Court of Petty Appeals: From the Docket, 4-4 2018

The Court of Petty Appeals is the highest appellate jurisdiction court at UVa Law. The Court has the power to review any and all decisions, conflicts, and disputes that arise involving, either directly, indirectly, or tangentially, the Law School or its students. The Court comprises four associate justices and one Chief Justice. Opinions shall be released periodically and only in the official court reporter: the Virginia Law Weekly. Please email a brief summary of any and all conflicts to



            Christopher J. Macomber


            Jansen VanMeulen [sic]

(In his official capacity as Editor of the Law Weekly and in his personal capacity) 

The facts are as follows:

  • On March 27th, I was sitting in Scott Commons (“ScoCo”) with an unnamed Bystander[1]. We were joined by Mr. Jansen VanMeulen [sic], hereinafter the Defendant.
  • I had laid out my belongings across a side ottoman and a table nearby. This included one (1) bag of Skittles that I recovered from the Copy Center after a recent trip there.[2]
  • I left the area for a moment and brought about half of my belongings to go to my locker nearby. I left behind my water bottle, backpack, and the unopened bag of Skittles. I made no mention that I was leaving permanently.
  • Upon my return, within 1-2 minutes, my Skittles were missing. I alerted those around me, including the Defendant, that the Skittles were missing. Defendant immediately admitted that he “took” them. As confirmation, he revealed the opened package of Skittles. Several were taken from the package.[3]

Seeing as the Defendant admitted guilt, I am only seeking COPA’s attention for the proper remedy. 

Prayer for Relief:

  • On the claim against the Defendant in his official capacity:
    • I am seeking a formal and genuine apology, printed in the Law Weekly; and
  • On the claim against the Defendant in his personal capacity
    • I am seeking an injunction against him from committing similar acts of theft

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher J. Macomber ’19


Mr. Macomber:


The Court of Petty Appeals thanks you (pettily) for your submitted complaint. Unfortunately, there is no "Jansen VanMeulen" known to the Court. As such, the Court is forced, with utmost (petty) regret, to dismiss your complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction, pursuant to Petty Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(2).




VanderMeulen, C.J.

Honorable C.J. VanderMeulen:

Thank you for your rule correction and order. Because I was dismissed without prejudice (as is the baseline for all 12(b) motions) I have submitted an amended complaint pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Rule 15 Amended and Supplemental Pleadings.

 As I am sure you know, your Honor, 15(a) confers essentially an automatic rehearing of the merits on the first amended complaint by the complaining party. I hope this court will honor the text and spirit of the rule.


- Chris Macomber

Mr. Macomber:

The Court thanks you for your submission. While you have most eloquently stated your case under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15, unfortunately for you, this Court does not follow the FRCP. We follow the Petty Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 1 of which is "We do what we want." (See, e.g., GOOGLLE v. Dugas, 9 U.Va 1 (2017) ("Certainly, the defendants cannot mean we do not have the power to create such rules. As Petty Rule of Civil Procedure 1 points out, 'We do what we want.' Implicit in this statement is the power to do whatever we want.") (opinion of HADEN, C.J.). There is substantial overlap between the Federal and Petty Rules of Civil Procedure, so you can be forgiven for conflating the two.

However, Rule 18 of the PRCP states, "Justices shouldn't be assholes," and we take that rule very seriously. As such--and in the spirit of comity surrounding the Easter and Passover seasons--I have referred to the Court your petition for amended complaint. May God (and Justice Malkowski) have mercy on your soul.


VanderMeulen, C.J.

Court of Petty Appeals


In re Skittles


Statement of VANDERMEULEN, C.J.


No. 17-123                                 Decided April 2, 2018

 The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. Petitioner has stated a claim upon which relief may be granted, pursuant to Petty Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(7),[4] but the Court’s pretty tired at this point in the year and doesn’t really want to argue about it, tbh. Also, as Justice MALKOWSKI writes in her eloquent concurrence, the petitioner spelled my name wrong. He should spell difficult surnames correctly.


MALKOWSKI, J., concurring in the denial of certiorari, in which SHMAZZLE, ELICEGUI, ZABLOCKI, RANZINI, G., and RANZINI, D., JJ., join.

Certainly, the Court of Petty Appeals is at the point in the semester at which sleep deprivation, lack of timely submitted assignments by one Justice Jani, and a general ennui with regard to Matters Pertaining to People are most prevalent. That said, this Justice concurs in the denial of certiorari to note disgruntledly that it denies this Court the valuable opportunity to rule on the important matter of the botching of difficult surnames. This Justice has been assured repeatedly that this profession concerns itself with “attention to detail.” In practice, this principle to which we allegedly adhere has been contradicted by incomprehensible assertions that this Justice’s name is “Markowitz,” “Malkowitz,” “Mallowsky,” and in one inexplicable incident, “Ashley.” This Justice shares this information to protect members of the University community, to promote correct identification of individuals without control over their Slavic or otherwise non-English roots, to help reduce the likelihood of future name-related crimes, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance (read: blind fury) should future misidentifications occur.

The concurring Justices have all had their names badly botched by cretins like the petitioner. While we're all really too tired to do anything about this case, we hope the Court will jump at the first opportunity in the new school year to take a stand for individuals with maligned surnames.

Accordingly, the petition for a writ of certiorari is DENIED.



[1] This Bystander may be liable for not intervening in the Defendant’s actions but that will turn on if this jurisdiction has a “Good Samaritan Law.” As of the filing of this suit, they are not a listed party.

[2] The Skittles were free and available to all at the Copy Center. This fact does not abrogate my possessory rights once I claimed possession of them however.

[3] This is hearsay but it is still admissible under 801(d)(2)(A) (Party Opponent Exception). [sic]. The Court notes in passing that material admitted under Rule 801 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is not excepted from treatment as hearsay, as under Rules 803 and 804, but rather it is excluded from the definition of hearsay altogether. First the names, and now this? [Ranzini D., J.]

[4] Yeah, that's right, 7. We do what we want.

Law Weekly Special Feature: Historical COPA

Pursuant to the settlement reached with Karl Lockhart ’18 in Anonymous 3L v. Court of Petty Appeals, and Justices thereof, in their official capacity, but especially Chief Justice Goldman and Justice VanderMeulen, Docket 17-139, October 4, 2017, the Virginia Law Weekly has agreed to publish old decisions periodically. It is with great pleasure that the Court of Petty Appeals publishes the following decision from the October 14, 1965 edition of the Virginia Law Weekly. While the current Court would never refer to members of Law Review as “degenerate,” “gallows-birds,” or, heaven forbid, “lickspittle caitiffs,” the Court is intrigued that, despite all the changes over the decades, some things remain constant.

Old COPA.jpg

Do the Login Two-Step, But Read the Fine Print

Law Weekly Staff

The Virginia Law Weekly applauds the University’s recently publicized initiative to require two-factor authentication for all students and faculty. In the interest of providing the Law School community with the most complete information possible regarding this change, we conducted interviews this past week with Law IT User Support Manager Jason Bayers, Strategic Projects & Initiatives Senior Project Manager Dale Dew, Information Security Liaison Stacey Sties, and Chief Information Security Officer Jason Belford. The Law Weekly thanks them for their attention to our concerns. This statement summarizes certain relevant findings, based in part on our meetings, and presents the Law Weekly’s recommendations to the Law School community and to UVa Information Security going forward.

Why the change?

According to CISO Belford, the move to two-factor authentication has been in the works since the summer, 2015 hacking incident, popularly known among some in the community as “that time we got hacked by China.” In response to this incident, the University established a security enhancement program called SecureUVA. Details about this program are available at (NetBadge access required to view.)

The “two factor” in “two factor authentication” refers to systems which make authentication depend both on a password (“something you know”) and a secondary form of identification, such as a code sent to a pre-designated phone, an automated voice call, or a physical device. (“Something you have”). This secondary check reduces the risks associated with password theft or phishing. UVa Information Security is concerned that phishing poses a significant threat to the community and to systems, such as SIS, which protect highly sensitive financial data.

What should students do now?

First, enroll at as soon as possible. The system which the University has selected, Duo Security, offers a variety of options to use as a second factor, but all users must designate at least one telephone number at which they can be reached. Users may elect to install the Duo mobile application, which allows for authentication by responding to a push notification. Privacy-conscious users should be aware, however, that the Duo mobile application contains features which may collect some potentially sensitive information, such as what other applications are installed on the user’s device. CISO Belford has informed the Law Weekly that UVa has not purchased a license to make use of those features and has no intention of ever collecting that kind of information on students; however, as other means of authentication exist which are similarly easy-to-use, it is entirely feasible to pass on the mobile application.

Second, generate a set of backup codes and store them in a safe place. If you lose your phone, you will need one of these backup codes to regain access to your NetBadge-protected services. Consider making use of an encrypted password vault to store your passwords and backup codes. KeePassXC ( is one free and open-source, cross-platform option. UVa Information Security has informed the Law Weekly that they plan to provide UVa students with licenses to use a proprietary password vault system in the near future.

Third, remain vigilant against phishing attacks. Always hover over links you receive in emails before you click them, and make sure that they lead where they purport to lead. Never enter your password on a login page sent to you via email. Remember that the University will never ask you to send your password via email. If you suspect that you have received a phishing message, do not open it. Instead, forward it to immediately.

What remains to improve?

In the time that we have had to test Duo Security, it has proven to be a reasonably reliable and easy-to-use two-factor system. No system is perfect, however, and the Law Weekly has identified three points which we would like to bring to the attention of UVa IT Security.

1. As presently configured, Duo delivers a set of ten one-time-use passcodes all at once to users who elect to receive codes by SMS. Although this approach offers a marginal time and bandwidth savings, the Law Weekly is concerned that providing multiple codes in this fashion does not fully protect users against “shoulder-surfing”: a hypothetical malicious actor who video-recorded a student entering their password could also, just as easily, record them checking their text messages, thereby getting enough information to log in to NetBadge at their convenience. The Law Weekly recommends that UVa IT Security either reconfigure Duo to send only one code at a time or disable the SMS feature altogether in favor of the voice call option.

