Desai '23 Won't Commit to a Peaceful Transfer of Power
Darius Adel '24
Satire Editor
Pictured: Self-Declared President-for-Life Juhi Desai '24 Rallies "MOST COLLEGIAL SUPPORTERS EVER."
It has been a few weeks since the UVA Law 2023 presidential election wrapped up, but SBA President Juhi Desai ’23 has yet to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Despite not being able to run as a 3L, Desai seemed very confident about her chances of winning.
“I will WIN the election AGAIN! My tremendous leadership and unbeatable policies have earned me another term as your President. Thank you! #MLSGA #WINNING #JUHI2024”
“They are spending BIG MONEY against me. Very Dumb. We will win BIG!” Desai tweeted at 2:50 a.m. on the eve of the election.
The former president did not have her name on the ballot and thus garnered 0.00% of the vote. After losing the election, Desai took to social media, yet again, and called into question the legitimacy of the election.
“IT IS LEGALLY IMPOSSIBLE THAT I WOULD LOSE THE ELECTION! VERY NASTY PEOPLE INVOLVED #Recount #ElectionIntegrity #MLSGA,” Desai tweeted at 3:35 a.m. the night after election results came out.
The Law Weekly tried to reach out to Desai regarding her recent tweets and the swirling rumors that she will attempt to stay in office despite the election results. When we finally sat her down, we were told that we were giving off dark energy and that she would not help us spread fake news.
Many of Desai’s staunchest supporters have been speaking up online. There have been cryptic GroupMe messages spreading in which supporters claim that they will step in to protect their president if a recount does not occur. Given that Desai received no votes in this past election, we are not sure what a recount would accomplish. Desai’s supporters have also planned a rally in Scott Commons for this Friday. SBA will be providing free pizza and drinks. It is unclear if Desai is involved in organizing the rally, but many of her followers believe that the event has her blessing.
“CALLING ALL PATRIOTS! Be in ScoCo on April 7th. I am not the organizer. JD has invited us and it’s going to be ‘WILD,’” an anonymous 3L posted on GroupMe late last Saturday.
I personally look forward to this SBA-sponsored rally. As finals get closer, it’s going to be harder to stay involved in student activities. Attending events like this plays a huge part in promoting the collegial environment that we at UVA Law hold so dear.