Letter to the Editor: 11-13-2019

Michael Berdan ’22

A Poem About Memos 

’Twas the night before memo and all through Withers-Brown,

All the 1Ls were scurrying, each wearing a frown;

Case printouts were scattered ‘cross library spots,

In hopes the papers themselves would connect all the dots.

The 1Ls did type, fast and furiously,

Not into Word—but their section GroupMe.

“This memo, my dudes!” “This memo! ’Tis hell!”

The messages flew ’til they heard midnight’s bell.

The staff came ‘round to give them the boot,

And the 1Ls crawled to the hall, none appearing too cute.

“Look how many!” one asked. “Pages, you mean?”

“No,” he said, “Look how many likes on my meme!”

So the hours ticked by and the poor 1Ls struggled,

With social life and academics precariously juggled,

When the sun came up, they had a memo completed,

They’d won over the task, tho’ they all looked defeated.

Fourteen pages—no more! That’s just what’s required!

Crest that page break! Submit to Canvas! ‘Fore time has expired!

The 1Ls were left, at the end of our tale,

Saying “Thanks for the LOLs, and thank God it’s pass-fail!”


