Letter to the Editor: Oct. 6, 2021

Letters of interest to the Law School community may be sent to editor@lawweekly. org. Letters may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Board and are subject to editing for grammar, style, and clarity, but not content or viewpoint. The Law Weekly does not necessarily endorse the content or viewpoint of any letter herein published.

Dear Law Weekly Staff, I write to you with a very serious grievance. Of course, the most valuable resource we have as law students is our time. The Law Weekly stole my most valuable resource two weeks ago in the form of (what I can only assume must be) America’s most difficult Sudoku puzzle. Blood, sweat, and tears poured into this puzzle. I am behind in all of my classes now, and I am sure it must be due to this single puzzle. When I fail out of my classes, I also have no choice but to attribute it to the time I spent on this puzzle in September. I beg you to decrease or vary the difficulty of these puzzles. Otherwise, I will assume personal sabotage.