Becoming a Peer Advisor at UVA Law

Pictured: Peer Advisors meet with new students, Orientation 2023
Photo and Caption Credit: UVA Law

Mark Graff '26
Staff Editor

The Peer Advisor program held information sessions on February 6 and 8 to inform potential candidates about the application process.

At the session, Co-Directors Jess Williams ’25 and Cynthia Eapen ’25 spoke about the Peer Advisor application and the responsibilities of the role. According to Jess and Cynthia, successful applicants are those with enthusiasm for UVA Law, previous leadership experience, excitement for the mentorship opportunity, and commitment to diversity. They stressed that these categories are defined broadly, and that they encourage anyone with excitement to mentor students to apply. According to Cynthia, the initial application is “straightforward,” with four to five responses of no more than 300 words. 

As most UVA students know, Peer Advisors are responsible for introducing 1L and LL.M. students to life at UVA Law, providing academic support and institutional knowledge, offering advice for the job search process, fostering cohesion with the section, and building friendships with peers. Jess emphasized that being a Peer Advisor is a “rewarding and incredible experience where you learn a lot from the people you teach.”

After giving an overview of the Peer Advisor role and application, a panel of peer advisors answered questions and shared their thoughts on the experience. Madalyn Moore ’23, two-time Peer Advisor, said that “You get to be an unbiased problem solver, and just help people figure things out.” Further, she explained that Peer Advisors hold the important role of “demystifying” challenges like the job search and filtering out faulty advice. Madalyn recalled an example of this, when one of her students heard of a rumor that “if you don’t have a job by February, you aren’t getting one.”

Madalyn suggested that potential applicants “think about formative experiences you had with your Peer Advisors and create a framework for how you would interact with 1Ls, including what changes you would make.” She echoed a sentiment that all the panelists stated—to find the “why” behind your application and present honest feedback on your experience with Peer Advisors. 

Another topic the panelists addressed was a recent change in the Peer Advisor program—disassociating with Student Affairs. As a newly independent student organization, the past year had some challenges, such as the lack of overlap between Orientation Facilitators and Peer Advisors. However, Cynthia underscored that students interested in working as an Orientation Facilitator, or other positions with conflicting timelines such as Legal Writing Fellows, should not be dissuaded from applying. This year, the Peer Advisor leaders are coordinating with Dean Davies to create greater cohesion between the different groups. Their goal is to include peer advisors in the orientation process, so that new students are familiar with their peer advisors before the school year starts.

Though the disaffiliation with Student Affairs may be new this year, according to Madalyn, this change is bringing the organization back to its roots. “When the [Peer Advisor] program started in 1992, by Black and LL.M. students, it was unaffiliated with Student Affairs. The goal is now what it was then—to give unbiased and direct advice,” said Madalyn.

1Ls and 2Ls interested in becoming a first-time PA are encouraged to submit an application by Thursday, February 15. After written applications are reviewed, a select number of applicants will receive an invitation to interview on February 21, with interviews being conducted the week of March 11–15. Interviewees will receive a notification of their decision on March 22, and all selected peer advisors will attend spring training on April 5.


Judge Stephanos Bibas' Parental Insight on the Law

Pictured: Judge Stephanos Bibas
Photo Credit: Penn Carey Law

Caitlin Flanagan '24
Staff Editor

On February 3, 2024, the Federalist Society at UVA Law hosted Judge Stephanos Bibas of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Before Judge Bibas was appointed as a circuit judge in 2017, he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, where his research focused on criminal law and procedure. He has also worked in private practice and as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York, where it was noted that he successfully prosecuted a world expert on stained glass who directed a grave robber to steal Tiffany windows from tombs in cemeteries.

Judge Bibas presented a talk which drew parallels between lessons he has learned as a father of four children and as a federal judge for the past six years. He recalled being asked during the process of judicial confirmation what experience had prepared him for the role. He knows now that a full answer to that question would have to include the experience of being a father. He framed his speech around four surprisingly similar lessons that a fair judge, and a successful parent, must learn.

First, Judge Bibas spoke to the importance of equal treatment, both real and perceived.  As a parent, he’s noticed that children are quite attuned to even the appearance of favoritism. He has therefore learned, when disputes between his kids arise, to resist showing any natural bias in favor of the poorly behaved but perhaps younger, cuter, and smaller party. As a judge, he’s found it pivotal to explain any distinctions he makes between the parties, explain why they are relevant, and apply them consistently. Judge Bibas spoke to the importance of identifying and rooting out his own unconscious biases, and celebrated judges who have had the courage to stand for constitutional rights even when they are unpopular. Further, Judge Bibas explained that he will bend over backwards to ensure that unrepresented parties with meritorious claims receive full and fair consideration, even if it requires some lawyering on his part, as an effort to guarantee substantive equal treatment.

Second, the parental and judicial roles both underscore the significance of setting clear rules and enforcing them consistently. Judge Bibas warned the room that the children of law students tend to have their own inherited lawyerly genes, and that when lawyers have families of their own, they will gain an appreciation for the unique challenges that young, argumentative minds pose for parents. He then, turning to judging, critiqued the judicial invention of multi-factor balancing tests which simply incentivize clever lawyering and thus favor whichever litigants have more financial resources. Bibas, as a judge and as a parent, strives to make clear rules, rather than mushy and manipulable standards.

Judge Bibas’ third parallel between judging and parenting was the importance to litigants, and children, of receiving fair notice and an opportunity to be heard. The thread that ties civil procedure together is fair notice, yet unclear standards and insufficient access to legal counsel leave many people in this country without sufficient notice and without a fair opportunity to be heard. Judge Bibas specifically criticized growing strict liability exceptions to the mens rea requirement in criminal law, which he thinks erode our system’s emphasis on fair notice. He also suggested that litigants seeking inexpensive legal aid in the U.S. should have an opportunity to hire a limited license lawyer or paralegal, who spent less money on their legal education but would be able to help ensure that less privileged individuals have an opportunity to be heard. Pressures to plead guilty and perfunctory plea hearings don’t give litigants sufficient understanding of their own process; Bibas works to speak respectfully and in plain language to ensure that every party in his court feels they understand their constitutional guarantees. 

Finally, Judge Bibas spoke to the need for a posture of humility and open-mindedness in both roles. Being a father is a daunting obligation, and no matter how many parenting books you buy, there are no easy answers. Bibas is driven to ask for guidance from his faith and from his community often, as a father. He spoke to the significant effect that genes and peer communities have on young, forming minds, explaining that the realization that children are not infinitely perfectible blank slates actually takes some of the burden off of his shoulders. As a judge, too, he thinks it is important to recognize the appropriate limits of the role and to embrace the humility of working to apply the law without infusing it with his own preferences. His process with his clerks in writing cases is quite collaborative, in part because a good judge, like a good father, should be willing to sometimes change their mind.


LIST Hosts Technology Transactions

Brent Rice '25
Staff Editor

This past Tuesday, Law Innovation Security and Technology (LIST) hosted a panel of attorneys from the law firm Goodwin Procter to discuss their careers in technology transactions. Although  geared towards 1Ls wanting to get a better idea of the paths available at the intersection of big law and technology, the event was also attended by several upperclassmen. Sticks Kebob Shop was served for dinner.

Goodwin sent a variety of attorneys from various practice groups and experience levels to share their expertise, including Dennis O’Reilly (a Partner in the Private Equity group in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office), Connor McMillan (a 4th year Associate in the Life Sciences group in the Boston office), and Sammy Tang (an Associate in the Financial Industry group in New York City). To help further clarify things, McMillan described his role as working with Biotech companies on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, while Tang explained her work as FinTech, often working on partnership agreements between banks and FinTech companies, who provide the user interface, apps, and advertising that help banks provide their services to their customers.

The panel kicked off with a description of each attorney’s background that led them to their practice group and to Goodwin Procter. Some notable takeaways included the importance of finding a practice area where you are genuinely interested in the material and curious to learn more each day by keeping up with industry updates and worldwide news. Also, you do not need to have a STEM background to pursue work in this field as an attorney.

Later in the evening, the Goodwin guests helped paint the picture for how the role of a tech transactions lawyer adapts as you progress in your career. While junior associates generally work on diligence and drafting ancillary documents, more senior members of the firm spend more time on the phone with clients lending big picture advice based on their experience in the field. Mr. McMillan noted that each practice group has its unique features—for example, Biotech often has fewer precedent documents and involves more free form drafting than other transactional roles.

The event concluded with some general advice for law school and skills to work on before starting in BigLaw. While the consensus of the panel was that there are no required courses to prepare you for a career in tech transactions and that it is generally more important to take those classes that interest you, the panel shared that they regularly employ material from their law school classes in Contracts, Securities Regulation, Intellectual Property Law, and Copyright Law. They also stressed the importance of developing strong skills in legal research using platforms like Westlaw. In their closing remarks, the attorneys noted it is important to be persistent, to avoid taking constructive feedback personally, to be able to distill complex knowledge and language into that which clients can understand, and to be excited about your role. Particularly, in the tech space, those clients are looking for attorneys who can match their speed and enthusiasm for the work they are doing.


Kendrick To Be UVA Law's 13th Dean

Nikolai Morse '24

Pictured: Leslie Kendrick '06
Photo Credit: UVA Law

Professor Leslie Kendrick, law professor and Class of 2006 alumna, has been named the next dean of the School of Law. She sat down with the Law Weekly and discussed her gratitude at being selected as Dean, her hopes for the Law School, and her plans for strengthening its position as it progresses through its third century.

Professor Kendrick keeps a map in her office of where she grew up in eastern Kentucky, hung on the wall above the drafting table of her grandfather who was an architect. Kendrick studied classics and English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and received her master’s and doctorate in English literature as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford. She described her decision to attend UVA Law after Oxford, as among the best in her life.

 “In particular, I was won over by my visit. First, it was special that the Dean of admissions called me, an already admitted student, to invite me for a visit. And second, you could just tell how happy people were here and what a special community we have.”

During her time at the Law School, Kendrick served on the Virginia Law Review and received several awards. Following clerkships at the Fourth Circuit and United States Supreme Court, Kendrick returned to the Law School as a professor. Since then, she has taught various courses with particular focus on torts and freedom of expression. Kendrick is also the director of the Center for the First Amendment and serves as special advisor to Ian Baucom, executive vice president and provost, on free expression and inquiry. She also served as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs from 2017 to 2021.