2. Having had the opportunity to test Duo’s support for FIDO U2F hardware security dongles (a.k.a. “YubiKeys”), the Law Weekly asks UVa IT Security to officially offer interested students and faculty the option of purchasing and making use of such devices. Although hardware dongles have limits—in particular, UVa IT Security has informed the Law Weekly that limited browser support contributed to their decision not to officially support YubiKey devices at this time—the Law Weekly feels that they could offer the UVa a robust and easy-to-use alternative to phone authentication.

A Yubikey, which provides an alternative token to phones for two-factor authentication. Photo courtesy Wikipedia.

A Yubikey, which provides an alternative token to phones for two-factor authentication. Photo courtesy Wikipedia.

3. The Law Weekly is troubled by UVa IT Security's practice of sending links to NetBadge-secured resources by email. Spear-phishing, in which the attacker creates a convincing-looking false login page that intercepts user credentials, relies on user complacency toward emailed links. System administrators, therefore, should not allow their users to become accustomed to using emailed login pages. The Law Weekly asks that UVa IT Security consider adopting a no-hyperlinks policy. In the instant case, by way of illustration, it would have been a far more responsible approach to simply instruct students to keep an eye out for the orange information box on the NetBadge login screen and provide an example of what that box should look like.


The Vagina Monologues, or The V-Word Takes Center Stage

Elizabeth Sines, '19
Guest Columnist

I will never forget the way I felt when I saw The Vagina Monologues for the first time. I was a sophomore undergrad who had just declared a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies, but I had considered myself a feminist for years. I thought I was very comfortable in my own body and, for the most part, I could talk about sex with ease.

 But as the monologues began, and a woman dressed in head-to-toe red took center stage to discuss her journey to love her own pubic hair, I felt myself simultaneously intrigued and incredulous that I was about to spend the next two hours listening to women fearlessly talk about their vaginas, their pleasure, and their sexual relationships. This was completely novel for me. I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains and had always been taught that “ladies” did not discuss such “private and intimate matters” in public. In fact, even the word “vagina” was taboo. Throughout my life, vaginas were referred to by a series of cartoonish names—a "peep," a "coochie," ormy mother’s personal favoritea bugaboo. Growing up, quite frankly, it seemed to me that the right way to refer to a vagina was by any word other than vagina.

 Because no one other than my gynecologist could bear to even speak the v-word, it should come as no surprise that discussions about women’s sexual pleasure were not something I was used to. My favorite shows and movies depicted the sexual development and experiences of male characters quite often, but noticeably absent was any acknowledgment that women, too, were sexual beings capable of experiencing sexual pleasure. Seriously, I watched Jason Biggs pleasure himself with an apple pie before I ever saw a woman discuss masturbation with her friends on a television screen. So I was floored when, an hour into The Vagina Monologues, a lingerie-clad woman with a whip burst onto the stage and gave a powerful speech detailing the various ways she loved to make herself, and other women, moan in bed. I was in awe of the way she so confidently and unashamedly discussed orgasms. It was the first time I had ever heard a woman talk about orgasms as though they were something she had control and autonomy over. Pleasure was not just something women could hope to receive in their sexual encounters with others, but something they had a right to actively seek out and, even more importantly, something that they could provide for themselves without shame.

Flash forward four years, and I am now co-directing The Vagina Monologues with Courtney Koelbel and Amanda Lineberry, two women I befriended when I performed in the show for the first time last year. My views on sex, sexuality, and womanhood have evolved greatly since my first time watching the show, and I now recognize that there are aspects of the original conception of The Vagina Monologues that are outdated and exclusionary, especially of transwomen. That is why, this year, we have worked hard to make the show more inclusive by incorporating outside pieces amplifying the experiences of women of color and centering monologues that acknowledge that womanhood is not determined by having a vagina. Our hope is that the show will be a celebration of every woman and her sexual freedom.

 Please, come out to the Domestic Violence Project’s presentation of The Vagina Monologues on March 30, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. in Caplin Auditorium.  Tickets are available all week from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hunton & Williams Hall or at the door for three dollars. Light refreshments will be served, and all proceeds will be donated to the Shelter for Help in Emergency.

Libel: A Gift From Above

Editor’s Note: This week, the Virginia Law Weekly solicited reflections from the cast of Libel 110. The following, unedited, is what we received for publication.

 My favorite part of the show is tech week. Tech week is the last week of rehearsals right before the show. They’re long and tedious, but it’s the only time the whole cast is there, and we really bond. We also get to see the whole show come together for the first time, and there’s something really cool about seeing a bunch of these weird stand-alone sketches and putting them together to form a cohesive show. In the beginning you’re all strangers. It’s a little weird but just four days later, it’s you hanging out with your new best friends.  

Jeremiah Kirstein ‘18
Assistant Director

Libel 110 for Law Weekly - 6 of 7.jpg

This experience has taught me the important and unique role that the Libel Show plays at UVa Law School. It’s an opportunity to laugh amidst our many stressors, to point out the many quirks and foibles of our school and the legal profession, and to bring the Law School community together for an evening of revelry and merriment. But more than that, it is also important for our participants as they are able to use their many creative talents to express their thoughts and ideas in a manner very different from what they are generally asked to do in law school. I am so grateful to our entire cast and crew who pulled off an amazing show; they are such an incredibly talented group of actors, singers, dancers, band members, technical experts, video and sound editors, and more. It is their enthusiasm and dedication to Libel that has made this process more rewarding than I had ever imagined. As I close out my time as co-Director, I am thrilled and hopeful as I know, with them at the helm, the future of the Libel Show is bright indeed.

Katerina Siefkas ’18

“I think my favorite part is it would always take us a solid 20 seconds to figure out if it was him on stage before we started yelling.”

“We really expanded his fan club, there were people yelling for 2L Jade even by the end.”

“I think it would be gauche of me to comment on my own role.”

The 2L Jake Fan Club ’19

Libel 110 for Law Weekly - 4 of 7.jpg

Being a part of Libel is a ridiculous amount of fun, but it’s also amazing to see how much talent and skill people have outside of class/other “normal” law school things. I felt that last year while playing in the band and watching my classmates on stage, but I felt it even more this year being a part of Junta and seeing how much work and creativity go into the making of the show. For a bunch of law students with minimal free time, it’s mind-blowing that we’re able to pull off a production of this caliber year after year.

Courtney Koelbel ’19
Technical Director (Sound) / Band (Viola) / Cast

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My favorite moment had to be from the night when the professors were in the audience. There was a sketch where a bunch of students were impersonating professors teaching a high school sex-ed class, and the sketch-version of Anne Coughlin attests that she has had sex within the past two days. The real-life Professor Coughlin, sitting in the front row of the audience, triumphantly fist-pumped in response. It was a wonderful moment.

Emily Brown ’20
Band (Banjo & Flute)

Free Meek

Julie Dostal '19

Features Editor Emeritus

As the eventual Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles waited in the tunnel, fans’ ears perked up. It was announced before the game that the team would run onto the field to a Philadelphia anthem.[1] The intro dropped. The relentless beat coupled with the harsh voice of a 25-year-old North Philadelphian filled U.S. Bank Stadium. For those not following the Eagles, the song caught them off guard. Despite the heavy editing, the last line hung over the stadium as the camera zoomed in for a close up of Tom Brady: “these ----- want me dead and I need to make it back home.”[2] Some viewers expressed feeling alienated by the choice of such a “violent rap song.”[3]

For those familiar with this portion of Meek Mill’s iconic "Dreams and Nightmares," we continued the verse in honor of one of the most notable Philadelphians not physically present in Minneapolis. Instead, Robert Rihmeek Williams, AKA Meek Mill, was in Chester State Correctional Institution, a mere thirteen-minute drive from the airport where his football team’s jet left the tarmac.[4] Thirty minutes from Broad Street where thousands would play "Dreams and Nightmares" through phone speakers, car radios, or open apartment windows.[5] Accompanying the music would be chants of “Free Meek!” #FreeMeek trended on multiple social media platforms.[6] The Eagles won. Fans flocked to the streets. The city finally got a Super Bowl parade. Robert Williams, known as Meek Mill, remains in prison. Another victim of a uniquely spiteful judge. Another victim of a particularly corrupt narcotics unit. Another victim of a system that punishes young men for growing up in the wrong neighborhoods, standing on the wrong corners, but most apparently for being black. Meek Mill’s words may have alienated some Super Bowl viewers, but his imprisonment should collectively repulse a country that believes in the "justice" part of the criminal justice system.

Meek Mill. Photo courtesy Hypebeast.

Meek Mill. Photo courtesy Hypebeast.

Following his father’s murder at age five, Meek Mill moved with his mother and sister to Berks Street in North Philadelphia. Described as the black sheep of the family, Meek Mill rarely spoke. Only his special affection for motor vehicles, specifically dirt bikes, motivated him to speech. Instead, he remained in his room filling journals with words that rhymed, eventually developing verse after verse for his rap battles.[7]

Philadelphia is not a kind city for aspiring MCs. Before Meek Mill, the city boasted Will Smith on its list of top five hip-hop artists. It’s a city so lacking in success stories, Beanie Sigel tops the list of rappers achieving mainstream success.[8] For those lucky enough to discover Meek Mill on YouTube early in his career, each video was a raw, lyrically quick recitation of life in North Philly,[9] one of America's most murderous localities. Meek had ten friends die while he lived in North Philly, and another six or seven while he was on the city’s south side.[10] Meek Mill’s adolescence coincided with an unprecedented rise in violent crimes in Philadelphia.[11] His raps are saturated with this struggle to survive within the violence of his city.

