Letter to the Editor: A Gift from Mr. Klaus
If students enjoy the contents of the Klaus Reading Room they should be aware that in 1995 a fund was set up to support the room by Richmond businessman Philip W. Klaus in memory of his brother, Walter Whitlock Klaus. Walter Klaus died in 1936, the year of his graduation from this Law School. The endowment was initially intended to support the purchase of popular books, journals, newspapers and other items that are an alternative to the library’s legal collection. Over the years, the fund has been used to purchase DVDs, CDs, flat screens and comfortable chairs. During the holidays, a very special chair was added to the space. Before his death in 2006, at the age of 92, I had the pleasure of thanking Mr. Klaus for his gift to the Library and letting him know how much it means to the many students who have benefited from his generosity. He seemed pleased that students are guiding decisions on where the funds are spent. There is a suggestion box in the Klaus Reading Room, located adjacent to the Reserve Room on the first floor of the library, and you are invited to submit ideas for movies you would like to see, books you would like to read, and other items that you think the student body might enjoy.