Welcome New EIC

Dana Lake ’23

Much like becoming the bearer of a cursed amulet, one does not choose to become Editor in Chief of the Law Weekly. It’s something that happens to you. One moment you’re an enthusiastic 1L, eating pizza and writing funny articles with your pals—the next moment, you’re somehow in charge of a Law School tradition that will be turning 75 under your tenure. There’s a bank account you suddenly have the credentials to, pizza you have to order, and there are emails. There is just an unbelievable amount of emails.

It’s not all bad, as long as you’re into the idea of unlimited power. The EIC is also Chief Justice of the most powerful court in the land: the Court of Petty Appeals. There will be no coalition-building during my term—you’re looking at a pure, unadulterated dictatorship, where 1Ls have no rights and the administration is always wrong.

I’m fortunate to be inheriting the gavel from known pushover Phil Tonseth ’22, who made the mistake of telling me I can always ask him for help even after graduation. This letter serves as written notice that I will be taking you up on that offer—keep your phone on.

I’m even more fortunate to be able to continue working with the crackerjack team of writers and reviewers that make the Law Weekly possible. Without staff editors going to events with free food, eavesdropping on hot goss, and oversharing personal anecdotes, we’d have no idea what went on around here. Who would sue Student Affairs over even the most minor of inconveniences? Who would record even the most obscure professor quotes? I ask you, dear reader, who would keep track of ANG? There is no group of folks I would rather have strenuously avoid eye contact with me during article assignments.

Joining me on the Editorial Board are Managing Editor Nikolai Morse ’24, Executive Editors Jon Peterson ’23 and Monica Sandu ’24, Production Editor Sai Kulkarni ’23, and Features Editor Anna Bninski ’23. Some have said this is the single greatest collection of talent ever assembled by a law school newspaper, but I’ll just say I’m looking forward to working with some good friends for another year.

That’s all the emotional stuff out of the way. Don’t expect that too often—I’ve worked in publishing long enough to know you’ve got to keep your soft spots covered. Before law school I was the managing editor of a publishing department that specialized in nonfiction books, and I made the mistake of disclosing my InDesign experience to my PA and former EIC Christina “Tuna” Luk ’21. My fate was sealed from there. On an unrelated note, if any of you know of an incoming 1L that has even heard of InDesign before, send me their number ASAP so I can poach them during Admitted Student Weekend. A reward may be arranged.

My goals for this next year are pretty simple. I want to continue the collegial atmosphere and offbeat articles Phil encouraged. I want to keep the Law Weekly from going bankrupt so I’ll have something to pass on when I graduate. I want to encourage more women to join the paper and share their perspectives. I want Dominos to continue catering our meetings (Domino’s: The Pizza Delivery Experts). More than anything, I want to contribute to the organization that has made law school so fun for me.

The Law Weekly is always recruiting. If you’re looking for a creative outlet, if you are passionate about a topic and want to share it, or if you’re just looking for an easy-going group to kill time with once a week, come check us out. We’re in Slaughter 274 on Mondays at 5:30.