By 2007, Meek Mill was achieving more mainstream success. He released a well-received mixtape and hoped to sign with fellow rapper T.I.’s label. Then, the testimony of a crooked Philadelphia cop sent Meek Mill to prison for the first time. What follows is a chronological account of how the criminal justice system has not just continued to fail Meek Mill, but further how Philadelphia police and one Philadelphia judge exploited the lawspecifically the parole systemto continually imprison an individual typifying the type of rehabilitation allegedly envisioned by the creators of the criminal justice system.

At 4:45pm on January 27, 2007, Philadelphia Narcotics Field Unit (NFU) detective Reggie Graham claimed to see Meek Mill selling crack to a confidential informant on the corner of Jackson and 22nd Street.[12] Meek insists he was in a Center City courtroom with a large group of family members watching the trial of his cousin Thelonious. The trial lasted from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Multiple witnesses corroborate Meek’s whereabouts.[13] The Center City courthouse is a minimum thirty-minute commute from the location of the alleged crime.[14] There is no forensic evidence Meek Mill was in court that day. Neither is there forensic evidence from the alleged drug bust. Detective Graham either failed to lab-test the crack he allegedly seized from the Jackson Street bust or the lab test failed to be transferred to the court.[15] Based on his testimony of the purported drug bust, Detective Graham received a warrant to search Meek Mill’s cousin’s home, where Meek spent a majority of his time.[16]

The following night, officers from Philadelphia’s Narcotics Field Unit arrived at the home. Based on Meek’s own testimony, he was sitting on the front stoop when the officers arrived. He tossed the gun he carried for protection from his person and hit the ground.[17] The police then lifted his body and, using his head as a truncheon, bashed in the door of his cousin’s home. The police confiscated $30,000 from Meek’s cousin’s room.[18] His cousin dealt marijuana for a living. No crack was found in the home.[19]

As a result of the raid, Meek Mill faced nineteen counts in the Court of Common Pleas. Roughly a third of the charges involved carrying an unlicensed gun. Other charges involved drugs and assault. Detective Graham also claimed Meek Mill pointed his weapon at Graham and another officer. Mill waived his right to a jury trial, due to the thousands of dollars it generates in additional legal fees. He claims he barely saw his lawyer before trial; a situation that likely contributed to the wholly inadequate defense offered by his attorney. Meek’s defense lawyer failed to call witnesses that would contradict Graham’s initial timeline of the crack sale. He also failed to question other officers from the day of the arrest at Meek Mill’s cousin’s home.[20] Judge Genece Brinkley acquitted Meek’s co-defendants. She found Meek Mill guilty of seven charges, four involving the weapon. She sentenced Meek Mill to two years in prison and eight years of strict probation.[21] This was Meek Mill’s first conviction.

In the fall of 2009, after almost two years in prison, Meek Mill walked out a free man, a free man very aware of his eight years of strict probation. He went right to work selling mixtapes of songs he wrote in prison with the help of new manager Charlie Mack. Again, his story may seem alienating. He suffered an injusticeone so common it captivated listeners across the DMV area, catapulting Meek Mill to more mainstream popularity.[22] In 2011, he signed with Rick Ross’s Maybach Music Group. Meek Mill then released "Dreams and Nightmares," his debut album, an absolutely epic “freshman” effort from such a seasoned MC. Meek Mill ascended to the throne of Philly rap and seemed destined for more national acclaim. "Dreams and Nightmares" peaked as the number-two album in America.[23]

On his way to the Philadelphia International Airport to attempt to fly through Hurricane Sandy to make a show in Atlanta, Meek Mill was pulled over by the police. The officers stated that his windows were tinted and they smelled marijuana. The officers arrested the rapper and impounded his car. Hours of searching produced no evidence. After an evening in jail, Meek Mill was released with no charges. But Judge Brinkley was so aggravated by the last-minute changes to Meek’s travel plans (his involuntary overnight stay in prison), she requested he take a drug test. The test came back clean. She ordered another test. The second test also came back clean. Yet Judge Brinkley barred Meek Mill from touringa decision that likely cost him $6 to $8 million dollars.[24] She assigned him a new parole officer, who demanded an hour-by-hour schedule of the rapper’s daily life.[25]

 A more bizarre turn occurred when both the Judge and Meek Mill’s new parole officer, Treas Underwood, began praising the rapper’s former manager, Charlie Mack, during Meek’s subsequent court appearances.[26] Meek Mill was managed by Mack during his initial rise to popularity from when he was released from prison in 2009 to when he signed with Maybach Music Group in 2011. For the next five years, Judge Brinkley would systematically stop Meek Mill from touring, send him back to jail, and extend his probation. These events often occurred parallel to an album release.

The latest example of Judge Brinkley’s abuse of the system happened just last year. Meek Mill was in New York City to film a segment of The Tonight Show. As he was driving uptown, a group of kids on dirt bikes pulled alongside his Rolls Royce. Meek rolled down his window and asked if he could borrow one of the bikes for a ride. A kid happily obliged and Meek Mill joyfully popped wheelies down the streets of New York with his cameraman filming for his Instagram followers. The next day Meek Mill was arrested by the NYPD on a felony count of reckless endangerment. The charge was later downgraded to a misdemeanor, then dropped. Meek Mill was then ordered back to Philadelphia, after being found in violation of his probation. Judge Brinkley sentenced Meek Mill to two-to-four more years in prison.[27] Both the Philadelphia District Attorney and Meek Mill’s parole officer opposed jail time.[28]

The NFU detective who originally testified to Meek Mill selling crack on the corner of 22nd and Jefferson Street quietly retired last year from the force, plagued by rumors of dishonesty and deceit. In early 2009, as Meek Mill continued to serve out his first sentence, a group of Philadelphia NFU officers were caught on security cameras robbing bodegas in North Philadelphia. All members involved in the scandal maintained their positions, while taxpayers shelled out almost $2 million in damages to the robbery victims.[29]

The NFU has appeared repeatedly in the news for intentionally robbing people’s homes, usually in North Philadelphia.[30] The detective at the center of Meek Mill’s arrest was corrupt. He was a known liar and his partners testified to his dishonesty. A list recently leaked from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office placed Reggie Graham on a list of officers too dishonest to be trusted as a source of testimony.[31] It is especially damning information considering the word of Detective Graham was the sole evidence in the granting of the original search warrant.

Since his original conviction, Meek Mill has been sent back to prison four times. His original sentence called for twenty-three months in prison. He has served almost four years and earned an additional fourteen years of probation. Many see Meek Mill’s case as a stark example of Pennsylvania’s broken parole system.[32] In his moments of freedom, he has released three albums, toured the world, and attempted to start a record label to help other up-and-coming artists. Meek Mill has not been convicted of so much as a misdemeanor during his time outside of Chester State.[33]

In an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone, he revealed he doesn’t allow many visitors to Chester State Correctional. He says he’s not alive in prison.[34] Meek Mill is currently appealing the probation violation sentence. His attorneys have requested Judge Brinkley recuse herself. The FBI is aware of her problematic sentencing habits. In 2016, the agency asked Meek Mill to wear a wire while meeting with Judge Brinkley. Meek Mill refused.[35] The Philadelphia  prosecutors’ office is reconsidering the case in light of the new report from the District Attorney concerning Graham’s trustworthiness. There may be hope for Meek Mill. Until his release, Meek Mill’s case demonstrates the corruption and abuse of the criminal justice system by individuals in positions of power in Philadelphia. Meek Mill’s music may alienate some listeners. The nightmares of his reality should alienate everyone. Free Meek.



[1] Chris Chavez, Watch Eagles Take the Field to Meek Mills Dreams and Nightmares, Sports Illustrated, (2/4/18),

[2] Id.

[3] Warren Tudd Huston, The Philadelphia Eagles have Announced the Team Will Run out onto the Field at Super Bowl LII to a Highly Controversial rap song that Critics call Sexist, Racist, and Violent, Breitbart News, (2/4/18),

[4] “Directions from Chester State Correctional Institution to Center City Philadelphia,” Google Maps, (last visited 3/14/18).

[5] Keith Caulfield & Kevin Rutherford, Meek Mill’s Dreams and Nightmares Earned 1.4 Million Streams on Day After Superbowl, Billboard, 2/7/2018,

[6] Deena Zaru, Phildelphia Eagles Show Solidarity with Imprisoned Meek Mill During Super Bowl Entrance, Cnn, 2/5/2018; Specific Philadelphia Eagles have showed continued support for Meek Mill, showing up at a rally protesting the rapper’s latest prison sentence. See Evan Grossman, Eagles Using Meek Mill as Their Super Bowl Soundtrack, and the Motivation is Mutual, (1/26/2018),

[7] Paul Solotaroff, #FreeMeekMill, Rolling Stone, 3/14/2018.

[8] Ryan Beagle, Top 10 Hip Hop Artists From Philadelphia, Hip Hop Golden age, (Last visited 3/16/18),

[9] 13 of Meek Mill’s Best Throwback Freestyles, Youtube, (Last visited 3/15/18),

[10] Solotaroff, supra note 7.

[11] Jon Hurdle, Philadelphia to Quell an Epidemic of Gun Violence, N.Y. Times, 4/15/2007 (“From 2004 to 2006, the number of homicides in the city rose 22 percent.”). See also Murder Rates in 50 American Cities, The Economist, 2/17/2017,

[12] Solotaroff, supra note 7.

[13] Id.

[14] “Directions from Center City Court of Common Pleas to the Corner of Jackson and 22nd Street,” Google Maps, (last visited 3/14/18).

[15] Solotaroff, supra note 7.

[16] Id.

[17] "First day I ever felt safe outside was when I got me that Sig Sauer." Id.

[18] Id.

[19] Id.

[20] Officers on the scene that day have since signed sworn affidavits they never witnessed Meek Mill raise his weapon. Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Jake Denton, The Criminal Justice Data Behind Meek Mill’s Latest Prison Sentence, Pacific Standard, 11/9/2017,

[23] Caulfield and Rutherford, supra note 5.

[24] Solotraoff, supra note 5.