Pictured: Leslie Kendrick with her 1L small section
Photo Credit: Nikolai Morse '24

When asked what her primary responsibilities were as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Kendrick answered that on a daily basis they could vary, but she was generally focused on “supporting faculty scholarship, teaching, research, and inaugurated eleven centers related to different areas of the law.”

Additionally, Kendrick sat on the Appointments Committee. For those who remember (as this writer does), in the summer of 2021 the Law School hired a significant number of faculty,[1] which led to various Twitter posts joking that UVA Law was assembling its own set of Avengers. Kendrick remembered this fondly, saying, “The Avengers meme was my favorite! It was exciting to be part of such a noteworthy time in the Law School’s history.”

Kendrick’s selection followed a national search for the successor of the twelfth and current dean, Risa Goluboff. The search was led by a committee co-chaired by Baucom and John C. Jeffries Jr. ’73, Dean of the School of Law from 2001 to 2008.

Given her qualifications and time spent in the Law School administration, the choice of Kendrick makes perfect sense. But we wanted to know, why did Professor Kendrick want to serve as Dean? It does not seem like the easiest job in the world (to say the least).

Laughing, Kendrick answered that “This process began without my entirely realizing it, when I was a junior faculty member. I really love this place and love it to flourish. So anytime on a committee where I had an opportunity to improve the Law School, I was so excited.”

Kendrick pointed to her sense of service and an appreciation for the opportunity to steward the Law School as a primary motivating force. “For me the really meaningful thing that makes me excited about being Dean is continuing to try and build on all the strengths we already have and bring this institution into its third century of existence. I have the opportunity to steward the Law School event for a few short years, and I am really excited about it.”

Asked what challenges, as incoming Dean, she thought our Law School faces, Kendrick said “Writ large, the challenge for everyone is that we are living in a very dynamic environment. Things are moving very quickly and it is our job to adapt all of the Law School’s strengths to new conditions as they unfold.”

Specifically, Kendrick described the challenges presented by technology and the future of legal practice. She noted that the issue is twofold: understanding how the practice of the law is shaped by technology, and adapting our methods of teaching to appropriately utilize technological advances.

Kendrick was particularly emphatic in her view that the second challenge the Law School faces is to its sense of community, which she is determined to protect and nurture. “There are a lot of different forces that can pull against the sense of community and some of those forces can manifest in ways that polarize people. One of the huge strengths of this place is its community.” She hears this answer from her 1L Torts students over lunch. “I am amazed over the twenty years I have been at the Law School where a lot of things have changed, at how much that response is the same. It is the one I would have given as a student.”

Perhaps most significant in terms of what it portends for Kendrick’s tenure as Dean, is the apparently universal affection she inspires amongst her students. “As my Torts professor, Dean Kendrick was dedicated to ensuring that we understood the materials and how to apply it to real life concepts. She [made] me feel comfortable asking what I thought were sometimes ridiculous questions. She’s a great Professor and will be an amazing Dean,” said Amelia Isaacs ’26.

As if to prove this point, by a pleasant coincidence at the conclusion of Kendrick’s interview with the Law Weekly, her 1L small section from the fall surprised her outside her office with a gift of a framed record, Genius of Love.

Asked if there was anything she wanted to communicate directly to the students of the Law School, Kendrick replied, “this is a place that is characterized by excellence and empathy.” But she cautioned that this excellence might not always look as we expect. “I try to tell my 1Ls that you have been in a lot of situations where achievement is perfection. You get the grade or the perfect transcript, but you have to redefine success in law. Because there will not be trophies anymore; there will be the satisfaction of a job well done. It is going to be hard work, and it might look sweaty and ugly, and you will get in the ring, and you will do your best, and it will not be perfection, and it won’t be pretty, but it will be well-earned.”

Kendrick’s term as the thirteenth Dean of the School of Law will begin on July 1. The Law Weekly wishes her all the best and is sure her tenure will be well-earned.


[1] Specifically, the Law School “Avengers” were Payvand Ahdout, Rachel Bayefsky, Jay Butler, Naomi Cahn, Danielle Citron, Kristen Eichensehr, Thomas Frampton, Mitu Gulati, Cathy Hwang, Craig Konnoth, Kimberly Krawiec, David Law, Joy Milligan, Richard Re, Bertrall Ross, Lawrence Solum, and Megan Stevenson. Thanos, is of course, Harvard Law School.

Law School Holds 8th Shaping Justice Conference

Garrett Coleman '25
Managing Editor

Andrew Allard '25
Executive Editor

On February 2, the eighth annual Shaping Justice Conference took place at UVA Law. This year’s event was titled (De)Criminalizing Poverty and featured keynote speaker Alec Karakatsanis, author and founder of Civil Rights Corps. The event was organized by Professor Annie Kim ’99, Noa Jett ’25, Rohini Kurup ’25, and Evan Carcerano ’24. Describing the program, Jett said, “Since it started eight years ago, the purpose of the conference has been to inspire law students and lawyers to promote justice through public service. This year, we brought together practitioners, organizers, and academics to discuss the criminalization of poverty in hopes of fostering conversations around the issue and potential solutions.”

Karakatsanis took to the lectern with his sleeves rolled up, the first indication that he wanted a more informal setting for his speech. He began with a few preliminary notes, the first of which was that he wanted to reserve significant time for questions and to encourage active audience participation during the address. And second, he wanted to make clear that his perspective is born out of his experience representing disadvantaged clients. Karakatsanis did not try to leave the impression that he had the answer to every problem facing the judicial system or the progressive legal community.

The framework for Karakatsanis’s address was built around a few stories from his career. The first was set in the local jail of Clanton, Alabama, where a mother was being detained for shoplifting. Upon realizing that she would be unable to contact her children, who did not know what had happened to her, Christie began to cry. After she was unable to calm down, jail officials took her to a corner of the hallway that was not covered by the cameras, restrained her, and tased her into unconsciousness. The next day, when Karakatsanis was able to meet with her, he took photographs of the sores that covered her body. Afterwards, Christie eagerly became a party to one of Karakatsanis’s many bail system challenges, as all of this had happened before she had even been convicted of a crime.

Karakatsanis then shared some of the history of the money bail system in the U.S. and its failed reforms. Led by Robert F. Kennedy ’51 while he was the United States Attorney General, the Federal Bail Reform Act made its way into law. But Karakatsanis diminished the progressive law’s impact, since the percentage of federal pretrial detainees has increased by roughly 300 percent since then. This is what Karakatsanis called the “new labels” problem. Before the Act, money bail was the norm. After it became law, he reasoned, the same judicial system remained but under different language. Judges now keep the accused in detention because they are either “dangerous” or a “flight risk,” in spite of the Act’s ultimate purpose.

That story went to the heart of Karakatsanis’s address. He argued that Band-Aid solutions applied to entrenched systems are destined to fail, no matter the progressive intent of the legislators and activists. And those Band-Aid solutions are what we learn in law school. Applied in the context of what he called the “punishment bureaucracy,” they are hollow. Even those lawyers who are reform-minded are stuck on a carousel that fails to substantively move the ball.

Karakatsanis left the audience with a few suggestions. First, he wants progressive lawyers to address the punishment bureaucracy head on, so that when these lawyers win in their immediate cases, they are also working on the “constellation” of social changes that are needed to make the win worthwhile. As he put it, “you can’t win on the bail issue in a silo.” Second, to actually implement that, he hopes that some progressive lawyers will leave public defender roles for private practice that works cooperatively. That means getting access to the tens of billions of dollars available to court-appointed private attorneys, who are no longer beholden to the political interests that currently plague public defenders. Along with that, he wants these lawyers to become a “human FOIA,” regularly speaking with journalists and compiling anecdotes of bad judges, crooked cops, and private medical care abuses in the penal system. This “entrepreneurial focus” is his solution to combat the entrenched systems that he has encountered throughout his career. It is also the way that he fights the feeling of complicity, which was raised by several students in their questions. That is, how can students who fundamentally disagree with the penal system help individual clients without legitimizing that system? Working as a private criminal defense lawyer in his cooperative setting, or as a traditional public defender with an eye toward exposing systemic injustices, is his solution.

The story that encapsulated his address came from another of his jail visits, though he did not specify where. As he said was common across the U.S., children of the detainees were not permitted to visit their parents. Karakatsanis claimed that this was motivated by the increased call revenue that the jails would receive from parents trying to reach their children. So, in response, the families of detainees would gather below a large window in the facility and would write messages and draw pictures with chalk on the sidewalk. By the time Karakatsanis was leaving, he saw the sheriff stripping the road of its messages. And this, Karakatsanis said, was the progressive sheriff who campaigned on humane reforms to the penal system. While he did not explicitly say so, I think this was a pretty clear example of the entrenched “punishment bureaucracy” Karakatsanis described and its inevitable consequences.

Karakatsanis’s work shows that combating systemic injustice requires creative solutions. Fortunately for Karakatsanis, he is in good company. As Professor Kelly Orians tells it, her students in the Decarceration and Community Reentry Clinic are helping families to disrupt the intergenerational cycle of poverty and incarceration. While much of the work that students in Professor Orians’s clinic do is traditional legal advocacy, such as helping former prisoners with criminal expungement and restoration of rights, students also apply their skills in creative ways. In collaboration with the Darden School and Resilience Education’s Prison Reentry Education Program, law students will soon begin teaching business law classes to prisoners at Virginia correctional facilities. Armed with entrepreneurial skills, once formerly incarcerated individuals are out, there’s a community of resilient professionals and partner organizations that provide low-interest capital to help launch and scale new businesses. “This is really some of my favorite work. This is the work that keeps me going, that feeds my optimism,” Orians explained.

Nearby in Richmond, Mayor Levar Stoney’s administration has been experimenting with a creative idea—guaranteed income. The Richmond Resilience Initiative, launched in 2020, has provided guaranteed monthly income—between $250 and $500—to low-income Richmond residents who are employed but don’t qualify for federal aid. “I’ll admit it, initially I did not buy the idea and the concept,” said Mayor Stoney. But he became convinced of the idea’s potential after seeing the 2020 pandemic stimulus save lives. As Mayor Stoney explained, “People were leveling up. Instead of working two jobs, now I can study and get a certification, so I can get more money in the current job that I have . . . You may think that $500 a month is small change, but for us, it makes a big difference in our lives.”

