SBA Update: End of Semester Send-Off

Katharine Janes ‘23
SBA President

UVA Law,


What a semester we have had. To the students, professors, administrators, and staff who have made the past twelve weeks possible, a massive thank you is owed. It has been an adventure to learn and live alongside you, whether virtually or from six-feet apart.


To our 1Ls, as you approach your first set of law school finals: We (upperclassmen) are thinking about you and sending so many good vibes your way! I am sure you are receiving lots of great advice from your peer advisors, professors, and friends, so I won’t duplicate that here. However, as one small but often overlooked reminder, know that taking breaks is an essential part of finishing the end of this semester strong. Spending time away from school with friends or loved ones over Thanksgiving, for example, is really important to avoid burning out. The same is true on the days following your finals; friends and I would visit a winery or snag food together immediately after we finished our exams, which provided some much-needed R&R. Treating yourself well will help you feel—and ultimately perform—better, so I highly encourage you to set aside the time.


Finally, for those interested, SBA has set up two end-of-semester opportunities for students to reflect on and express their gratitude. The first is for our professors and faculty. On Tuesday, I emailed links to Google Docs where you can leave quick comments of thanks to your professors. Have they worked particularly hard to make Zoom classes successful, offered special sessions for assistance, or created space to talk about life beyond the classroom? We would love for you to share your appreciation for the effort they have expended to make this semester possible for us all. We will compile your notes and send them along to professors before the end of the year. Additionally, SBA’s Community Engagement Committee is spearheading a letter-writing campaign to write words of encouragement for staff who work in the UVA Health COVID Unit. If you are interested in writing a note to these individuals, please reach out to Colin Lee (cjl5cm) or Niko Orfanedes (njo8fm) and they will provide you with cards.


Best of luck to everyone on their finals, and I hope you have relaxing and rejuvenating breaks! I look forward to being back with you all in the spring.


All my best,

