Lights, Cameras, Libel!
110th Libel Show
Photo courtesy of 110th LIbel Show.
It’s Libel season! That’s right, March 22, 23, and 24 is the annual Law School musical sketch comedy show where we parody, satirize, and cry about the state of UVa Law and the legal profession. This year’s theme features Libel’s Angels (a play on Charlie’s Angels—is it the TV show or the movies? You’ll have to come to find out).
What began as a fraternity hazing ritual over one hundred years ago has evolved into a full-length (sometimes even longer) production of acting, singing, dancing, and videos. 1Ls take a break from outlining, 2Ls take a break from clinics, 3Ls take a break being depressed about leaving UVa; come drink at Libel! Come see your friends, colleagues, and section-mates you haven’t talked to since the Con Law final make jokes about NGSL and Career Services, while dancing to law-related parodies of pop songs and hit musicals. This year features all levels of talent. From “Wow, I can’t believe they can do that!” all the way to “Wow! They’re confident without reason!” Enjoy a night of poking fun at all your favorite and least favorite institutions.
“Personally, I am blown away each year from the talent, skills, and energy that the law students bring to their performances,” says this year’s producer, Jason Boyle ‘18. “Having participated in the show since I was a 1L, as a cast member, stage manager, and now producer, I am continuously humbled by the sheer passion I see in my peers” he added. Watch as your fellow law students perform the role of a lifetime, or at least the line of lifetime. “This year’s talent is really impressive. We have a lot of experienced people, and some incredibly talented newcomers,” said director Jordan Naftalis ‘18. “Everyone brings a lot of enthusiasm and that’s what really makes the show great,” she offered. Come see why “not getting involved with Libel earlier” is among the most common regrets of 3Ls.
Libel’s true theme that stretches throughout the ages is its length. This year we heard brevity was the soul of wit (who wrote that bullshit? Billy Shakes?) and aimed for Monty Python and the Holy Grail instead of Lord of the Rings! “Holy Grail is only 90 minutes? It feels so much longer,” Director Katerina Siefkas ‘18, said, foreshadowing most of the students’ thoughts about this year’s Libel, adding, “But actually, I am really impressed with the creativity of the sketches this year. We’re all very excited to share what we’ve been working on.” Most important of all, beer and snacks are provided!
“But wait, there’s more!”1 I almost forgot about the Professor Rebuttal! We spend some of our stage time lampooning the professors, so we have to give them the chance to make fun of us right back! The professors get a chance after intermission, before Act 2 begins, to share some musical parodies of their own. Previous years have featured heavy hitters like Professor George Cohen, with direction by Professor Molly Shadel. This year, there’s even rumored to be a secret video from Professor Kim Ferzan.
For those of you still reading this article, you may be wondering, how long is this article? Or perhaps you’re thinking, “How can I, a mere outsider, get involved in the law school’s oldest tradition?” Well BOY are you in LUCK. Although the jokes have already been written, the roles cast, and the dances choreographed, we do need volunteers to help with the behind-the-scenes magic, including moving set pieces between sketches and monitoring the keg. If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions, please reach out to Jason Boyle at But also, we love an enthusiastic audience and hope you’ll take a break from pretending to do your cite check or studying for the MPRE to come laugh at jokes (or stare blankly while silently judging all of your friends; as long as you pay for a ticket, WE DON’T CARE).
Tickets go on sale March 12 in Hunton & Williams Hall. They will be $15 for drinking tickets and $10 for non-drinking. If you factor in the lines at Barristers’, it’s basically an open bar! Buy your tickets while they last, hopefully this year we won’t mistakenly oversell seats, but you never know! Libel 110: Libel’s Angels runs March 22, 23, and 24. Doors open at 7:00, the show starts at 7:30 in Caplin Auditorium.
1 Billy from OxyClean.