And Law School alumna Mary Mergler ’07 is using her skills as an advocate to eliminate fees in the criminal justice system. Mergler is the National Advocacy & Campaigns Deputy Director at the Fines & Fees Justice Center (FFJC), an advocacy and research organization focused on eliminating fees in the criminal justice system and ensuring that fines are imposed equitably. Its current national initiatives include ending debt-based driver’s license suspensions and eliminating fees imposed over the course of the criminal justice process, such as phone call fees while in prison. Mayor Stoney added that after the Youngkin administration restored the previous practice of requiring individuals convicted of a felony to apply to the governor to have their rights restored, these prison fees can prevent Virginians from voting.

Although fines and fees have expanded since 2008 as a means of funding the criminal justice system, Mergler expressed optimism about the progress her organization has made. “The issues that FFJC works on are issues where we have been able to find a lot of consensus and bipartisan support . . . There is a lot of opportunity for success on these issues.”


Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and His Legacy at UVA Law

Ashanti Jones '26
Staff Editor

Pictured: Keegan Hudson '24 and Blake D. Morant '78
Photo Credits: UVA Law

On Thursday, January 25, the University of Virginia School of Law held their annual Martin Luther King, Jr. community celebration. The event was co-sponsored by the School’s Center for the Study of Race and Law and its chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA). For this year’s celebration, keynote speaker Blake D. Morant ’78 (Col. ’75) delivered a lecture titled “The Contextuality of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy,” and Keegan Hudson ’24 received the 2024 Gregory H. Swanson Award.

Professor Kimberly Robinson (Col. ’92), Karsh Bicentennial Professor of Law and director of the Center for the Study of Race and Law, welcomed those in attendance to Charlottesville and reminded guests of the impact of Dr. King’s legacy on Virginia Law and the legal community at large.

“We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. King,” Robinson said. “His legacy played a critical role in creating a path that allows us to gather together as the strong and diverse University of Virginia School of Law that we are today. His legacy challenges us to continue to work diligently to make equality, inclusion, and belonging a reality not just for our students, our faculty, and our staff, but even more importantly for the communities and clients that we serve.”

Following the opening remarks, Robinson invited Dean Risa Goluboff to present the seventh annual Gregory H. Swanson Award. The award was created in 2018 to honor the legacy of Swanson—the first Black student to be admitted to the University of Virginia and Virginia Law. In 1950, Swanson was denied admission to the Law School’s LL.M program due to his race. With the assistance of notable counsel from the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, such as Thurgood Marshall and Spottswood Robinson, Swanson sued the University in federal court and won. Goluboff began by reflecting on the adverse treatment Swanson’s legacy has received from the University and reframed Swanson’s story as one of success and triumph.

“The story of Gregory Swanson had long, at the University of Virginia, been considered a story of shame and failure,” Goluboff said. “It had often been excluded from the way the institution had told its history although Black students and alums had passed it down from one to another for generations . . . there was so much success here for Gregory Swanson. Success in using the law to do justice and the best traditions of our profession, success in changing the face of this university and this law school, success in inspiring other Black students who quickly followed him to UVA, prompting other universities in Virginia to integrate after his successful lawsuit, and success in helping make us the diverse and inclusive institution we are today.”

Goluboff described the Swanson Award as a link between the past and the present since it provides an opportunity to reflect on Swanson’s previous contributions to the institution while also honoring current students’ contributions that mirror Swanson’s by demonstrating “courage, perseverance, and a commitment to justice.” Dean Goluboff shared how this year’s award recipient, Keegan Hudson ’24, embodies these values at the Law School, both on and off grounds.

“Keegan is a true servant leader,” Dean Goluboff said. “He routinely puts others before himself and he builds community wherever he goes in the organizations, and classes, and friend groups he is a part of . . . through his example he sets kindness, wisdom, and encouragement above all else and shares those with everyone around him enabling everyone to become their best selves.” 

Hudson was recognized for his contributions and service to the University as chapter president of the Black Law Student Association, member of the Virginia Environmental Law Journal, fellow for the Center for the Study of Race and Law, admissions ambassador with the Office of Admissions, member of the Law School Curriculum Committee, member of the Raven Society, and member of the Student Advisory Group with the national Law School Admissions Council. Hudson is also a 2023-24 Ritter Scholar, which recognizes third-year law students who “best exemplify the qualities of honor, character, and integrity.” During his acceptance speech, Hudson thanked the University for the award and acknowledged how his accomplishments are the result of the support he has received from others.

“A person’s character is a direct reflection of the people that they share proximity to. As my great-grandfather would say, I have been fortunate to share proximity to ‘tall timber’ during my time at UVA Law and during my life generally,” Hudson said. “Let us not look favorably on the mentorship that I have enacted without acknowledging the mentorship that I have received from the many great professors, faculty, and peers here at UVA.”

Following the presentation of the Swanson award, Robinson introduced keynote speaker, Blake D. Morant. Morant is the Robert Kramer Research Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School. Additionally, Morant is the former dean of George Washington University Law School and Wake Forest University School of Law, where he was the first Black person to serve as dean at both institutions.

During his lecture, Dean Morant recounted significant facets and moments of Dr. King’s life and explored the context surrounding them. He argued Dr. King’s upbringing in the Black Baptist church, educational background in philosophy, and belief in natural law were very influential on his beliefs in racial justice and equality.

Additionally, Dean Morant argued Dr. King knew the effect of context on the persuasiveness of messaging and tailored the delivery of his messages to particular audiences. To illustrate, Dean Morant examined Dr. King’s famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” where King addressed the white clergy who criticized him for protesting in violation of a court order, invoking Saint Augustine: “An unjust law is no law at all.”

Dean Morant also discussed how context impacted Dr. King’s messaging when he delivered a speech at the University’s own Old Cabell Hall in 1963. To begin the story, Morant described the circumstances leading up to Dr. King’s visit, including the origins of the group that invited the famous civil rights leader to Grounds.

“In the early ’60s, the University of Virginia and many non-HBCU universities across the country were largely segregated and had very few students of color in attendance,” Morant said. “In 1963, however, several African American students attended the University [of Virginia], one by the name of Wesley Harris . . . after experiencing disparate treatment in academic programming, Harris, fewer than twelve other African American students, and a number of white students formed the Thomas Jefferson Virginia Council on Human Relations.”

Morant explained that the Council’s goal was to create safe spaces for students of color on Grounds and sponsor events to discuss the impact of social issues on the University and greater Charlottesville community. The Council would meet to study Dr. King’s philosophy, and one day, on behalf of the group, Harris sent a letter to Dr. King inviting him to speak, which Dr. King accepted. Morant noted Dr. King’s appearance at the University subverted the Council’s expectations.

“Wesley Harris and many others in attendance expected Dr. King . . . to deliver a stern sermon on the evils of segregation and the importance of racial equality and unity,” Morant said. “Much to everybody’s surprise, King offered a scholarly lecture on the meaning of democracy and the duty to adhere to fundamental principles of equality. Aware of the scholarly context of the University, Dr. King adapted his style of oratory to fit the academic setting to which he was addressing.”

Dean Morant argues that everyone engaged in the modern effort for social justice should continue Dr. King’s mission of spreading the philosophy of equality. Dean Morant further argues that the legal community must acknowledge how context impacts the law and legal outcomes in order to earnestly aid in the fight for equality.

“The lack of inclusion in society delegitimizes societal institutions that hold our democracy together,” Dean Morant said. “Society functions best when all classes of citizens have a seat at the decisional table and have access to competent legal representation that recognize that context shapes the law we study and implement.”


Being a (Palestinian- American) Law Student During a Genocide

Catie Haddad '25
Guest Writer

I spent much of the first three years of my life at my teta and jidu’s[1] home in San Luis Obispo, California. In their backyard, they had a large garden with every fruit and vegetable variety imaginable. As my jidu and I would walk around the garden identifying different plants, I noticed everything from cherries, figs, grapefruit, and watermelon to avocados, zucchini, and edible flowers that he would incessantly encourage me to try. One summer, jidu chopped down one of the garden’s palm trees for the heart of palm, something my nine-year-old, suburban Californian self found both strange and exciting.

My teta and I would spend hours searching the patio for ladybugs as my grandparents’ Pomeranian, Jolie, played with her toys. When I think of their garden now, I feel grateful that they were able to have a sliver of homeland in their California backyard—that for a second when they woke up and looked out the window in the morning, they would be able to imagine they were not in San Luis Obispo but instead were in Baghdad or Haifa. When I think of my teta and jidu now, I think of the way my mixed identity has allowed me to grow up without certain Western biases. My jidu was Iraqi and Muslim, and my teta was a Palestinian-Lebanese Christian, but to me, even though I was half white and American, they were simply my grandparents.

In their garden and at their home, they taught me how to look at mundane objects and moments with tremendous love, curiosity, and humanity.  Now, I advocate for Palestine and for the universality of human rights because of this love—my love for humanity has fueled my belief that if everyone had access to the information I have used to learn about Palestine, they would naturally reach the same conclusions as I have.

They would come to view Palestinians not as a population of terrorists, but as a people who have been occupied, displaced, and terrorized for years in their ancestral homeland.[2] They would see Palestinians as human beings who deserve to live as much as anyone else. They would mourn the deaths of Palestinians as they do the deaths of Ukrainians. They would also come to learn, I believe, that Palestinian resistance is fueled by Palestinians’ profound love for their land and their culture, which are inextricably linked.[3] Opening their eyes and hearts, they would no longer see those tending to thousand-year-old olive trees as the aggressors, but rather those bulldozing them.[4]

Over the past three months,[5] I have felt around me a growing sense of cognitive and emotional dissonance. It is difficult to remain socially and academically engaged in a reality where my ethnic identity circumscribes the feelings I’m allowed to express. I often think that if I was not Palestinian- or Arab-American—if I was Ukrainian or from another ethnic group whose pain the West views as legitimate—the only thing I’d be doing right now would be grieving and resting. This is not my reality. Instead, I must first attempt to assist my peers in recognizing my humanity and the humanity of my people.

