April Fools Disclaimer

Dana Lake ’23

Well, it’s that time of the year. April means the 3Ls are truly on their way out, and finals really are on their way in. Flowers are blooming, masks are off, and the temperature is oscillating wildly between the high twenties and low seventies. The gunner pit sees new 1L additions every day, while 3Ls wonder if they should begin doing class readings now or give it another week. Here in the springtime of our youth, the Law Weekly brings you the April Fools edition. April Fools is the edition our editors look forward to above all others (excluding the final edition of the semester, of course) and every article herein is a labor of love with absolutely no factual basis at all. 

An astute reader or administrator might wonder how this differs from a regular Law Weekly edition. While our editors usually channel their natural wit and sarcasm into investigative pieces and classic beat reporting—rooted, believe it or not, in real world events—April Fools is the time for cutting loose and pushing editorial bounds to their limit. No quotes in any article herein are collected from a real source; no eyewitnesses bore witness to any events described here with any eyes. Think of it as a funnier, cheaper Libel without the surprise professor cameos or aluminum cans rolling around on the floor. 

The April Fools edition has run for the last few years and will hopefully continue for many more. Collegiality is something we malign as much as we brag about it, but traditions like this don’t happen without a level of basic respect. The Law Weekly may poke fun at Student Affairs, FedSoccers, OPP, gunners, the business school, basically every dean, people going into public service, and anyone who doesn’t play softball—but we also hope to contribute to a more open and friendly Law School. Don’t @ us on Reddit, but please do send in a Letter to the Editor. As the highly personal and mean-spirited dissents in our COPAs demonstrate, we can take it as well as we give it.

Enjoy this brief break from class reading and outlining if you’re a gunner, or from Bar Review if you’re riding that curve. Either way, we only have a few weeks left. With special thanks to all our editors, who managed to submit their pieces only slightly later than usual while working Libel.

Read our April Fools articles here.


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