Sad 3L Rationalizes Away Nostalgia

Sam Pickett ‘21
Ousted News Editor

As my time at UVA Law comes to an end, I’m beginning to get nostalgic. These days, I’ll stop for a moment to watch law students playing softball at Copley and reminisce on my softball glories.[1] I’ll pause across from the Law School, admiring the building and reflecting on how lucky I am to have been part of the Law School community, to have met the wonderful people I’ve met. I am aware, of course, that this is incredibly cringey and embarrassing. I mean, I even got emotional thinking about how this will be my last ever Law Weekly article. But I’m a 3L—I’m supposed to be embittered by three years of dealing with another bureaucratic institution! And with that in mind, I decided to embrace my inner type-A law student and to ease my nostalgia by coming up with a list of things I will and won’t miss about law school. These thoughts represent my attempt to use humor to cope with my sadness as I enter the professional workforce for the first time.


I will miss: The bond that only last-minute panic studying can create between people.

There comes a time whilst outlining when every student comes to a sudden realization: I don’t know what’s going on. I thought I understood *insert topic here*, but it turns out I don’t. And that is when you beg your much smarter friend to teach you something and when they do, you feel such a sense of relief that you are forever bonded to them. I mean, that sounds healthy, right?


I will NOT miss: Pretending like I know what’s going on. Too often in law school, I am expected to be aware of what is going on. I’m supposed to know what the reading was about, what the professor is saying, and what my classmates are opining on. I’ve had enough of it, and I cannot wait to embrace a life where ignorance is bliss.[2]


I will miss: Bar reviews at Bilt. Is there anything better than running into random acquaintances and yelling over the music into their ear in an attempt to have a conversation? God, I miss it and would do anything to be back there right now.


I will NOT miss: Only being able to afford bar reviews at Bilt. As much as I love my $4 doubles, I am excited to have standards on where and what I drink once I enter the workforce.


I will miss: Having wonderful, qualified professors who understand the material and teach it brilliantly. Shoutout to all the professors who have taught me well and especially those who have given me good grades.[3]


I will NOT miss: Having professors attempt to sabotage the administrative state from the inside.


I will miss: Long weekends and vacations. This semester, my week ends at 12:30 on Wednesday. I mean, THAT is the life. And I’ll never have it again ☹.


I will NOT miss: Having my spring break broken up into little pieces and scattered throughout the Spring semester in an attempt to break me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I can’t wait to decide when I want to take vacation.[4]


I will miss: Hearing and learning from my peers in the classroom.


I will NOT miss: Hearing from my peers in the classroom.


I will miss: Law IT. I don’t really know them, but they’re very kind and seem very sweet. I wish them the best.


I will NOT miss: Receiving emails from the Law School about what to do if I have a mental breakdown/anxiety attack during an exam. It’s like they’re so close to understanding that law school exams are not a healthy way of testing people but just can’t quite get there.


I will miss: The collegiality of students sharing their outlines. God bless all those who have given me outlines and consequently saved me more times in law school than hidden immunity idols have saved Survivor contestants.[5]


I will NOT miss: Someone asking me if I have started outlining to make themselves feel better because they know I have not started outlining and they have. I recognize that this means I should have started earlier, but I refuse to do anything about it.


I will miss: The people. Yes, this is cringey, but also so true. I met so many incredible people at UVA, including the love of my life. Many students will be joining me in D.C., but some will be going elsewhere and for me that is very sad.


And it is with that list that I conclude my Law Weekly career. It has been an immense pleasure and I can only hope that I have brought someone out there some bit of joy. Oh god, here come the tears.


[1] Fall 2019 Softball Champion.

[2] This is, of course, completely untrue, as I imagine I will have to pretend even harder in professional life. But roll with me.

[3] This is a joke.

[4] Assuming the partners at my firm let me.

[5] I have watched a lot of Survivor during quarantine. HMU to discuss which seasons are the best.