Virginia Law & Business Society Welcomes New Students

Jason Vanger '27 
Staff Editor 

Virginia Law & Business Society (VLBS) held its kickoff event on Thursday, September 5, over sandwiches in Caplin Pavilion. Founded in 1981, VLBS is a student-run organization devoted to corporate law and business. Emily Eason ’26, President of VLBS, introduced the organization and noted upcoming events, such as lunch-and-learns with law firms beginning in October, dinner with 1L Representatives, and a social with students at the Darden School of Business later in the year.

Following Eason’s brief introduction, representatives introduced several student organizations related to corporate law and business. The Virginia Law Emerging Companies and Venture Capital Society (ECVC) provides opportunities for students interested in emerging companies and venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity. Speakers highlighted mentorship opportunities, speaker events and panels, and networking and social events. ECVC also runs the Transactional Law Competition each year, in which teams of students compete in a simulation of negotiations over a proposed merger agreement.

Law, Innovation, Security & Technology (LIST) focuses on technology law, including prominent issues such as artificial intelligence, privacy, cybersecurity, and financial technology. LIST aims to educate students about issues in the field, provide practical skills and experience, and connect students with mentors and resources. It also works closely with Virginia’s LawTech Center, which promotes research on policy and regulation of technology, the use of data to study legal texts, and the impact of technology on the legal profession. Speakers noted that LIST will hold its first General Body Meeting on Thursday, September 12 and that it is looking for 1L Representatives to spread awareness among the Class of 2027.

The Plaintiffs’ Law Association at the University of Virginia (PLAVA) informs the university community about firms that work on plaintiffs’ law and supports students looking to work in the field. Plaintiffs’ lawyers are those who regularly represent plaintiffs in litigation, often relying on contingency fees. Speakers pointed out that plaintiffs’ law can be a good opportunity for students interested in litigation, allowing them to gain experience quickly while promoting justice, adding that the field contains a variety of large, mid-sized, and small firms. They recognized that the area is not necessarily emphasized by the Office of Private Practice, but said that PLAVA helps to assist students interested in pursuing it. Upcoming events include a Kickoff Meeting, a Litigation Panel, a screening of the documentary No Accident which details  the prosecution of those involved in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and a joint panel with Virginia Law Women (VLW).

Virginia Law & Business Review (VLBR) is one of the nation’s leading journals in corporate law and business. VLBR publishes issues three times each year, with articles covering areas such as antitrust, bankruptcy, commercial law, corporation law, finance, and other regulatory issues. Aside from publishing scholarship, VLBR provides professional development opportunities for members, including attendance at an annual symposium exploring an emerging area of law and business. It also hosts social events, including, in the past, happy hours and dinners. Along with UVA’s other student-run journals, VLBR will take part in the Unified Journal Tryout in the Spring. It will also host interviews for Managing Board positions in April 2025.

Rivanna Investments is an investment management fund run by students at UVA Law, who manage a slice of the school’s endowment. Since its founding in 2010, Rivanna has grown its initial capital investment of $100,000 to over $350,000. In addition to managing its fund, Rivanna aims to give students an opportunity to learn about and practice financial concepts. 1Ls will be able to apply for an analyst position, where they will be trained in financial concepts and then evaluate current positions and new opportunities, or in roles focused on managing relationships with alumni and law and asset management firms. Applications for the analyst position will be open from September 9 to September 16. Representatives from Rivanna added that they look to include a mix of students with and without experience in finance. In addition to investment management, Rivanna provides networking opportunities, including trips to New York City and Washington, D.C.

VLBS and affiliated organizations in the law and business fields will continue to host events throughout the year. Interested students can reach out to contacts at the various organizations’ executive boards, join organization mailing lists, or follow through social media.



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