Welcome Back from SBA President
Jasmine Lee ‘20
Guest Writer
Welcome back to a new year and a new semester! I hope you all had relaxing and fun winter breaks. I speak for all of SBA when I say that we are really excited for the events and programming we have in store for you all this semester. Just this week we are having the first of what we hope becomes an annual tradition, Coffee with the Dean. This is an informal opportunity for students to talk with Dean Goluboff about the Law School community. A goal of mine during my time as SBA President has always been to foster a UVA Law community that is both transparent and inclusive to all members of the student body. I believe that more opportunities for us to come together, especially with members of the administration, can help facilitate that type of environment.
As the semester progresses, SBA will be looking to organize more events for the Law School community. SBA Socials and Barristers (tickets on sale this week!) are traditional favorites that bring us together. As you get excited for events like those, be on the lookout for new events from SBA. We are always looking for new ways to enhance the student experience. If you have an idea, please feel free to reach out to me or another member of SBA!
In a few weeks, we will have elections to announce the new SBA board. In my remaining time as President, I hope to continue to get to know as many of you as I can. I will be holding weekly office hours in the SBA Office from 12:30-1:30 P.M. Please stop by to chat or ask questions! I’m also especially happy to talk with anyone who is interested in getting more involved in SBA.
I hope this semester is exciting and enriching for everyone. For my fellow 3Ls, it’s hard to believe we are in our last semester already. It seems like just yesterday we were starting our Law School journeys, with a thrilling solar eclipse no less. Having experienced a “last semester ever” in Charlottesville during my fourth year of undergrad, my big recommendation to all of you is to truly enjoy Charlottesville. If there is a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try, check it out. If you still want to explore a winery, take a nice afternoon and go. If you haven’t been to the national park right next door to us, grab some friends, get in a car, and go! I doubt you’ll regret any of those memories you make this year.
2Ls, congrats on being half-way done with Law School! It’s been great watching you all grow into true leaders throughout the Law School. I’m beyond excited to see what else you all will do. 1Ls, a huge congrats to you as well for finishing your first semester! That is without a doubt a great achievement and I hope you took time over break to let that sink in. You’ve learned so much since August and still, you’re just getting started. Enjoy spring semester and all the possibilities it brings for you!