I have put my thoughts on this page to process what is happening and to bring others into this processing. Every day, I think about different avenues and ways of getting my peers involved in the Palestinian liberation movement. I think to myself, Palestine might not feel like a natural cause to support for everyone, but I can show them why it is. I will tell those interested in environmentalism about the ongoing destruction of olive trees, the rampant herbicide attacks unleashed on Palestinian land both pre- and post-2023, and the weaponization of resources as tools of ecocide.[6] For those who care about women’s rights, I will tell them about how women in Gaza have been taking pills to suppress their menstrual periods because they can’t get sanitary pads due to the siege, or that miscarriages in Gaza have increased 300% over the recent months.”[7]

Each day as I ruminate through these mental exercises, I pose numerous questions to myself: Which is more bearable—violently compromising my morals, my integrity, and my humanity while willingly enabling a genocide in the process, or speaking up and losing a job or friends? When someone asks me and my peers someday what we were doing during this time, will we feel proud answering “nothing, our hands were tied”? Who has tied our hands, and why can’t we help each other to untie them?

My jidu chopped down the palm tree in his garden to see its heart and its core and to share them with others, knowing that this tree would grow back because he would nurture and tend to it. Right now, I am asking you to perform a similar act of labor and of nurturing: I ask you to cut through some of the defensive tissue that might be preventing you from thinking about, talking about, and advocating for Palestine. Getting to the heart of this can only be done through love, curiosity, and humanity. It will at first feel strange, but it will also feel exciting, and when we tend to each other during our collective regrowth, we will be a taller and greater force than ever before.


[1] Teta and Jidu translate to grandmother and grandfather in Arabic.

[2] See Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (June 23, 2023), apartheid/#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20place%20for,still%20suffering%20every%20single%20day; Omar Shakir, HUM. RTS. WATCH, A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution (Eric Goldstein et al eds., 2021),; Press Release, United Nations, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in OPT: Israel Has Imposed Upon Palestine an Apartheid Reality in a Post-apartheid World (Mar. 25, 2022),

[3] Rouhana, A. (2024, January 19). The Subversive Act of photographing Palestinian life. The New York Times.

[4] “Since 1967, more than eight hundred thousand Palestinian olive trees have been illegally uprooted by Israeli authorities and settlers. Many were centuries old.” (this article was published in October of 2023, so this number does not include the number of olive trees that have been destroyed by Israeli airstrikes since then, nor the trees being destroyed by bombing right now in real time). Shehadeh, R. (2023, October 26). The uprooting of life in Gaza and the West Bank. The New Yorker.

[5] Since the beginning of their retaliatory assault on Gaza, the Israeli Defense/Occupation Forces (IDF/IOF) have unleashed more than 65,000 tons of bombs on the besieged strip (around four times as much explosive power as the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima). 25,000 Palestinians, including 10,000 children, have been killed in just over 100 days. Nearly 8,000 more people are reported to be missing or presumed dead under rubble. Approximately 1,000 children have lost one or both legs. During the week of January 15th, the World Health Organization announced that none of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are fully functional, as many have been bombed and others are operating at 200% capacity with limited services. 95% of those facing starvation in the world are in Gaza. Siddiqui, U., & Pietromarchi, V. (2024, January 7). More than 8,000 people missing in the rubble in Gaza. Al Jazeera.; Tétrault-Farber, G. (2023, December 21). Northern Gaza no longer has a functional hospital, WHO says. Reuters.; Coles, I., & Ayyoub, A. (2024, January 22). Tiny Gaza is home to most of the world’s hungriest people. The Wall Street Journal.

[6] Forensic Architecture . (2019, July 19). Herbicidal Warfare in Gaza. Forensic Architecture.; Shuker , Z. (2023, December 19). War has poisoned Gaza’s land and water. peace will require environmental justice. The Century Foundation.

[7] Zhang, S., Images, A. via G., Sharon Zhang, Syed, R., Dilawar, A., Walker, C., Luthra, S., McNeill, Z., Hodge, R., & Johnson, J. (2024, January 18). Miscarriages in Gaza have skyrocketed by 300 percent under Israel’s siege. Truthout.

Heroic Rescue Lets Injured Robin Fly Again

Sally Levin ‘24
Staff Editor

Pictured: Celebration of Continuing Life
Photo Credit: Kailey Boatright

This is a story of what happens when nature collides with the good-natured community at UVA Law. On Friday, November 10, before the last prospective student had even left the building for the day, the UVA Law Admissions team as well as other faculty, staff, and students, met on the steps in front of the Law School for a special gathering that didn’t ruffle any feathers. They celebrated the release of a rehabilitated American Robin that had been injured outside of the Admissions Office two days earlier.

On Wednesday, Kate Granruth ’24 was working at the front desk of the Admissions Office when she noticed a bird on the ground outside in Purcell Garden. The robin was injured; it hadn’t moved for many hours after flying into a glass window and its head was slightly cocked to one side. Granruth said she “could see the bird wanted help.” At the end of her shift, she found two pieces of cardboard, gently pushed the bird into a box, and drove it to the Wildlife Center of Virginia, which is thirty minutes away in Waynesboro.

After dropping off the bird, Granruth and the Admissions team couldn’t help but wonder how the patient was doing. Assistant Dean of Admissions Natalie Blazer ’08,  who had seen the injured bird during her daily lap around the Law School, said, “I was asking for bird updates pretty regularly.” Granruth sent an email to the Wildlife Center inquiring about the robin. Fearing the worst, everyone was relieved when they read the first line of the Wildlife Center’s response, learning that the bird was still an active patient in care.

Although the bird wasn’t out of the woods from the head trauma just yet, the report from the Wildlife Center suggested that the extensive medical care it was receiving was helping.[1] The patient received oxygen therapy, pain medication, antibiotics, and supportive fluids. Once the bird was stable, it underwent anesthesia for radiographs to assess the trauma. The Wildlife Center promised to provide further updates about the bird’s rehabilitation.

Pictured: The injured robin in Purcell Garden.
Photo Credit Kailey Boatright

By Friday morning, Granruth learned the bird was ready to be released back at the Law School. She offered to drive back to Waynesboro to pick it up. She said, “I was so happy we were able to release the bird at the Law School. I truly didn’t expect this great of an outcome. When I got the call this morning that I could come and pick up the bird, I was elated. This was the best possible outcome.”

Admissions Office Coordinator Kailey Cox Boatright shared an email with the subject line “Huge Bird Update” with the other faculty, staff, and students who had all been asking about the bird. Professor Cale Jaffe ’01 and Senior Assistant Dean Kevin Donovan both replied with bird-themed song suggestions for the celebration, so Boatright created a playlist.[2]  Later, Boatright sent another email with a formal invitation to a Collision Recovery Celebration that afternoon. Despite their busy schedules, everyone wanted to be there. “I had a 2:00 p.m. meeting that I had to be at, and I would have been upset if I’d had to miss it,” said Dean Blazer.  

Fourteen people gathered on the front steps on the chilly, overcast Friday afternoon, and welcomed the bird, carried in a box by Granruth, back home. Just before the release, Boatright started playing the inspiring song, “I Believe I Can Fly” on the speaker. Granruth carefully set the box on the ground, opened the lid, and the bird dramatically flew out across the Holcombe Green Lawn towards the beautiful fall foliage on the side of the Law School.

It was a powerful moment. At least two people shed tears, including the author of this article and Dean Blazer, who said, “I was not emotional ahead of time. I was excited that the bird had recovered, and I liked that a lot of people around the whole Law School were invested. But then, I don’t know what happened, but the second the bird flew in the air, tears instantly came in my eyes. I was overcome that we had all come together to take care of this little bird, and that it worked. This bird, who could barely move when I saw it originally, burst out of the box and flew away into this gray sky. It was the togetherness and compassion too. It was a really special moment.”

Professor Jaffe was proud of his former Environmental Law clinic student and her commitment to helping others, including animals. He said, “I think there is a metaphor here. A lot of people would walk by [the injured bird] and not notice or say they are too busy. Kate cared and did something about it. How cool that we’ve got students in the community who care and do something.”


[1] The Wildlife Center of Virginia relies on donations to provide care, feeding, and rehabilitation for wildlife patients during their recovery. Wildlife Center of Virginia.!/donation/checkout.

[2] “Bird Ceremony” by Kailey Cox Boatright, Spotify.

Student Scholarship: Merits Decisions as Dignity Remedies

Rajan Vasisht '24
Guest Writer

Raised Sikh, you are taught that you are part of the “warrior class.” Imbedded into your religious constitution and daily routine is reinforcement that your purpose is to protect others. For example, you wear a turban around your unshorn hair and proudly display your untrimmed beard to represent your integrity and strength. You also carry a kirpan, or sword, as protection for the oppressed. As an adult, you decide to act on your duty to protect by joining the military. But, upon arrival for basic training, your commanding officers tell you that you are required to shave your beard and your head in the interest of uniformity. After objecting, and under physical protest, the officers restrain you and forcefully shear off your hair and beard. There is nothing you can do now; your Sikh beliefs instruct that this act alone has brought shame to your family and violates your conscience.

To vindicate your shattered religious morality, you sue the officers who shaved you, seeking both damages for what has already been done and injunctive relief to prevent this from happening again. The district court denies the injunction, holding that you have no standing to prove that the officers will shave you again. All that remains of your suit is the claim for compensatory damages and one of the most formidable and controversial barriers to recovery—qualified immunity—which requires dismissal of damages suits against executive officers who did not violate “clearly established” law. In theory, this shields officers from being haled into court to defend against frivolous suits that arise simply because they have the most frequent run-ins with on-the-ground constitutional decision making. In practice, it’s much more.

In the wake of Pearson v. Callahan, district courts are presented with a dilemma: Do they first consider the underlying merits of a civil rights claim or first determine whether the relevant law is sufficiently clearly established to defeat qualified immunity? Those asking what it means to be “sufficiently clearly established” are in good company—the Supreme Court has no obvious answer and circuit courts are struggling with this standard. But resolution of that difficult question won’t help the Pearson dilemma.

The easy answer is for the district court to begin with qualified immunity. Why waste judicial resources solving the merits of a case if it’s going to be dismissed on immunity grounds regardless? If a court can quickly determine that the relevant law is not so established that an officer on the ground should have known their conduct was unconstitutional, there is no need to do the extra step of fully defining the bounds of the law to decide that the officer crossed a line. Plus, qualified immunity only applies to suits for retrospective damages. Many constitutional plaintiffs are also seeking an injunction to prevent future harm to their rights. Therefore, even if the damages claim is dismissed on immunity grounds, the court will still have to wrestle with the merits to grant the injunction. So then, the argument goes, we should obviously allow courts to consider qualified immunity before the merits of the damages suit.