[25] Id.

[26] Id.

[27] Kristine Phillips, Meek Mill Denied Bail Again as Judge Calls Rapper a “Danger to the Community,” Wash. Post., 12/4/17.

[28] Id.

[29] Solotraoff, supra note 5. See also Walter Olson, Cops Walk in Philadelphia Bodega Robbery Scandal, Cato Institute, 5/14/2014,

[30] Haimy Assefa, Six Philadelphia Officers Arrested on Corruption-Related Charges, Cnn, 7/30/14,;  See also Melissa Hellman, Philadelphia Narcotics Cops Charged with Stealing Drugs and Money, Time, 8/1/2014.

[31] Julie Shaw and Chris Palmer, Here are the 29 Philly Cops on the DA’s ‘Do Not Call’ List, Philly Inquirer, 3/6/2018,

[32] “The problem with Pennsylvania’s laws are that they allow probation to exist in perpetuity. You can be on probation forever in Pennsylvania because you do not receive time served for being on probation.” Sidney Madden, Meek Mill’s Sentencing Generates Protest, Calls for Probation and Parole Reform, NPR Music, 11/15/2017,

[33] Meek Mill has failed to notify his parole officer of trips outside of Philadelphia, failed to make court appearances, and tested positive for Percocet in a 2015 drug test. Each minor infraction led to additional prison time or additional probation. Id.

[34] Solotraoff, supra note 5.

[35] Id.


Murder in Antarctica: Just Asking Questions

Eric Hall '18

Editor Emeritus

Over winter break I took a cruise to Antarctica. The wildlife and natural wonders were life-changing. I saw glaciers that engulfed whole mountain ranges, and icebergs the size of aircraft carriers. I waded through seas of penguins, tiptoed by snoring elephant seals, and photographed a ballet of breaching blue whales. In law school, people always talk about escaping to nature to find “perspective.” In Antarctica, I took a heavy dose. Grades, the bar, even the law itself felt vanishingly insignificant while I was down there, like warm breath on a glacier.

Regrettably, we’re not in school for marine biology or environmental science. Although I’d love to write about playful seal pups, and calving glaciers, we are law students and this is the Law Weekly. Thus, with some casual research, I discovered that even at the frozen end of the world, where there are no courts, police, or politicians, there is law.

If this penguin committed murder, who would prosecute? The answer may surprise you. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

If this penguin committed murder, who would prosecute? The answer may surprise you. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

There is no government of Antarctica. Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom each claim a slice of it, but since 1961, the rest of the world has not recognized their claims. In that year, twelve countries—including the seven claim-holders—signed the Antarctic Treaty which continues to govern land and sea south of the 60th southern latitude. The treaty guaranteed that no country would enlarge its claim while it was in effect. Despite having no claims, both the United States and the Soviet Union were signatories on the original treaty, representing remarkable cooperation during the heart of the Cold War. The Cold War hints at the original treaty’s purpose and scope. Its key stipulation provides that Antarctica will be used for peaceful purposes only, and that no military presence can be installed there. Later amendments prohibited member nations from exploiting Antarctic natural resources and protected marine life, but the core of the treaty has always governed the relationship between people and nature in Antarctica. Thus, the primary source of law below the 60th southern latitude offers little to govern the relationships between people and other people in Antarctica.

So what happens when people in Antarctica commit crimes against each other? Is it possible to get away with murder in the most remote location on Earth? The answer appears to depend on who you are and what you’re doing down there.

Most people go to Antarctica on a cruise, like I did. Therefore, in the most likely criminal scenario, a tourist voyages to the bottom of the world, beyond the reach of airports or cell towers to dispose of an enemy or loved one. This is not recommended. If you’re an American on board an American vessel, you generally bring your criminal laws with you as you travel south. In 2010, President Obama signed the Cruise Vessel Safety and Security Act. The law requires cruise lines to provide passengers a “security guide” that reveals which jurisdiction applies on board. The law also requires cruise ship personnel to report any crimes to the FBI immediately after an incident, and provides criminal and civil penalties for failure to comply. When I asked him, the safety officer on board my ship confirmed (with some suspicion) that he had a pair of handcuffs and a jail he could use for such an occasion. Although data on the incidence of cruise ship crimes are scarce, what happens to such criminals is well-settled and the same no matter where you sail. The more interesting question—and the one savvy killers should be asking—is what happens when someone is murdered on continental Antarctica.

Potential crime scene Palmer Station. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

Potential crime scene Palmer Station. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Antarctic homicide is too uncommon to offer well-settled answers. The Antarctic Treaty offers minimal guidance. And the few examples since its ratification generate conflicting results. The Treaty specifies that scientific personnel and “observers” (officials designated by each signatory to enforce the terms of the treaty) are subject to the jurisdiction of their home country for all “acts and omissions occurring while they are in Antarctica for the purpose of exercising their functions.” The treaty is silent on tourists, however. And regarding scientific personnel, the treaty appears limited to acts that fall within the scope of their employment in Antarctica, i.e. not homicide.

In the year 2000, an Australian astrophysicist mysteriously died after a coughing fit in the middle of the Antarctic winter. He was working on an American Base in territory claimed by New Zealand. Interestingly, the New Zealand authorities investigated. But since the scientist died in the winter, they couldn’t retrieve the body to perform an autopsy until October. Consider that for a moment, the other 50 staff members had to carry on for months not knowing whether a murderer was in their midst! When they finally completed the autopsy, they concluded that the man died from methanol poisoning, but without examining the crime scene it was impossible to determine if it was a suicide, and accident, or the continent’s first recorded murder.

The author mugs for the camera, thinking little of the legalities that would complicate investigation of his murder. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

The author mugs for the camera, thinking little of the legalities that would complicate investigation of his murder. Photo Eric Hall / Virginia Law Weekly

In October 1996, on a huge American base called McMurdo Station that also sits on land claimed by New Zealand, one American cook attacked another with the claw end of a hammer. On American bases, the station chief is commonly deputized as a U.S. Marshal. In this case, he used his authority to arrest the murderous cook, locking him in a supply shed. This time, the U.S. was able to immediately dispatch three FBI agents to investigate and take the cook into custody. Inexplicably, Australia sent a mediator.

Thus, it seems to matter in what season and on which country’s base the murder takes place, but generally, investigating violent crime in Antarctica is ad hoc, and relies on international cooperation. It’s a dissatisfying answer born of the continent’s extreme remoteness and weather, the same conditions that make Antarctica so worthwhile to visit in the first place.


Eric Hall

Grit & Focus: Women at the Top

By Katherine Mann '19

Features Editor

Serena Williams is one of the most successful tennis players in history. With thirty-nine Grand Slam titles, she is ranked third on the all-time listof all players, not just women. If you ask most people what makes Serena special, the first answer you might hear is “talent.” 

But according to Dr. Milana Hogan, Chief Legal Talent Officer at Sullivan & Cromwell, Serena might point out the thousands of hours of pure hard work she has put in during her career. “If we only tell one side of the story, then we don’t really appreciate the efforts of hard work.” Hogan spoke last week at Women at the Top, an event sponsored by Virginia Law Women. The focus of her talk was the concept of "grit", which she defined as the behavioral persistence in the face of adversity. There is no doubt about Serena’s talent, but her passionate pursuit of her goals, even when facing difficulty, sets her apart from her peers.  

Hogan recently published a book called “Grit, The Secret to Advancement,” which details the work of the Grit Project, an ABA initiative to find out what makes women lawyers successful. The idea is to uncover and teach relevant traits to women starting out in the field in order to increase their advancement, and her focus has been on the impact of grit and growth mindset on the success of women lawyers. 

The concept of grit is closely related to having a growth mindset. Hogan set out a spectrum to illustrate this concept. A person might have a “fixed” mindset, in which they believe that their inherent ability, level of talent, or intelligence is fixed, and that it can’t be improved through any kind of practice. People with a growth mindset, however, don’t believe in any ceilings for themselves. “They believe in the power of effort,” she explained. Her research showed that women lawyers fall about in the middle of this spectrum.  

Research into intelligence measures, such as SAT or LSAT scores, has shown that intelligence is far less fixed than we used to believe. Furthermore, “we’re finding that these tests are not very good predictors of success,” she said. While they can illustrate your intelligence at any one time, your mind is like a muscle. “If I decided to improve my IQ, I could,” she said.  

Hogan views mindset as a huge opportunity for improvement for advancement for women in law. For example, she noted that women react very differently to performance reviews than men do, while acknowledging that this is a generalization and that individuals are different. One of her colleagues told the story of having an overall positive review from her evaluators, but on hearing that her writing was “pretty good,” she started catastrophizingmentally spinning out scenarios where a single remark led to a career disaster. “If you don’t digest feedback in a healthy way, you’re in trouble,” Hogan said. People who are more growth-minded can resist the urge to take feedback personally and, instead, turn it into an opportunity for learning and success.  

Grit, and its focus on overcoming adversity, goes hand-in-hand with having a growth mindset. Hogan studied women in all areas of lawnonprofit, government, in-house counsel, solo practitioners, judges, and law firmsand found a statistically significant relationship between grit and various measures of success in all these domains. It is closely related to overall quality of work. She also found that while many highly successful women lawyers display a growth mindset when facing challenges, there is room for improvement. Judges have a slight edge when it comes to grit, and nonprofit lawyers have a slightly higher growth mindset than those at law firms. She also found that growth mindset is also a good predictor of seniority within an organization. 

She ended her discussion by talking about strategies for women lawyers entering the workforce. “Get comfortable with failure,” Hogan advised, even if that means hearing supposedly negative feedback in a new way. Reframing the phrase “pretty good” as an opportunity for learning allows you to improve your work product. She also encouraged women to inspire criticismin other words, to have a positive reaction to criticism in order to ensure that you continue to receive feedback. It’s important that your superiors know you want feedback so that they will freely give it to you. She also encouraged the “fake-it-till-you-make-it” strategy. Just pretending you don’t have a personal ceiling can allow you to go further. Finally, she stressed the importance of finding meaning in your work and focusing on long-term goals. She noted that if women don’t find meaning in their work, they are much more likely to leave their job. “Passion is the lynchpin of grit,” she said.  

