This Week in SBA

Toccara Nelson '19
SBA Secretary

Hello! Welcome to this week’s SBA Secretary Column for the Law Weekly. My goal with the regular column is to increase transparency between SBA proceedings and the student community. We want students to know what is going on around Grounds, and what better way to do so than to collaborate with the beloved Law Weekly.

But onto business! Last week’s meeting saw the introduction of the SBA’s new members for the 2017-2018 school year. We also filled out the board based on the results of our supplemental elections. We plan to update the SBA website soon with a bios from our new members.

Something big that the SBA is involved in planning is the development of a Pan-Grad Council. We want the interests of the Law School along with other graduate schools in the UVa network to be better represented within UVa. The goal of the Pan-Grad Council is to promote that representation while emphasizing and maintaining the independence of the grad schools from Main Grounds. Locally, we have the creation of a suggestion box in the works. It is important to hear about your suggestions for our law school community, and the creation of a physical suggestion system can increase participation. Organization leaders should be prepared to renew their status with SBA. In addition, the school is engaging in space reallocation this year, an endeavor which occurs every two years. Student orgs should prepare themselves for the initiative so we can ensure that this process goes smoothly.

University-wide updates involve changing the language of the honor code involving the informed retraction policy to allow multiple claims for “inextricably linked events” instead of what is currently read as a “single nexus of events.” Changing this language could possibly reduce the number of hearings that the honor board has to deal with by expanding the scope of activities that students can group into one “inextricably linked event” (i.e. instances of potential cheating that went toward one grade or class would be considered as inextricably linked).

Please let us know if you have any questions about the SBA! Feel free to contact me, at Thank you, and have an excellent week!

New SBA Officers:
President: Steven Glendon
Vice President: Laura Gregory
Secretary: Toccara Nelson
Treasurer: Frances Fuqua
3L Senators: Ashley Finger, Charles Baker, Eric Hall, Hilary Turner, Richey Fraga, and William Davis
2L Senators: Aparna Datta, Julia Wahl, Lollie Akere, Muskan Mumtaz, Michelle Chang and Robbie Pomeroy
Honor Representative: Lindsay Fisher and Owen Gallogly
UJC Representative: Brandon Newman and Peter Bautz
Student Council Representative: Lollie Akere and Muskan Mumtaz
ABA Representative: Tia Bassick