The problem with those arguments is that they are unfairly harmful not only to that plaintiff but also to future plaintiffs. The Supreme Court has already recognized what we already knew: Dignity-based harms can be righted with dignity-based remedies. Justice Thomas said as much in his 8-1 opinion in Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski. Now, go back to imagining that you’re the free exercise plaintiff described above. Based on the conduct of the prison guards, your physical injury is pretty minimal, so your damages won’t be that impressive. But we know you deserve to sue because of the wound to your religious conscience. A decision on the merits in your favor cannot make you whole, as you deserve. But it can provide some of the compensation that you won’t get in real damages, even if the suit will eventually be dismissed on immunity grounds. A Sikh prisoner without any other options for redress at least deserves to be told he was right.

And even worse, if the district court resolves the case on qualified immunity grounds without reaching the merits then it is nourishing a Catch-22. As a reminder, defeating qualified immunity requires that the challenged law be so clearly established that an officer should have known that their conduct was violative. But if courts never make decisions on the merits, the law will forever remain obscure. When courts are making merits-based decisions they are at least rationalizing the law, providing opportunities for the Supreme Court to step in and fix mistakes and splits. Since that is the only agreed upon method of clearly establishing law, applying a merits-first framework will help future plaintiffs get relief. Maybe they won’t even have to be plaintiffs at all.

The Supreme Court knows that there is no clear answer to the order of battle problem in qualified immunity cases; that’s why it changed its instructions to district courts on how to handle it in only a few years. I don’t pretend that there is any clear answer for courts here. However, it couldn’t hurt to presume a merits-first default for free-exercise plaintiffs. Especially when it appears that the relief is “damages or nothing,” courts don’t have to settle for nothing when qualified immunity bars damages.


UVA Tradition: Lighting of the Lawn

Riley Lorgus (BA ’24)

As the semester comes to a close, the Lighting of the Lawn (LOTL) committee is excited to invite the UVA community to the 22nd Annual Lighting of the Lawn. This beloved University tradition will be held this Friday, December 1, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Rotunda. LOTL is open to the entire University as well as the wider Charlottesville community. As we count down the days until LOTL, we hope that you will join us this upcoming Friday.

Doors to the event open at 6 p.m. with a performance from the undergraduate band Weekends and Wednesdays on the South Lawn, accompanied by food trucks, photo stations, free snacks, hot beverages, and so much more. The performances begin at the Rotunda stage at 7 p.m. and feature student dance and acapella groups, with the signature light show as a finale (which will feature a few more songs this year!).

LOTL was born from the terrifying events of September 11, 2001. Following the national tragedy, an air of sadness, fear, and grief remained on Grounds. Seeing their once joyful community now overwhelmingly scared, a group of student leaders came together during that dark fall season to uplift the community. Members of the Fourth Year Trustees Committee of the Class of 2002 were determined to uplift and unite the community in any way possible. Trustee Matt West proposed the idea of bringing light, literally, back to Grounds by illuminating the lawn with string lights. As soon as the University administration and Facilities Management team got on board, students got to work hanging lights on the Rotunda and Pavilions before the very first Lighting of the Lawn on December 15, 2001. 

What started out as a modest event has grown exponentially in the years since the first LOTL. Today, this cherished event draws over fifteen thousand attendees across the University and Charlottesville community. With performances from over twenty-five student acapella and dance groups, receptions across the Lawn, and the iconic, colorful light show, LOTL is a huge celebration of love, light, and people we hold dear to our hearts. What remains consistent each year is the universal message of unity and community as we gather together before the fall semester draws to a close. As always, LOTL is planned entirely by a dedicated group of undergraduate students, who share the same determination to illuminate Grounds as the 2002 Fourth Year Trustees.

LOTL has adapted to our recent history and experiences as a community. As we pass the one-year anniversary of the tragic deaths of our peers D’Sean Perry, Lavel Davis Jr., and Devin Chandler, this year’s Lighting of the Lawn remains committed to celebrating their lives and the light that they brought to our community. Their numbers, 41, 1, and 15 will be illuminated during the event.

This year, we would like to invite the community to join us at the Disglow! The LOTL committee designed this night of Disglow fun to celebrate the spirit of community, the joy and strength that is found in togetherness. Despite hardships faced by members of our community, LOTL shines bright and is a beacon of hope for those at the University, the Charlottesville area, and even attendees joining us virtually. We hope this year is no exception. What is more joyful than a night of glow-in-the-dark disco fun? Wear your brightest disco outfit and bring your glow sticks to the Lawn. Our night at the Disglow will uplift the community and celebrate their hard work during the fall semester.

More information on this year’s Lighting of the Lawn can be found at our website or on our Instagram page @lotluva.

The LOTL committee has put in countless hours of tireless work during the fall semester to put on this event. All of us on the committee hope to see you on the Lawn and we can’t wait to celebrate with you!


UVA Panel Hosted by Karsh Institute Says Update To Immigration Laws Needed

Andrew Allard '25
Executive Editor

A panel of University of Virginia professors and policy advisors met on Thursday, November 16, to discuss the ongoing strains on the U.S. immigration system. The panel was hosted by the Karsh Institute for Democracy. The Law School’s own Professor Amanda Frost and Professor Emeritus David A. Martin were among the four panelists.

The panelists were generally critical of Congress’ failure to pass legislation updating immigration law, particularly asylum law, which hasn’t seen major reform for nearly thirty years. “I think it's reasonable to say—is Congress broken?” said Professor Frost, who specializes in immigration law. “And are they breaking the courts through their inability to enact legislation dealing with immigration?”

Frost said that without a needed change in immigration law, the Executive has attempted to resolve immigration problems on its own through new rules or guidance. Frost cited three cases in which these actions have been challenged in federal court.[1]

Frost explained that these legal challenges are involving the courts in partisan fights over immigration policy. “Those who are challenging laws and executive branch policies—if they’re on the red side, then they’re bringing these cases in red state fora, where they think they’re going to get—and often do get—handpicked judges that will rule in their favor. And equally, the immigrants’ rights advocates are choosing to litigate in fora where they think there will be a friendly outcome.”

Angela Maria Kelley added that the present policies for asylum seekers are not working. Kelley, who worked as an immigration lawyer and was formerly the Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security under the Biden Administration, explained that asylum cases can take years to process. During those intervening years, while asylum seekers have temporary legal status, they find work, build relationships, and buy houses. But they are often still turned away. “They put down roots, they live their lives. But when they get up under the immigration judge, finally, the person who had a really strong asylum case seven years ago doesn’t have one now,” said Kelley. That means that asylum seekers can never truly settle down. “They’re always looking over their shoulder—Is ICE going to come get me? That’s not sustainable.”

While panelists mostly focused on how to manage the current immigration crisis, Professor David Leblang of UVA’s Frank Batten School of Public Policy suggested that the crisis itself is being exaggerated for political purposes. “There's only about 3% of the [global] population that lives outside of their country of birth,” said Leblang.

Leblang, a Professor of Public Policy at UVA’s Frank Batten School, suggested that some opponents to immigration reform are motivated by animus. Leblang also criticized efforts to deter migration, saying that they are ineffective. Leblang explained that those who come to the United States have often been displaced by conflict or climate change. “There's data on how many deaths have occurred on the southern border of the United States. And if death doesn't deter you, I don't know what will.”

But Professor David A. Martin, noting his work in the Clinton administration, said that deterrence canwork. Martin explained that in the early days of Clinton’s presidency, asylum became a “high visibility issue” due to two major crimes committed by asylees: the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and a shooting at the CIA’s Virginia headquarters that killed two agency employees. With Martin’s help, the administration adopted new policies, such as a six-month waiting period before asylum seekers could receive work authorization. “It worked. It did deter claims. The numbers dropped considerably,” said Martin.

As to whether similar reforms are achievable now, Martin was less certain. “I understood that I’d be here as the old timer on the panel to bring some historical perspective and maybe to find some glimpses of times in the past when bipartisanship worked, or executive initiative worked.”


[1] The cases Professor Frost cited were Texas v. United States, 50 F.4th 498 (5th Cir. 2022) (invalidating the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)); E. Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Biden, No. 18-CV-06810-JST, 2023 WL 4729278 (N.D. Cal. July 25, 2023) (invalidating a rule creating a rebuttable presumption of ineligibility for asylum seekers that fail to schedule an appointment with a mobile phone app prior to applying), argued, No. 23-16032 (9th Cir. Nov 7, 2023); Texas v. U.S. Dep't of Homeland Sec., No. 6:23-CV-00007 (W.D. Tex. filed Jan. 24, 2023) (challenging the Biden administration’s use of  parole status for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela).

Maliyekkal and Gray Win 95th Annual Lile Moot Court Competition

Nikolai Morse '24

Pictured: Aquila Maliyekkal '24 and Sean Gray '24
Photo Credit: UVA Law

On Thursday, November 9, Aquila Maliyekkal ’24 and Sean Gray ’24 won the 95th Annual William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition. They argued against third-years Audrey Payne ’24 and Hunter Heck ’24. Held annually, the competition starts with a field of about fifty individual competitors who write briefs and argue student-written problems in a mock federal or state appeal. To reach the finals, these teams advanced through three previous rounds of the Competition in their second year and the fall of their third year. In each of the rounds, the students wrote a brief and presented an oral argument before a panel of judges on a problem written by a fellow law student.

In the final round, the competitors argued before a panel of three distinguished federal judges. The chief judge was Judge Allison Rushing, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, sitting in Asheville, North Carolina. The next judge, Judge Allison Nathan (who has judged the final round of Lile previously), is a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, whose chambers are in New York City. The final judge, Judge Jesse M. Furman, also hails from New York City, where he is a judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Following the final round of oral argument, the judges joined the competitors and their families for a reception.

Ben Buell ’24 wrote this year’s problem, which was used in the semi-finals and final rounds. The problem concerned a computer programmer, James Oliver, who had been hired by a microchip manufacturer, Edison Technologies, to create a cybersecurity software program named Citadel. Nearly a decade later, Oliver learned that Edison sold dozens of copies of Citadel between 2014 and 2017. He promptly registered a copyright and sued for infringement as soon as it was secured. Edison Technologies appealed the decision of the district court, which found that Oliver owned the copyright and was able to receive damages.