Retention and promotion are still issues for women in the legal field. Firms and other organizations have begun to implement programs to address these needs, but women can use the strategies suggested by Hogan to complement these programs. It’s fair to say that only very few women will be able to win the Australian open while eight weeks pregnant. But women in the law should feel free to work without a ceiling.


Katherine Mann 






Welcome Admitted Students!

Welcome Admitted Students! 

Jasmine Lee, ‘20 

ASOH Co-Chair 

Lise Guerrier, ‘20 

ASOH Co-Chair 

Toccara Nelson, ‘19 

ASOH Co-Chair 

Robbie Pomeroy, ‘19 

ASOH Co-Chair 

Kirsten Jackson, ‘18 

ASOH Co-Chair 

Jill Winter, ‘18 

ASOH Co-Chair 


Do you remember the moment that you learned of your acceptance to UVa Law and the feelings that came to you at that moment? A combination of excitement, fear, and determination led you to choose Charlottesville as your home for three years, and believe it or not, you have almost completed another (if not your first) year at UVa Law. Now it is time to pave the way and welcome the Class of 2021! 

Admitted Students Open House Weekend will take place this Thursday and Friday (March 15 and 16) on the Law School grounds. On these few days we will officially introduce the admitted students to our community and show them the environment that makes UVa Law unique. Some of our current students have already been introducing the admits to our community by volunteering to serve as student liaisons, and we hope more of you can meet the admitted students and join us for the many events we have planned this weekend. 

Thursday is when most of the students arrive, and we will kick off the afternoon with tours of the building from our Virginia Law Ambassadors. There will be plenty of new faces wandering the halls, so please feel free to help if someone looks as though they need help with directionsand admitted students, please also feel free to ask a student for help as well! Thursday afternoon we will have our first large welcoming event for Admitted Students Open House with a BBQ in Scott Commons and Spies Garden at 3:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for the admitted students to meet one another as well as current UVa Law students, so please stop by if you can on your way to or from class and meet a new face.  

After the BBQ the students will then head to Monticello for a private tour of Thomas Jefferson’s estate. To close out the evening there will be a trivia night at Three Notch’d Craft Kitchen and Brewery from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Many of you have already signed up for this event so we look forward to a great night of food, drinks, trivia and some NCAA March Madness! 

Friday will be the busiest day for the admitted students, beginning with a breakfast in Caplin Pavilion and followed by a full slate of informational programs, which will give admitted students perspectives about classes, career opportunities (with the best career service department ever—actually!), financial aid, and so much more. We encourage admitted students to take advantage of any session that sounds interesting or helpful to them and to ask as many questions as possible as our faculty and staff members love getting to know more about our students! 

Lunch will be served in classrooms all over the Law School as the admitted students take a moment to hear from current UVa Law students in one of our many Student Life Panels. This is an opportunity to receive candid answers to questions such as “What does it really mean to be a student at UVa Law?” and “What if I don’t know how to play softball?” Don't worry, many of us still don’t know how to playwe’re just pretending. 

Friday will conclude with our “Supreme Alums” Reception in Caplin Pavilion, where admitted students will have the chance to meet faculty and recent Virginia Law alumni who have achieved the distinguished honor of clerking for the Supreme Court of the United States. Although this is the end of the official program, admitted students should also be on the lookout over the weekend for opportunities to meet with our affinity groups, many of which will be hosting some great events for admits so that they can become further acquainted with our current students. 

Lastly, to our admitted students: it is our pleasure to serve as your ASOH Co-Chairs this year and hopefully this weekend will show you why UVa Law has earned the nicknames of “Happiest Law School” and “The Disney World of Law Schools." UVa Law is not simply oriented around providing you with a great job (although that is a wonderful perk) but we are also committed to building strong relationships with each other, our faculty members, and our communities at large. To commit to UVa Law is not simply to commit to a school for three years; it is a commitment to a unique family for life. We hope that you take advantage of every workshop, panel, and event this weekend so that you can catch a glimpse of this with your own eyes.  We are here to help you have the best experience possible, so please do not hesitate to ask us any question or to flag us with any concern. Even if you simply would like to say hello, do not hesitate to stop us. We have spent a long time preparing for you and are very excited to meet you personally!


ASOH Co-Chairs: Jasmine Lee, ‘20 (, Lise Guerrier, ‘20 (, Toccara Nelson, ‘19 (, Robbie Pomeroy, ‘19 (, Kirsten Jackson, ‘18 (, Jill Winter, ‘18 ( 

Hot Bench: Michelle Chang '19

Your Name: Michelle Chang 


1.  Have you ever had a nickname? What? 

My dad and I were popularly known as the 2 Changz, does that count?

2.  What is your favorite word? 


3.  Where did you grow up? 

Taiwan, (we have the best night markets in the WORLD) and West Palm Beach. I only saw snow a whopping three times before the age of 22.

4.  What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? 

See above description about night markets. Seriously how can everything taste so good? Although a close runner up is McDonald’s fries and chicken nuggets.

5.  If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why? 

Demi Lovato. She is talented, passionate, beautiful and intelligent. Most importantly she’s real. She opens up about her mental illness and speaks up against bullying and body image issues. She’s a queen and I’d love to tell her how much she’s inspired me over the years.

6.  If you owned a sports team, what/who would be the mascot? 

Pandas. Sloths. UNICORNS.

7.  If you had to pick one song to play non-stop in the background of your life, what would it be? 

Demi Lovato’s "Tell Me You Love Me." I already say that phrase ten times a day anyways.

8.  If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? 

Speak every language. Communication is a beauty of humanity. And also my sources of gossip is now unlimited. 

9.  What’s something you wish you’d known about law school before coming to UVa? People drink a lot. A lot more than a lot.

10.  What did you have for breakfast this morning?  

Kevin Malone’s chili.

11.  Whats your most interesting two-truths-and-a-lie? (And what’s the lie?) 

1. Two friends and I once had a podcast about Dawson’s Creek and James Van Der Beek tweeted at us. (lie, it was John Wesley Shipp who tweeted at us. I’m famous yes.) 

2. My face is on an exhibit in the Frost Museum of Science in Miami. (again, I’m famous yes) 

3. I’m allergic to happiness, aka furry friends and alcohol.

12.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 


13.  What’s the best (or worst!) PG-rated pick-up line you’ve ever heard? 

Going to bed? Mind if I Slytherin?

14.  What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? 

From my Law School wife Rachel Gallagher: Hermione Granger’s wand with the note “because you’re magical.”

15.  If the Law School had yearbook awards, what would you want to win? 

Most petty or most dramatic.

16.  If you could know one thing about your future, what would it be?  

Will I ever meet Demi Lovato? 

17.  Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC? 

I don’t know her.

18.  What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep and why? 

Close to 24 hours in high school. I was in an IB program. Contrary to popular belief, the “S” in “IB therefore IBS,” does not stand for sleep.

19.  What’s your favorite thing to do in Charlottesville? 

Visiting Carter Mountain! There are actually non-drinking activities for me to do there! 

20.  If you could make one law that everyone had to follow, what would it be? 

Nap time is mandatory. At least 20 minutes every four hours. At work and at school. Everywhere.


Michelle Chang  

Hot Bench: Brian Miller '19

1. What are you most excited for during your second summer in Raleigh, North Carolina?
North Carolina is God’s country —surrounded by the best barbecue, kind people, and a day trip to the Outer Banks or the mountains.

2. Where did you grow up?
Asheville, N.C. It’s a small speck of new-age art and craft beer sitting in a sea of Appalachian country folk. One of the best places to go to find jacked-up pickup trucks sporting “Eat Local” bumper stickers.

3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Denver seems nice. But I’d be fine with anywhere that has a Moe’s Southwest Grill (the real reason I’m not staying in Charlottesville post-law school).

4. What’s your least favorite sound?
I’d agree with Jenny Lamberth that the sound of chewing food is up there. Also any portion of the Bluebook being read aloud.

5. If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
Lil Wayne. Explanation neither needed nor provided.

6. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. Just enough tourists that there’s a lot to do, but a far cry from the commerciality of somewhere like Myrtle Beach. They also have very nice trees.

7. What’s something you wish you’d known about law school before coming to UVa Law?
The name of literally any major law firm. I spent many conversations pretending to know what was happening when people were throwing around strange words like “Cravath,” “Skadden,” and “MoFo.”

8. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Bojangles. One of North Carolina’s gifts to the world, along with Cookout and Nina Simone.

9. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
Maybe when I got my PlayStation 1. At the time I had no idea what a “PlayStation” was, so you can imagine my 7-year-old self’s pleasure when I discovered it was not in fact some sort of children’s playpen.
10. Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC?
I used to think Backstreet Boys was a gang, so I guess *NSYNC.

11. What is the best concert you have ever been to?
I enjoyed John Mayer when he was playing his more blues-y stuff.

12. What’s your spirit animal?
A fox, provided it’s an unusually un-enthusiastic fox.

13. What’s your favorite food?

14. If you won the lottery, what would you do with it?
BUY CHICK-FIL-A NUGGET. And then see if I could bribe Hugh Jackman to come to Barrister’s with me next year. (Alternative answer: àchurchàloansàcarànuggets).

15. If you had Matrix-like learning, what would you learn?
Piano, and then how to precisely mimic Prof. Jeffries’s voice.

16. What are the 7 wonders of the law school?
The wild success of Career Services; Dean Emerson Spies’s furry robe thing in his portrait; the ghostly doors to the outside that make noises at you when you walk by them at night (seriously, it’s a thing).

