Scenes of Softball

Photos Kolleen Gladden ’21 / Virginia Law Weekly

Photos Kolleen Gladden ’21 / Virginia Law Weekly

On Thursday, November 25, 1Ls far and near gathered round to hear softball bats ringing loud for all to hear. The Co-Rec and Regular League All-Star games were held at 6 and 7 p.m., respectively, under the lights of Park Field 1. After a softball season of rainouts, NGSL was thrilled to have some softball-brainwashed 1Ls willing to leave the library and duke it out in the name of pure competition to finish off the 1L regular season. This year’s co-rec game was special, with several sections sending two women instead of just one, allowing a more diverse crew to show up and showcase their skills. A hard-fought battle ended before the regular league players took their positions on the field. Standouts of the regular league game included the guy who could get around the bases in a flat 4.2 seconds, the man who managed to hit the ball so it landed directly on top of the outfield fence before popping out of the park for a homerun, and the guy who hit a pop-up to outer space before having the ball fall almost right in front of home plate. A close game with lots of home runs left the regular league players fist-bumping and chest-puffing in celebration of re-living their high school baseball glory days. In a season marred by rainouts and cancellations, the all-star games ended the season on a high note.

Photos Kolleen Gladden ’21 / Virginia Law Weekly

Photos Kolleen Gladden ’21 / Virginia Law Weekly


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