In writing the problem, Buell focused on two issues common to copyright infringement suits: ownership of the copyright and the availability of damages. The first issue turned on whether Oliver was the sole owner, such that he possesses the exclusive right to distribute copies of the software, or whether Citadel was a “work made for hire,” in which case that right vests in Edison. Importantly, whether the software was a “work made for hire” turned on whether Oliver was an independent contractor or an employee of Edison while he built the software. Second, even if Oliver owned the copyright in Citadel, does the Copyright Act’s three-year statute of limitations for civil infringement claims preclude retrospective relief, such that his claims to damages stemming from Edison’s sales of Citadel from 2014 to 2017 were barred?

Buell said, “The problem was designed to test different skills. One issue was heavily fact-intensive and the other was a pure question of law on which there’s a significant circuit split. The second issue is on the cutting edge of copyright law–the Supreme Court will resolve the split this spring in Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy.”[1]

Indeed, Lile President Kathryn Kenny ’24 emphasized the efforts of the many students involved in administering the prestigious competition. “The Lile competition is fairly unique since it is entirely student run; students organize the rounds, research and write the problems for each round, serve as preliminary round judges, and invite judges for the semifinal and final rounds.” From the initial rounds, where students serve as judges and brief graders, up through the process of facilitating later rounds, Kenny affirmed that running the Lile competition had been among the most rewarding experiences in her law school career.

When asked how they decided to partner, Gray responded that “Aquila and I became friends on the first day of law school and never looked back. During 1L, after we both made the Extramural Moot Court team and once we heard about Lile, we decided that we'd team up.” Maliyekkal echoed Gray’s comments, noting also that while they are “very different people—our backgrounds, politics, and legal philosophies couldn't be further apart,” he had “improved tremendously as a thinker and writer just by being Sean's partner. I've improved as a person by being Sean's friend.”

Gray described the intensive writing process he and Maliyekkal followed: “We'd each write our portions, then come together and meticulously edit the brief as a whole. Highlights of our writing process included: debating whether the article ‘a’ needed to proceed every item in a list; arguing about the use of the past perfect tense; deleting most of the em-dashed phrases that we both litter throughout our writing; and workshopping way too many metaphors and one-liners. Sounds fun, right? Harmonizing our styles was one of the more demanding parts of the process, but it was also quite rewarding.” Maliyekkal agreed, noting that their “[writing] styles aren't vastly different, but we each certainly had our literary peccadilloes and hang-ups we had to negotiate with the other about. Some of the most fun we had came from competing with each other to come up with pithy lines we could pepper through the brief to make it an engaging read (or the closest a brief on copyright and statutes of limitations could get to it).”

Maliyekkal and Gray were thrilled to have won and spoke highly of the demanding experience, which spanned more than a year. Maliyekkal described it as “an intense but rewarding experience . . . It pushed me to become a better writer and advocate and allowed Sean and I to test our skills against people we respect tremendously.” Gray echoed these sentiments, calling it “one of my favorite experiences in law school . . . It honed skills that will serve me well for practice—I became a better writer, speaker, advocate, and teammate throughout. But most importantly, I had a great time working with my best friend.”


[1]  60 F.4th 1325 (11th Cir. 2023).

Winter (Pro Bono) Is Coming

Ashanti Jones '26
Staff Editor

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, the Pro Bono Program at the Law School held a session to educate students on winter break pro bono. The session was hosted by Assistant Dean for Pro Bono and Public Interest Kimberly Emery ’91 and Assistant Director of Public Service Andrew Broaddus.  For any who were unable to attend or any who did attend but got distracted by thoughts of their impending major memo, the Law Weeklyoffers this article as a step-by-step guide to finding and securing a winter break pro bono project from our resident pro bono experts.

What should I look for in a project?        

Emery opened the session acknowledging that students have a variety of reasons for pursuing winter break pro bono projects, and nailing down your specific reason is crucial when beginning your own search for a project. However, regardless of reason, all students should first determine when they are actually available during break.

If your driving motivation is getting your forty hours of pro bono to qualify for the Public Interest Law Association’s Public Service Summer grant or your fifty hours for the New York State Bar, Emery suggested students make sure their desired project qualifies as pro bono under that organization’s specific definition.

For the PILA grant, any project on GoodWorks qualifies, and students finding their own projects should ensure the project is unpaid and serves “low-income or under-represented clients, legal services providers, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, or private law firms providing pro bono services.” Emery also stated that, while judicial internships are valuable (unpaid) learning opportunities, they do not qualify as pro bono work for the Pro Bono Program or the PILA grant. For the New York State Bar, students should email the New York State Pro Bono Bar Advisory Committee at with any questions.

Emery also noted that students can use winter break pro bono to establish a geographic tie, if planning to work in person, to a specific market for a summer or post-grad job or establish an interest in a specific practice area. However, this may not be possible for students trying to target international markets or transactional work.

“There are a few markets that can be a little harder,” Emery said. “Overseas projects can be a problem, unless you have personal contacts, or really know an NGO, or are working with a professor who has contacts.”

How do I apply to winter break pro bono projects?

There are two ways to apply to winter break pro bono projects: through GoodWorks or by reaching out to the organizations directly via email. Emery recommended students only apply to three projects total. If applying through GoodWorks, Emery suggested students use the sample interest statement available on their website when crafting their own interest statement. If applying via email, Emery stated students can use their sample email available on their website as a guide or simply copy and paste their sample email and fill in their specific information.

Additionally, Emery recommended students look to the organization’s staff directory and email their materials to the organization’s volunteer coordinator, internship coordinator, pro bono director, or something along those lines. If you are unable to locate a staff member with one of those titles, Emery recommended students email materials to a staff attorney or the general organization email instead. If you have not heard from the organization, Emery suggested reaching out to her or Broaddus for help, or simply calling the organization directly.

Finally, Emery urged students to utilize the Pro Bono Program staff while applying to projects, because they may be able to connect students personally to staff in the organization’s office. “We have lists of public service alumni, so if you’re just gung-ho about X organization, and you’re going to apply, shoot me an email,” Emery said. “We are here as a resource; we don’t want you to feel like you’ve been thrown out to the wolves.” 

When should I start applying to winter break pro bono projects?

As of November 1, some winter break pro bono projects are available on GoodWorks with more to come throughout the month. Emery stated most will remain open until the first week or so of December, so there is no rush in applying. For those applying via email to organizations not listed on GoodWorks, Emery stated that now is a good time for students to start sending their interest emails. Additionally, while there is no exact deadline to submitting interest emails, Emery shared that it is ideal to send them before finals season starts to ensure a timely response from your targeted organizations.

“We do not recommend waiting until after exams,” Emery said. “You’ve now moved into the holiday season, and a lot of offices are going to be operating with a skeleton crew or are closed entirely.”


LSAC's Change to LSAT Speaks to a Larger Issue

Garrett Coleman '25
Managing Editor

On November 1, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) announced that it would pull its free prep course offerings from Khan Academy and transition them over to the subscription-based LSAC LawHub.[1]This decision came after some broader restructuring of the legal gatekeeping test in October of this year, which saw the removal of the logic games section.[2] While many of us may want to put LSAC in the past as an uncomfortable hurdle, it is important to remember how pivotal their role is in shaping the legal field. Many of our future colleagues will be products of LSAC’s restrictions, so I think its practices merit continued consideration. And as a group of people uniquely adept at the LSAT, its changes are at least somewhat interesting.

I am happy to criticize a standardized testing apparatus because I am one of the decreasing few who think they still have merit. Having students from a variety of undergraduate institutions sit for a single exam that requires no background knowledge is a good thing. It helps to separate those who have genuine legal potential from those who benefited from better academic opportunities—though, I admit, no test could do this in full. But that goal is undermined when LSAC is allowed to raise profitable barriers throughout the application process. The LSAT itself costs $222. If you want to apply to law schools with your score, that will be an additional $200. But if you want to actually apply to a particular school—as opposed to having some CAS report floating in the ether?—that will be another $45 per school, not including the specific application fee. And I have a hard time believing that they are pricing at cost, given that their 2021 net assets totaled $270 million.[3] Even with all this cash, there have been widespread reports of terrible remote LSAT experiences after LSAC went from ProctorU to Prometric.[4]

During undergrad, when helping other pre-law students with their LSAT preparation, I always loved how simple the ideal prep plan was. In my experience, Khan Academy paired with Mike Kim’s The LSAT Trainer was an effective combination for many students. The videos covered every basic problem type and were free, with some accompanying practice tests.

LSAC would respond to my criticisms by touting their fee waiver structure, in which independent students earning below 300% of the federal poverty level can receive these services for free, including the LawHub subscription. For that, I commend them. But the fee waiver system still leaves out plenty of people who earn slightly more but are still wary about spending hundreds of dollars for the subscription and accompanying prep courses.

Those of you who know me are aware that I am not a “vive la révolution” type. LSAC’s officials are entitled to fair compensation because they do provide a unique product that undergoes extensive testing. And I believe that such a product is quite helpful to law schools who want to develop the best lawyers possible. But those good results are predicated on wide availability of opportunity. If large swaths of the population are functionally excluded from adequate preparation, then it is not really a test for merit. Further, law schools and lawyers should not allow LSAC to abuse their position and extract money from aspiring law students. This is because LSAC does not actually provide a valuable good in and of itself. It is a service to help us choose the next generation, and its opportunities should be spread as widely as possible.

The larger issue that underlies this entire concern, though, is that we have a profession built around credentialism when it is not necessary. Your LSAT determines what schools you can get into. Then, even if you want to work in mergers and acquisitions, your Torts grade will factor into what firms will hire you. And when you are actually practicing, the luster of your resume will affect how clients see you. This is true even though some have said that a “generally intelligent high-school student [could] pass the bar with a few months of preparation.”[5] Lawyers as influential as Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson did not even attend college before practicing law.

I doubt many people here will appreciate this perspective, since we have largely won the credentialism game. By virtue of having UVA School of Law on our resumes, we send hundreds to the lucrative Big Law firms. But if credentialism abates, there may be a future in which law students don’t have to enter heavy debt to pass a test that many others could prepare for.