A Farewell from the Editor-in-Chief

The Law Weekly has seen its share of ups and downs during the last several years. Alex Haden ’17 made it the mission of his tenure as Editor-in-Chief to restore the Law Weekly to its former glory as the pulse of the Law School community and as the historical record for the school. Under his leadership, the Law Weekly won the ABA Student Newspaper of the year award. To say I had big shoes to fill was an understatement. 

My goal for the year was to move from rebuilding the paper to taking it in a new direction. That new direction became clear on August 11 and 12, 2017.

The Law Weekly office houses paper copies of every issue we have published for the last seventy years. We see our archives as dozens of little time capsules; snapshots of UVa and international history gathered by generations of UVa Law students, from the introduction of new deans to the aftermath of 9/11. As a staff, we knew we had to cover the fatal protests in the most comprehensive way possible.

Our staff GroupMe was at a near constant buzz on those two days in mid-August. We had our first issue planned and ready, but none of the jokes about starting law school or ANG’s drunken escapades felt right at all anymore. So we scrapped it and started over.     Immediately we began interviewing students and faculty who were eyewitnesses to the protests for our reporting on the event itself. But more than to report, we wanted to provide a space for students to work through their emotions and sought reaction pieces from students of all years. 

In my capacity as EIC, I began talking to student organization leaders at the Law School about how the Law Weekly could better reflect our community. As a result of those talks I kicked off the year with the “Spotlight Series,” where affinity groups were given a space to educate the student body about issues that their communities are facing. These Spotlights became the core of our post-August 12 issues.

 In another effort to make the Law Weekly more inclusive, I offered authors the opportunity to give their pronouns so when editorials are written, the feedback can be given appropriately. I received more feedback about this editorial decision than any other this year, mostly positive, some vehemently negative. 

Because I never had the forum to explain the reasoning behind providing this option, I will explain it now. 

First, the inclusion of gender pronouns is a choice. We do not force authors to include them against their will; we merely extend to them the opportunity to include them—an opportunity a majority of our authors take enthusiastically.

Second, I feel that the paper should reflect the changing environment of the school. I look at old editions frequently and am aghast by announcements about “wives of law students” clubs, and the lack of women and people of color in the pictures and on the newspaper staff. But I am heartened to see how rapidly the Law Weekly has changed to reflect the increasingly diverse student bodies of recent years. The option to include one’s pronouns is a small step in the direction of increased inclusion that I believe the Law School is moving towards. 

Third, though I am a cis-gender woman with a culturally feminine first name, I have received countless emails and letters to “Mr. Editor-in-Chief.” To be clear, the addition of pronouns was not meant to benefit me, but I have found that the addition of pronouns to articles I authored and to my email signature have reduced these awkward blunders. 

Fourth, I have heard one phrase countless times: “But The New York Times doesn’t include pronouns of authors!” I am flattered that the Law Weekly is compared so often to such a prestigious publication. I hate to break it to you, loyal readers, that we are not The New York Times. The Law Weekly is meant to be a keeper of history, a place of discussion, common community, and humor. We make mistakes but we try to respond and do our best for the UVa Law community. The inclusion of pronouns is a small showing of solidarity with our transgender and gender-queer colleagues in a community newspaper. 

Being Editor-in-Chief of the Law Weekly was the highlight of my law school career, and I want to thank all the student guest columnists, the faculty who advised us, and to the incredible team of staff writers and editors who dedicated countless hours to supporting the paper. Thank you especially to SBA President Steven Glendon, who allowed us to poke fun at him mercilessly (despite being fantastic at his job), and to my Executive Editor, Jansen VanderMeulen, who went above and beyond in his role and will do great things as Editor-in-Chief. 

Finally, thank you to all of our readers. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a small part of your law school experience. The past three years have been pure fun and I hope it showed. 




1 Covering events, writing reviews, soliciting student and professor articles, planning professor interviews, workshopping jokes, and ruling on novel issues that come before the Court of Petty Appeals.

Finding Your Voice: A Sitdown with Judge Newsom

Last Thursday, Judge Kevin Newsom, a 2017 appointee to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, joined UVa Law students in Caplin Pavilion to discuss aspects of his judicial philosophy and the steps he has taken on his career path. 

Judge Kevin Newsom. Photo courtesy of Alabama Today. 

Judge Kevin Newsom. Photo courtesy of Alabama Today. 

Facilitated by UVa Law’s Professor Leslie Kendrick, the discussion began with a question about Judge Newsom’s childhood and what it was like to grow up in Birmingham, Alabama, the same city where he now sits on the bench. Speaking with an admirable candor, Judge Newsom admitted that his childhood contained many notable challenges, including the fact that both of his parents struggled with alcoholism during his youth. Additionally, his younger sister, who sadly passed away several years ago, suffered from severe mental and physical disabilities. In spite of these early obstacles, Judge Newsom characterized them as having a “unique influence” on his upbringing. He also lauded his childhood best friend’s father for serving as a positive role model during that time. 

Judge Newsom went on to describe his education and the events that inspired his interest in the law. He attended Samford University for college, though he stated that it wasn’t until he took an American Constitutional History class during his junior year that he fell in love with the subject matter. Shortly after taking that course, Judge Newsom happened to tune into a late-night television program discussing the Incorporation Doctrine. It was then that he realized pursuing a career in the law was what he truly wanted to do. After completing his degree at Samford, and graduating summa cum laude, Judge Newsom went on to Harvard Law School where he served as an articles editor for the Harvard Law Review and graduated magna cum laude. Judge Newsom said he loved his time as a law student and particularly enjoyed taking classes taught by Professor Richard Fallon. Professor Fallon, he said, had a gift for making difficult concepts clear, even in notoriously difficult courses such as Federal Courts.


Following his graduation from Harvard Law, Judge Newsom clerked for Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Justice David H. Souter of the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Newsom urged people thinking about clerking to do so and said that, while clerking may nudge open some doors later on in life, its true value lies in seeing how judges work and gaining firsthand experience in watching how law “gets done.” Moreover, Judge Newsom stated that clerking for two judges with notably different personalities and ideologies influenced the way he runs his chambers now. Specifically, he indicated that he views clerking as an experience that should be mutually beneficial for judges and clerks and said that he hopes to make things fun and enjoyable for the individuals who work for him. Judge Newsom also gave a special shout-out to Libby Stropko, a current 2L who will clerk for him in 2019 after her graduation. Following the event, Stropko said, “I couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to clerk for Judge Newsom. He is a brilliant jurist and writer, as well as a thoughtful mentor. I hope to learn a lot from him.” 

Judge Newsom’s writing was also a focal point of the discussion and it is easy to see why: he is a four-time recipient of the National Association of Attorneys General “Best Brief Award,” which is given for exceptional briefing in the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Newsom said that as an attorney, and especially as a judge, it is important to constantly try to improve your legal writing. He adheres to the belief that, so long as your writing falls within the accepted bounds of grammar and takes account of the context and audience, attorneys should strive to “write the way [they] talk.” He noted that past generations of judges tended to be very formal but personally thinks that a writer’s goal should be to keep people reading and interested in the topic. As evidence that he practices what he preaches, Judge Newsom remarked that his first opinion opened with the sentence, “This is a tax case. Fear not, keep reading.” 1

Finally, throughout the discussion, Judge Newsom offered several lighthearted pieces of sound advice that seemed to resonate with the students in attendance. One comment he made was that, “So long as you’re ‘smart enough,’ which everyone in this room clearly is, all that matters is how much you really care.” Judge Newsom’s emphasis on the importance of personal effort is something that he admitted is particularly crucial to him when he hires new clerks. When asked to elaborate on this, Judge Newsom said that while having smart clerks is a factor in his hiring decisions, it is equally essential that they are team players who bring a positive energy to his chambers. Judge Newsom also said that although it is a good idea to have a general plan for one’s future, he encouraged students to take advantage of unexpected opportunities and to “leave [themselves] open to dumb luck.” He suggested that following that last piece of advice allowed him to have a fulfilling career. He began at Covington & Burling LLP in Washington, D.C., before he went on to serve as the Solicitor General of Alabama, and then head the appellate practice group at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP in Birmingham. After hearing Judge Newsom speak, it is clear that it will be interesting to watch him continue to grow into his new role on the Eleventh Circuit.

1 Morrissey v. United States, 2017 WL 4229062 (11th Cir. Sept. 25, 2017)

Court of Petty Appeals: Students v. Misc Food

The Court of Petty Appeals is the highest appellate jurisdiction court at UVa Law. The Court has the power to review any and all decisions, conflicts, and disputes that arise involving, either directly, indirectly, or tangentially, the Law School or its students. The Court comprises four associate justices and one Chief Justice. Opinions shall be released periodically and only in the official court reporter: the Virginia Law Weekly. Please email a brief summary of any and all conflicts to

Students of the University of Virginia, the Federalist Society, Claimants


Eight Cartons of “Firehouse” Submarine Sandwiches, A Cask of Coca-Cola, and One Bowl of Pickles and Relishes, More or Less. 

68 U.Va. 976 (2018)

No. 83-1120

Argued February 7, 2018

Decided February 12, 2018

Justice Ranzini delivered the opinion of the Court, in which The Chief Justice and Justices  VanderMeulen and Jani joined. Justice Keane filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment. Justice Scalia, sitting by designation, filed a dissenting opinion. 

This case arises from a civil complaint brought by the Students for the forfeiture of a substantial lunch spread, left enticingly on the “free food table.” Attempts (successful) by the Federalist Society, Respondent and real party in interest here, to exclude passing would-be-takers from consumption of these sandwiches, and subsequently removal and consumption (in private) of the lunches followed. On the grounds that the food had already, by operation of law, become food “abandoned as free” passing to the Students, the Students brought this suit in rem1 alleging the subsequent removal of the sandwiches constituted unlawful conversion. A three-day trial before the Court of Petty Claims resulted in a judgment as a matter of law in favor of the Students. On appeal, a divided panel of the Court of Petty Claims, Appellate Division, upheld the trial court’s judgement. We reverse. 


