Letter to the Editor: Thank You for Your Support - Student Announces Petition Results
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Read Frances Skardon ’22’s original letter to the editor here.
Read the Law School administration’s response here.
Dear UVA Law,
The Academic Review Committee has decided to grant me an exception to remain a full-time student.
I would like to thank every person who signed my petition, wrote a letter, or shared my story. I am very moved at the outpouring of support and cannot thank each one of you enough. In less than a day, I received over 140 emails and 5,700 signatures.
I chose to come to University of Virginia School of Law based on its reputation of being supportive of the military and the past 24-hours has shown me that this is absolutely true. For veterans choosing a school, please know that you are welcome here.
For those who expressed interest in continuing to support veterans in higher education, I urge you to learn more about the amazing work being done by Service2School.
Again, thank you and I look forward to being back on Grounds together in the Fall.
Stay safe,
Frannie Skardon
J.D. Candidate, Class of 2022
University of Virginia School of Law