[1] Annmarie Levins, Khan Academy LSAT Test Prep Resources Coming to LSAC’s LawHub by June 2024,  LSAC (Nov. 1, 2023)

[2] Karen Sloan, Law School Admission Test to drop 'logic games' questions from exam, Reuters (Oct. 18, 2023)


[4] Doug Lederman, Problems With Law School Test Frustrate Thousands, Inside Higher Ed (Aug. 14, 2023)

[5] George Leef, Some Very Contrarian Thoughts on the LSAT, National Review (Oct. 12, 2022)

Hunter-Gatherers and the Nature of Property

Andrew Allard '25
Executive Editor

Christina Martin says that a Supreme Court opinion from last term shows that the justices are interpreting property rights through the lens of natural law. Martin suggested the court’s opinion in Tyler v. Hennepin County[1] recognized a property interest so obvious that it could not be resisted. “It pretty much doesn’t matter what history was, what state law is. The mind rebels at it. We all reject this.” 

Martin, a senior attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, recently made her debut oral argument before the Supreme Court, winning a unanimous opinion for the petitioner. Martin recapped the case and interpreted the court’s opinion at an event hosted by the Federalist Society at UVA Law last Wednesday.

The facts of the case made for an unsurprising unanimous decision. Martin’s client, Geraldine Tyler, is a 94-year-old condo-owner in Hennepin County. Ms. Tyler had accumulated $15,000 in unpaid property taxes, and the County seized and sold Ms. Tyler’s condo for $40,000. But rather than returning the $25,000 excess to Ms. Tyler, the County kept all of the proceeds for itself. This practice, which Martin and others have called “home equity theft,” was decisively rebuked by the Court.

The question posed by the case is deceptively simple: Was the County’s taking of the surplus $25,000 unconstitutional? But underlying that question is a much more complex one: Where does property come from? Is it a bundle of rights protected by state law? Or does property have an “irreducible core” which states are bound to respect? And  as Justice Roberts asked at oral argument, “[I]f there is an irreducible core to the property, where does that come from?”

Recalling the oral argument, Martin explained: “Without saying it, I was essentially trying to say that it comes from natural law. The Declaration of Independence says that we all have certain unalienable rights, and this I believe is one of them . . . Property is something—it existed before government. Government exists in part to protect it.”

As defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, natural law is “a philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative or judicial action.” As Martin notes, natural law had a significant influence on the American founding. And its history goes much further—to the roots of Western civilization.

But if the justices had anything to say about natural law, like Martin, they did not say so overtly. Nor did the justices opine on human nature. Instead, writing for the court, Chief Justice Roberts offered a more familiar answer: history and tradition. Relying on sources from the Magna Carta to 18th century state laws, the court found broad consensus that “government could not take more property than it was owed.”[2]

The problem with a natural law gloss on the court’s opinion does not stop at the text of the opinion itself. Anglo-American property law traditions, as it turns out, are not a universal aspect of human society. On the contrary, some hunter-gatherer societies think of property in a way that is entirely unfamiliar. And given that foraging is “the original condition of humankind and 90 percent of human history,”[3] it is arguably a much better reflection of human nature than modern American society.

Anthropologists have observed a custom of reciprocity in some hunter-gatherer societies called “demand sharing.”[4] One such anthropologist, James Suzman, lived with and studied the Ju/’hoansi people in Namibia for more than two decades.[5] In an article for the anthropology magazine Sapiens, Suzman describes how foreign the practice seems to a Western observer. “Where we usually consider it rude for others to ask unashamedly for something that we own or to just expect to receive it, the Ju/’hoansi considered this normal. More so, as far as they were concerned, denying someone’s request ran the risk of being sanctioned for selfishness.”[6]

Despite what this practice might suggest, the Ju/’hoansi still recognize private ownership. But the rights of the owner are much more limited. “The net result of this was that, while private property was respected—after all, if there is no private property, how could you enjoy giving or receiving a gift?—material inequalities were quickly ironed out.”[7]

Of course, one group’s cultural practices cannot inform an entire theory of human nature, nor should it be the basis of American property law. The fact that hunter-gatherers’ lifestyles are arguably more “natural” does not mean that every American must practice demand sharing. Rather, these radically different customs are a reminder that observations about human nature are just that—observations. If there comes a day when we can discern universal behavior from those observations, perhaps we will have a basis for a natural law of property. But for now, human societies remain stubbornly diverse and unsusceptible to such broad generalizations.


[1] 598 U.S. 631, 143 S. Ct. 1369 (2023).

[2] Id. at 641.

[3] Richard B. Lee & Richard Daly, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers 3 (1999).

[4] See e.g., Nicolas Peterson, Demand Sharing: Reciprocity and the Pressure for Generosity Among Foragers, 95 Am. Anthropologist 860 (1993).

[5] James Suzman–About, (last visited Oct. 29, 2023).

[6] James Suzman, Why Envy Might Be Good for Us, Sapiens (June 21, 2018),

[7] Id.

Statement from Virginia State Senator Deeds

Editor’s Note: Thank you to Senator Deeds for contributing this article. The Senator’s statement does not reflect the views of the Virginia Law Weekly or any of its editors.

The Commonwealth is one of just a few states that has an election every year. The election on Tuesday, November 7, will decide control of the state legislature and determine whether Governor Glenn Youngkin will have the majorities he wants to enact the same regressive legislation we’ve seen rammed through in other states, like Florida.

Even though Youngkin narrowly won election in 2021 and won a GOP-majority in the state house, Democrats still retained a majority in the Virginia State Senate. The Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus has served as a brick wall against radical GOP legislative priorities. But, with the entire chamber up for election this year in newly drawn districts, we have no guarantee of keeping that majority.

Everything we care about is on the line in this election—abortion access, gun violence prevention, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental protections, criminal justice reform, affordable housing, and more.

Republicans promise that they will pass an abortion ban. Youngkin has stated that he will sign into law any abortion ban that reaches his desk. He and the state GOP are running on a fifteen-week ban.

Republicans promise to crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights, including outing queer and trans youth to their parents and banning books showing loving, gay relationships. Virginia is supposed to be for lovers. I cannot believe that we still must fight in 2023 to say these simple truths: Love is love, and people are who they are.

Republicans intend to block marijuana legalization in the Commonwealth and other important criminal justice reforms passed under the previous Democratic administration. They want to roll back important regulatory changes that keep coal ash and hazardous chemicals out of our water supply.

They will stick their heads in the sand instead of confronting the urgent threat that is climate change. Youngkin has already pulled Virginia out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and he will do even more if empowered by a Republican legislature. And they’ll continue to ignore the need for common sense gun violence prevention measures, including restricting weapons on college campuses, requiring safe storage of firearms, and banning assault weapons.

All the progress we've worked so hard to achieve could be gone in just one election cycle. And, if Democrats hold the Senate and retake the House of Delegates, we can send bills to the Governor’s desk and force him to take a position. We can also get to work on enshrining abortion rights into the Constitution, repealing the same-sex marriage ban, and providing for the automatic restoration of voting rights for felons.

We're in year four of Virginia's four-year election cycle. In the first three years the President, the Governor, or Congressional seats are at the top of the ticket and drive turnout. In this fourth year, the General Assembly races are at the top of the ticket. In a low turnout environment, every vote counts, and even races in safer districts could flip because voters don’t come to the polls.

The recent headlines coming out of the Youngkin administration, where state officials have purged 3,400 lawful voters from the rolls, make one thing clear: Republicans only want certain people to vote this election. I urge you to make your voice heard no matter how much they might try to restrict it.

In 2021, just 27 percent of registered voters age eighteen to twenty-nine cast a ballot in the election, and, this year, that number could be even lower. With lower than 43 percent turnout expected in our area, a high youth vote could make all the difference. This is why it's critical that you exercise your right to vote and send a message that Virginia rejects MAGA extremism this November 7.

Because of voting rights reforms passed by Virginia Democrats, Virginia has gone from one of the worst voting rights states in the country to one of the best. You can vote early in-person at the city or county registrar’s office through Saturday, November 4. If you requested a mail ballot, you can drop it off at your election day voting precinct, the registrar’s office, or put it in the mail by Election Day.

I hope UVA Law students who live in Charlottesville and Albemarle will cast their votes for our shared vision for our community. I hope you will vote for me and my fellow Democrats Katrina Callsen (54th District) and Amy Laufer (55th District), who are running to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates. You can find out more about all of our incredible Democratic candidates—including UVA Law student Mike Pruitt, who is running for the Board of Supervisors in the Scottsville District, and Allison Spillman, who is in a tight race against Meg Bryce, Antonin Scalia’s daughter—by going to the Charlottesville Dems[1] and Albemarle Dems[2] websites.

We can’t go backwards this November 7. Vote for a cleaner Virginia, a freer Virginia, a loving and tolerant Virginia. Vote for a Virginia that supports reproductive healthcare. Vote for respecting democracy and protecting our civic institutions. Whatever your reason, cast that ballot and make your voice heard.



Law School Panel Says Future Challenges to ICWA Likely

Andrew Allard '25
Executive Editor

Last Wednesday, October 18, Child Advocacy Research and Education (CARE), in cooperation with the American Constitution Society at UVA and UVA’s Native American Student Union, hosted a panel discussion of the recently decided Supreme Court case Haaland v. Brackeen,[1] in which the Court upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).

Photo Credit: Andrew Allard '25

Some 486 tribal nations voiced their support for ICWA, and the decision was welcomed by Native organizations.[2] Said Seth Coven ’25, President of CARE and organizer of the panel, “This is a really important topic that doesn’t get the same coverage as some of the other cases that came out this past summer. . . . The decision was a surprise to some, but in the eyes of CARE and a lot of advocacy organizations, it was a win.”

As the panelists explained, the Brackeen majority determined that ICWA was consistent with Congress’s plenary power to regulate affairs with Indian tribes. The Court also rejected petitioners’ argument that ICWA violates anti-commandeering principles, reasoning that Congress can dictate Indian adoption standards to the states under the Supremacy Clause.

But panelists expressed concern that ICWA may continue to be the target of legal challenges. “It’s only the beginning,” said Professor Andrew Block, who specializes in youth law. “Justice Kavanaugh, in a concurrence, leaves open the door to equal protection challenges, especially after the affirmative action decision.”

To be sure, future challenges to ICWA may ultimately fail. Professor Holly Clement, a former attorney from the Department of the Interior’s Indian Trust Litigation Office who recently joined the Law School as an adjunct professor, suggested that a 1974 case, Morton v. Mancari,[3] clearly weighs against finding that ICWA is racially discriminatory. “I do think you’ll see an equal protection challenge, but I don’t think it will be successful.”

