Seriously is anyone reading these? Stay tuned to find out!

Andrew Allard ’25

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus —


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