In the late forenoon of February 7, eight cardboard cartons of Firehouse sandwiches2 and the miscellaneous food described above appeared on the table that adjoins the north wall of the Class of 1965 Student Lounge, long popularly known as a “free food table.” At trial, the Federalist Society averred that, despite placing them on the table, they had never abandoned the sandwiches, had remained in their vicinity while purportedly awaiting the vacancy of their event room, and had continued jealously—indeed, hungrily—to assert their rights to ownership. Witnesses for the Society were called to assert that they had shooed away the crowd who quickly attempted to descend on the footlongs, letting not a single slice of pickle escape into the surrounding hungry mouths. Testimony from the Students was admitted in opposition to assert that, contrary to the account of the Society, the sandwiches appeared for some time to be abandoned before Society representatives reappeared to shoo them away and had, at any rate, been placed on the free food table, where, in longstanding local usage, they were popularly understood to be abandoned. 


The historical petty law distinguished abandoned food as a category separate from other property of questionable ownership, deriving from the ancient custom of the “free food table,”  a formalistic test for determining if food remained the property of its original owner or had become “abandoned as free” for the free sharing of all hungry persons nearby. Although, along with the forms alimentarius which accompanied them, however, these distinctions have never been modified or abolished by statute, they have long been considered dormant. Looking outward, we find too, that other nations have simplified and harmonized what were, in many nations, a morass of laws and rulings on the taking of free treats. In some jurisdictions this has been accomplished by statute, as in the European Union’s Standardization Directive on Buffets, Free Samples, and Hors d’oeuvres (Council Directive 101/963, art. 451bis, 2012 O.J. (L 576) 1, 2 (EC); in others, it has been the duty of our sister courts, as in America, to say what the law is. See, e.g., Saikō Saibansho [Sup. Ct.] Dec. 2, 2016, Hei 28 (kyo) no. 45, 78 Saikō Saibansho Minji Hanreishū [Minshū] 4335, 1223 [Japan].


It is surprising, then, that the trial court’s order, and the opinion of the Appellate Division upholding it, rely exclusively on long outworn, disfavored, formalistic doctrine, as evidenced by their frequent references to the long-dormant action in trover alimentarius. The Students’ case appears to rely chiefly on a narrow decision in Students v. Flaming Punch-Bowl, 2 U.Va. 551 (1834) and an obscure statement, made obiter dicta in Wilkes v. Snath, 11 U.Va. 328 (1910) that appears to endorse alimentary trover’s continued viability in the 20th century. We believe the cited cases are distinguishable in their plain facts; however, to the extent that they conflict with the instant decision, they are hereby overruled. 

As for any personal property, we declare that the better rule for the abandonment of food is that it requires (1) an intention to relinquish all interests in the property, and (2) a positive act by the owner effectuating that intent. In the case of food abandonment and placement on “free food tables” and other customary loci of disposal and dispersion, that placement, in some cases, may create a presumption of intention to abandon to the free consumption of such clarity as to approach to irrefutability. We do not, however, today purport to lay out with exactitude the contours of when, exactly, this may be;5 instead trusting to the same wellsprings American law has always resorted to: the rough-hewn intuitions of the jury, under the careful guidance of the judge. 

By way of guidance in this matter, we take note that an organization primarily dedicated to laundering soft money into jurisprudence favorable to its donors by first converting it into free chicken sandwiches, the Federalist Society undoubtedly has a lower expectation than other persons may in reasserting possession over food whose status as abandoned as free or defended is in question, as here. But here, we feel, though placed for a time on the free food table, the record shows evidence sufficient to engender a genuine question of material fact as to whether the sandwiches in question were nonetheless being guarded. That question was, in right, within the competence of the petty jury, and should have been decided there. 


REVERSED and REMANDED for new trial in accordance with this opinion. 


Scalia, J. dissenting 

Fifteen long years ago, I warned, from this nation’s highest bench, that the results of that court’s short-sighted decision to revise our once-sacred standards of stare decisis for the sake of a politically-expedient result would open wide the floodgates to a “massive disruption of the current social order.” Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 591 (2003) (SCALIA, J., dissenting). As in the great, so in the small—and from my seat by designation on the Petty Bench today, I find myself a voice crying out in the wilderness once again.

From the way he blunders, groping murkily for something—anything—on which he can hang his preferred result, it seems to me sadly clear that Justice Ranzini is a lost child of the third generation brought up in the darkness of Justice Douglas’s justly-infamous “penumbras.” Wild Bill’s ghost is with us yet, I see, hovering over the nation like a nightmare. Like the Supreme Court’s opinion from which I dissented those fifteen years ago, today’s opinion is the product of a court, which is the product of a law-profession culture, that has largely signed on to the agenda directed at eliminating the moral opprobrium that has attached to any traditionally disfavored conduct, whether homosexual sodomy or hogging food that should be free for all. (See id. at 602.) Were it not so, this Court could have found the answer for this case right under their noses within our common petty law. 

The longstanding law this court discards today laid out simple, self-applying rules for “tabling,” perfected long ago. The distinction between private events and the open food tables for disposal of extras is “as old as the common law." Oakeshott v. Mills, 70 U.S. 927, 995 (1916). As well as the food table itself, that law regards the area “immediately surrounding and associated with the free food table”—what our cases call the food-courtilage—as “part of the free food table itself for Free Lunch purposes.” Oliver, Treatise on the Pettie Law at 180* (1735). This principle, too has ancient and durable roots: Blackstone said of the “food courtilage or sandwich-stall” that the “table protects and privileges all its branches and appurtenants.” 4 W. Blackstone, Commentaries on the Petit Laws of England 223, 225 (1769). This area around the free food table is “intimately linked to the free food table, both physically and psychologically,” and is where “free lunch expectations are most heightened.” California v. Leguizamo, 476 U.S. 188, 213, 106 S.Ct. 1809, 90 L.Ed.2d 334 (1986). Food enters this area the property of the donor; it must not leave again, except in the stomachs of hungry claimers, whose property it instantly becomes by operation of this act, known in the earliest cases as the “livery of seasoning.” The courts below understood well these principles and rightly ruled in favor of the Students. This Court, it is clear, has other ideas. If it is the majority’s intent to send away the venerable principles of tabling with this opinion, let me drink their health a final time in parting. “For tomorrow we may die.”


Keane, J., concurring in part and concurring in the judgment

In responding to the majority’s opinion, it is necessary to first address what this case is really about, namely: “Entitlement. n. (1) The mistaken belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges, such as a free submarine sandwich on a Tuesday afternoon. (2) An exceptionally unflattering quality that makes people particularly irksome to deal with.” See Dictionary of Petty Definitions (2018); see also Why People in the Service Industry “Go Postal,” 42 J. Soc. Behav. 194 (1993). The majority’s opinion admirably refuses to join the lower courts in reducing students’ preparedness for their lives beyond the walls of UVa Law when they will be forced to confront the harsh reality that “the dang Commies lost—there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” See Recently Graduated Law Students v. Food Stall Operator Who Wants to Get Paid, 72 C.O.R.W.P. 86 (2010).6 

Regrettably, however, the majority negligently mischaracterizes the facts giving rise to this suit even as it stumbles upon the correct result. The sandwiches in question were placed on the free food table at approximately 10:50 a.m. in advance of an event hosted by the Federalist Society that they planned to begin setting up at 11 a.m. Because students have a surprising tendency to dawdle while packing up their belongings at the end of a riveting lecture on the tax code of Turkey,7 the class that had been occupying the event space took longer to empty out of the reserved room than Federalist Society organizers had reasonably anticipated. As a consequence, when Firehouse Subs’ delivery person arrived with the sandwiches, he did not have an obvious place to leave them other than—as he suggested to the Federalist Society member in charge of arranging the event’s catering—on the ground. Realizing that most event attendees would be less than thrilled to eat a floor-sandwich, the Federalist Society’s representative instructed the delivery person to put the food on the disputed table. The representative testified that she stood with the food throughout the limited duration that it was there and repeatedly explained the situation to the descending vultures—er, other students. Using the Court’s own legal analysis and a property hornbook, it is difficult to fathom how, as in the facts currently before the Court, one could claim that the food items had, in fact, been abandoned regardless of where they had been placed. Notably, the majority’s own opinion suggests support for the decision made by the Federalist Society’s representative. Specifically, the majority states in a footnote that Firehouse Subs has a likely interest in associating a “sanitary, wholesome aura” with its sandwiches that would be undermined by the “locker-room funk” found in a fire station. Similarly, Firehouse Subs has a presumable interest in not having its food associated with the unsanitary condition of being put on the well-trafficked floors of the Law School.8

The majority, despite, at least, reaching the only acceptable conclusion, also seems to focus on the modifying component of the phrase “free food table” at the expense of the final word: “Table. n. A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects may be placed and that can be used for such purposes as eating [and presumably, holding food whether it is free or not].” See An Actual Dictionary (2017). Alone, the definition of “table” provides no suggestion that the objects it can hold must always be free, and it is unreasonable—and, actually, inaccurate—to assume that the modifier is always applicable. For instance, the free food table and the alcove that it occupies regularly hosts food intended solely for consumption by certain individuals. As an example, one only needs to look at the food placed there on the mornings of 1L oral arguments each spring. In such situations, although 2Ls and 3Ls passing by might be interested in snagging a cold bagel before pretending to study in the Law Library, their itchy fingers would be swiftly smacked away by Legal Writing professors in charge of guarding the spread.9 Thus, it is apparent that exceptions to the purportedly longstanding tradition of allowing all law students to acquire food free of charge from the table exist and are accepted within the community. 

Further, the majority ignores the fact that, despite the allegedly universal understanding that items on the free food table may be taken at will, when food items are actually placed on the table, students constantly ask questions, such as, “Is this up for grabs?” and, “I can take this, right?” Such questions severely undermine the majority’s argument that the free food table carries an automatic presumption of abandonment. After all, if UVa Law students truly believed that everything placed on it could be taken for their personal consumption, there would be no need for the regular displays of hesitation described above. See generally Students v. That One Student Who Always Asks Self-Explanatory Questions One Minute Before Class Ends, 35 U.Va. 433 (1992) (in which the Court held that there is no reason for students to question the obvious when the obvious is actually obvious). 