Brianna Baldwin, a medical student at UVA and the president of the Association of Native American Medical Students, likewise explained that, under current law, members of Indian tribes are not a racial or ethnic group, but citizens of sovereign nations. Baldwin noted that in the wake of Students for Fair Admissions,[4] the American Association of Medical Colleges opined that the decision would not impact consideration of an applicants’ tribal membership because it is a political status, not a racial status.

Still, whether Mancari and other precedent can hinder future challenges to ICWA is unclear. Some justices have been willing to depart from the Court’s precedent, as in Students for Fair Admissions itself. Indeed, Justice Kagan even acknowledged in a recent interview at Notre Dame Law School that “there have been ideological divides with one side overturning precedent” in recent cases.[5]

For Native tribes, the stakes of legal challenges to ICWA are high. “Native communities experience higher rates of suicide compared to all other racial and ethnic groups in the U.S.,” Baldwin explained. “Connecting to community, to one’s own language, to one’s culture, to one’s background, can be a predictive health factor for Native youth.” Baldwin noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association filed an amicus brief in Brackeen emphasizing the importance of ICWA for the welfare of Native children.

Professor Naomi Cahn, an expert in family law, suggested that while ICWA is not perfect, it has had a positive impact on Native youth. “In Utah in 1976, an Indian child was 1,500 times more likely to be in foster care than a white child. Today—not great, but four times more likely.”

Indeed, such disparities are precisely what motivated ICWA’s enactment in the first place. As Professor Clement explained, ICWA grew out of the relationship between federal, tribal, and state governments. Under the Constitution, federally recognized Indian tribes are independent, sovereign nations, with exclusive power to manage their internal affairs. “The policy of keeping Indians free of state interference is deeply rooted in our history.” Despite that clear separation, Clement explained, “there’s always been a huge conflict with the states wanting to take on jurisdiction and trying to interfere.”

In writing the statute, Congress noted that “there is no resource that is more vital to the continued existence and integrity of Indian tribes than their children,” and that “an alarmingly high percentage of Indian families are broken up by the removal, often unwarranted, of their children.”


[1] 599 U.S. ___ (2023).

[2] Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) (Haaland v. Brackeen), Native American Rights Fund, (last visited Oct. 21, 2023).

[3] 417 U.S. 535 (1974).

[4] Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard Coll., 600 U.S. 181, 143 S. Ct. 2141, 216 L. Ed. 2d 857 (2023).

[5] Josh Gerstein, Kagan Hopes Supreme Court’s Ideological Divide on Precedent Isn’t Permanent, Politico (Sep. 22, 2023 6:02 PM),

SBA Women's Mental Health and Wellness Roundtable

Caitlin Flanagan '24
Staff Editor

On October 17, the Student Bar Association invited two members of the local Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) to guide a conversation with law students about resources for victims of sexual violence and ways to shape a preventative culture which decreases risk factors for abuse. Carley Mack, the Director of SARA’s prevention team, and Jacqueline Schell, an advocate on SARA’s client services team, joined a group of law students who hoped to discuss their experiences in the Law School and to learn about SARA’s work here in Charlottesville.

Mack began the discussion by describing the work that SARA does in town and in the surrounding counties. The organization’s focus is on providing trauma-informed support services to survivors, as well as identifying creative ways to make communities safer and more empathetic. Practically, their advocates’ broad range of work includes serving as a liaison between victims of sexual assault and their medical providers in local hospitals, collaborating with the University’s Title IX office to ensure that students are aware of SARA’s resources, and assisting survivors with a range of needs. SARA is able to offer survivors care from their own in-house therapy team, and also assists them with filling other critical needs, such as legal representation and safe housing. Mack shared that her favorite part of work is getting tuned into the great range of community resources which are available to provide holistic support to individuals who have survived sexual violence.

Given our context here in the Law School, several questions arose regarding the relationship between SARA and the University’s Title IX office. SARA has a relationship with the UVA Title IX coordinator, Molly Zlock, but emphasized that the scope of SARA’s work with the University is, for the most part, survivor-led. For example, if a student has been a victim of sexual violence and would like an anonymous report to be filed on their behalf, SARA can file that report and subsequently coordinate with the student.

The group discussed the importance of truly confidential resources to a victim of sexual violence. It is essential for many survivors to identify a point of contact who is sensitive to the trauma of sexual violence, well-informed regarding the various plans of action that a victim can take, and who will not break the conversation’s confidentiality, regardless of the gravity of what has occurred. SARA’s representatives discussed the difference between a confidential resource and a mandatory reporter, and recommended that any law student who wants to have a conversation without reporting repercussions get in contact with their advocates.

The roundtable discussed prevention, as Mack and Schell asked the students about the Law School’s culture surrounding sexual violence and its impacts. The group noted that the Law School’s orientation, particularly as compared to other academic institutions, surprisingly does not include an in-person conversation or training regarding sexual assault prevention. Participants in the conversation proposed ways to change the culture surrounding sexual violence at the Law School, including ideas as simple as posting a flyer regarding resources like SARA in the restrooms and at events promoted within the Law School that involve heavy drinking, such as Barrister’s Ball or Bar Review.

Mack provided an example in the form of a poster which SARA has been using in trainings to change the culture around sexual violence in the restaurant industry. The poster describes ways to practice bystander awareness, in the form of “three D’s”: direct, delegate, or distract. Mack provided examples of preventing sexual violence which would fall under each of these categories, to include directly telling someone to stop their threatening behavior, asking someone who is a good friend of an involved party to break up an escalating situation, or distracting someone who seems to be crossing another person’s personal boundaries by telling them that they dropped their wallet near the bar.

SARA’s representatives and the members of the Law School community discussed potential push-back to increasing awareness of sexual violence, and agreed regarding the importance of continuing these important discussions in our community.


FedSoc Hosts Live Taping of Advisory Opinions

Nikolai Morse '24

On Wednesday, October 18, the Federalist Society at UVA Law hosted a live taping of Advisory Opinions (“AO”). As many of our readers are likely aware, Advisory Opinions is a semi-weekly legal podcast, which features “conversations about the law, culture, and why it matters.” It is part of The Dispatch, an American conservative online magazine.

Advisory Opinions is hosted by Sarah Isgur of The Dispatch and David French of The New York Times. Isgur has an array of experiences, ranging from time at private firms such as Wiley Rein and Cooper & Kirk, to the Office of Legal Policy, to multiple political campaigns. French has written for The Atlantic and National Review, served as legal counsel to the American Center for Law and Liberty and the Alliance Defending Freedom, and was President of FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) before serving in the military. Regrettably, neither host attended this great institution for law school.[1]

Wednesday night’s taping included roughly an hour of discussion by the hosts followed by twenty minutes of questions from members of the audience. The hosts covered a variety of topics, including the Fugees rapper Prakazrel Michel’s ineffective assistance of counsel appeal, a study which found that female Supreme Court advocates are interrupted at a significantly greater rate than their male counterparts, Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s remarks calling for a Supreme Court code of ethics, and whether the Fifth Circuit is destined to become the Ninth Circuit (known for its decisions regularly being granted cert by the Supreme Court, only to be struck down in epic fashion).

Following the standard greeting with which the Federalist Society opens its events,[2] Connor Fitzpatrick ’25 introduced the hosts. The hosts then kicked the show off by noting how much happier and better looking their audience was than the typical law school. Considering that the hosts seemed to be staring directly at this reporter’s freshly trimmed goatee, we can all agree they were right.

First, the hosts discussed the rapper “Pras” Michel’s lawsuit[3] in which he was found guilty of acting as an unregistered foreign agent funneling dozens of millions of dollars to influence political campaigns and investigations in the United States.[4] While this case is interesting on the merits, Isgur and French focused on its intersection with artificial intelligence. Specifically, the hosts described claims raised by Michel that he suffered ineffective assistance of counsel (“IAC”) because, among other things, his trial counsel had used artificial intelligence to draft the closing statement.[5]

While the AO hosts thought there might be a claim against the lawyers because they had a stake in the artificial intelligence company they contracted with, the hosts were sanguine about the prospects of the IAC claims. Isgur emphasized that “the Strickland[6] standard doesn’t even come close to describing how hard it is for ineffective assistance of counsel claims to succeed. Falling asleep at the table didn’t count. Failing to call witnesses didn’t count.”

Isgur and French also discussed the question, put forth by other legal commentators, that the Fifth Circuit might be the new Ninth Circuit.[7] The hosts disagreed with the hypothesis of Empirical SCOTUS, that because the Fifth Circuit is known for conservative jurisprudence, it is likely to be affirmed on most of the cases the Supreme Court had granted cert on. Pointing to cases like NetChoice v. Paxton[8] and Community Financial Services Association v. CFPB,[9] the AO hosts suggested that these cases were highly likely to be overturned.

The students in attendance seemed to have enjoyed themselves, and a number hung around after the taping to speak with the hosts. Casey Crowley ’24 gushed, “My favorite part was Sarah’s wit. Her jokes about UVA students being much better looking and charming than Yale or Harvard students were my favorite.”

Describing the decision to invite Advisory Opinions to the Law School, President of FedSoc at UVA Law, Aquila Maliyekkal ’24 stated, “David and Sarah are very thoughtful (and entertaining) interlocutors, and we knew that students that attended would both have a lot of fun and find it very informative. A big part of our mission is exposing grounds to smart, thoughtful conservatives, and we think that’s exactly what the event accomplished!”

Wednesday night’s taping was posted on Thursday, October 19, and can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.[10]


[1] We understand that they attended a Boston-area commuter law school. We respect the hustle.

[2] Straight from the source: “The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.” Heady stuff.


[4] We’re open to bets on how many times the prosecutors sang “Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide” as they prepared for trial.


[6] Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984).

[7] Noting the Ninth Circuit’s tendency to be a glutton for punishment, during my 1L criminal law class Professor Jeffries memorably described them as acting “Like lemmings, off the cliff…repeatedly.”

[8] 49 F.4th 439 (5th Cir. 2022) (cert granted).

[9] 51 F.4th 616 (5th Cir. 2022) (cert granted).

[10] Bonus points for those who listen until the very end, when you can hear a weirdly-timed chuckle, courtesy of yours truly.