Ultimately, the majority’s confusing and listless opinion leaves event organizers to choose between several unappealing options when they are in a bind. They can either: (1) set the food on a table outside the vicinity of their event; (2) place the food that their organization paid for on the disputed table and incur the unjustified wrath of the entitled; (3) put the food on the floor (because everyone enjoys eating sandwiches covered in dust and hair, amirite?!); or (4) place the food on the vulture table and pray it conforms to the majority’s unintelligible, sentimental, Kennedy-like test. Because the majority’s decision refuses to acknowledge that exceptions to the free food table’s tradition already exist and are invoked as needed, it makes less sense than mayonnaise. Accordingly, I concur in the judgment only. Well, almost only. I join the majority’s footnote about the sweaty fireman locker rooms. Preach.

1 Commentators differ on whether this once-strict procedural requirement remains so for actions arising in petty law from disputes in things, but no doubt the flexibility of the form within the petty law, not to mention our preference for the eccentric case names it generates, will ensure that the action in rem always finds an honored place before our Bench. See Cleaning Staff v. Taped Outline, 68 C.O.P.A. 557 (2017) (Libel Show, real party in interest, attempting to enjoin removal of symbol on floor, “phallic in nature”); Twelve Dozen Duck Donuts, More or Less, v. Duck 68 U.Va. 334 (2017) (proceeding in rem as donuts, SBA attempts to compel donut shop to timely deliver exam week sweets); Students v. Electronic Thermostat, 65 U.Va. 128 (2001) (the Students in their official capacity proceed in rem against unknown University employee responsible for setting temperature of Withers-Brown 102 below the freezing point). 

2 “Founded by Firemen,” a tagline, this Court pauses to note, is in two respects dubious: on the one hand, it cynically commercializes the sacrificial bravery of the fire services, while on the other hand any sanitary, wholesome aura it seeks to imbue in its hearty sandwiches is in powerful tension with the flatulent locker-room funk of a real fire station.

3 Free food tables appear in English petty jurisprudence almost from the Conquest. Although the custom was briefly banned by statute during the reign of Henry II in Quibus comedent (1165), 11 Hen. 2, “tabling” was passed down by the common law to be adopted on this continent prior to the Revolution. 

4 “Food . . . abandoned as free . . . is the common property of any who can eat it; cast aside into a maelstrom of gnashing mouths, its ownership vests collectively in all who see it and hunger.” 2 Leslie’s Commentary on the Law Petty, *152 (1857). The attempt to aggressively arrogate too large a share of food abandoned as free has historically been actionable as “hogging.” 

5 An example, offered non-exhaustively: when the Justices are extra hungry. 

6 The Court of Real World Problems, though rarely cited by this court, consists of esteemed (alright, not always esteemed) scholars (but more frequently, angry middle-aged men) who regularly publish their opinions in the comment sections of Facebook posts. 

7 Real talk: do y’all actually enjoy being in those dated wood-paneled classrooms longer than absolutely necessary? Where’s the hustle to escape to freedom? 

8 No offense to UVa Law’s cleaning staff, of course, who have the difficult task of constantly cleaning up after people who don’t understand how trashcans work. 

9 I see you, J. Fore.



Hot Bench: Courtney Koelbel '19

1.  Have you ever had a nickname? What? 

Thanks to Mr. Miller of Superstition Springs Elementary, I’ve had at least five: Koelbel on the Cob, Cowbell, Kibbles and Bits, Kill Bill, and Kill Bill Vol. 2.

2.  What is your favorite word? 

Phantasmagoria—it was one of my vocab words in elementary school and I just really liked it. 

3.  Where did you grow up?

Mesa/Gilbert, Arizona

4.  If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?

J.K. Rowling. A) Because I need a second chance since last time I couldn’t manage to put together a full sentence. B) So I can ask her what’s up with Johnny Depp/the lack of Dumbledore gayness in Fantastic Beasts.

5.  If you owned a sports team, what/who would be the mascot? 

    Regulus Black (my cat) because he’s purr-fect.

6.  If you had to pick one song to play non-stop in the background of your life, what would it be?  

    Right now, I would say Rainbow by Kesha. Hella inspiring.

7.  If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

I would love to be able to stop time. Then I would be able to create enough time in the day to do all of the things I need to do.

8.  What’s something you wish you’d known about law school before coming to UVa?

    How much drinking there would be so I could better prepare my liver.

9.  What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Oatmeal with banana, peanut butter, flax seed, and almond milk (trying to be all healthy and whatnot).

10.  What’s your most interesting two-truths-and-a-lie? (And what’s the lie?)    

All my cats at home are named after “It’s a Wonderful Life characters”; I’ve never broken a bone; and one year, instead of going home for Thanksgiving, I flew to Orlando to watch my favorite band’s last concert ever. The broken bone one is the lie. I broke my arm when I was too young to remember it.

11.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

    NYC for sure.

12.  What’s the best (or worst!) PG-rated pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

Did you survive the Avada Kedavra curse? Because you’re drop-dead gorgeous. (To be clear, I read this on the internet.)

13.  If the Law School had yearbook awards, what would you want to win? 

    Most likely to chain herself to a tree.

14.  If you could know one thing about your future, what would it be?

    How many cats do I end up having at once?

15.  Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC?


16.  What’s your favorite thing to do in Charlottesville?

    Doing trash things with my babes.

17.  If you could make one law that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

    No more fossil fuels. Let’s just ban them all.

Moore: Professor. Powerlifter. Politician?

Lia-Michelle Keane '18
Features Editor

A young Professor Moore in 1972. Virginia Law Weekly

A young Professor Moore in 1972. Virginia Law Weekly

I had the pleasure of first meeting Professor John Norton Moore in December 2017 when I volunteered to promote his possible senatorial bid at the Republican Party of Virginia’s “Advance.” Despite the numerous events on his schedule that weekend, Professor Moore’s calm and genial affect was unshakeable throughout the Advance as he answered hard-hitting questions ranging from his position on foreign policy to his stance on taxes. 

When members of the Law Weekly sat down with Professor Moore over lunch in late January, I learned that his one-hour Saturday morning presentation had enjoyed the highest attendance of any potential candidate at the Advance, an impressive feat for a newcomer in the political arena. Professor Moore spoke candidly about the preparation that he had undertaken leading up to that weekend. According to Professor Moore, he had been contemplating a run for the U.S. Senate since the summer of 2017 after being approached by party leaders in Virginia. Professor Moore indicated that he had also been encouraged to seek a potential Senate seat after watching the uninspiring presidential debates in 2016. In fact, his dissatisfaction with the debates on both sides of the aisle prompted him to write a book, The Presidential Debates: Issues and Questions for the 2016 Elections and Beyond, which emphasizes topics that he believes any candidate should be familiar with. 

By the time he spoke at the Advance, Professor Moore had developed a platform that  focused on issues such as increasing the country’s underlying growth rate; funding medical research for diseases; social security reform; enhancing military resources; and promoting prison reform. With respect to the latter, Professor Moore expressed his concern that politicians have traditionally shied away from discussing, among other things, alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders and also from amending the existing sentencing guidelines as well as other needed changes in the criminal justice system. In Professor Moore’s own words, his platform was largely founded on his goal of preserving the Republican Party for everyone in the nation and attracting a greater number of women and younger voters. 

Photo courtesy of University of Virginia School of Law.

Photo courtesy of University of Virginia School of Law.

Nevertheless, Professor Moore stated that, following the Advance, he made the difficult decision not to pursue a senatorial campaign, a choice that he described as having “broken his heart.” Professor Moore cited the current political climate as having been a significant deterrent, though he said that he loved the experience and wished that he had considered running “twenty years ago.” He strongly encourages UVa Law students with political interests to pursue that route because he believes that this Law School is filled with the best and brightest who possess the integrity necessary to run our country. Moore also indicated that he would like to see more faculty members consider entering politics. He stated that although the process may initially seem mysterious, it is something that reveals itself step by step. 

A brief review of Professor Moore’s résumé, with his five presidential appointments, makes it obvious that he would have brought a tremendous amount of experience and insight to the Senate, though his background also makes him a clear superstar at UVa Law. For instance, during the First Gulf War, Professor Moore served as the principal legal adviser to the Ambassador of Kuwait. His work focused largely on demarcating the boundary between Iraq and Kuwait, and he joked that because most negotiations took place in Geneva, at one point, he had spent “1/40th of his life” in Switzerland. Notably, his position drew the attention of Saddam Hussein who named him before the Iraqi Parliament as a potential target. While most people would be justifiably terrified by this, true to his unflappable demeanor, Professor Moore calmly explained that he had simply responded by removing his addresses and any identifying information about his family and himself from the internet. 

In addition to his role in the Gulf War, Professor Moore also played an instrumental role in rule-of-law talks between the U.S. and the then-U.S.S.R. As the chair of the board of directors at the U.S. Institute of Peace, Professor Moore encouraged the U.S. government to promote democracy and the rule of law. Along with the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Moore wrote an overview paper that was reviewed by Soviet officials, including a personal spokesman for Mikhail Gorbachev, during a meeting in Moscow. In the overview paper, Professor Moore emphasized the importance of property rights, which he had been told would probably not be received well by the Communist leaders in attendance. In spite of this, according to Professor Moore, the U.S.S.R. representative who responded to his comments on property rights stood up and said, “I’m here to tell you that the lack of property rights has destroyed civil society [in the U.S.S.R.].” Professor Moore described that moment as the signal that revolution had arrived and he sent a cable back to the State Department that “the revolution was here.” The talks that Professor Moore participated in ultimately resulted in negotiations for a charter on democracy known formally as the Copenhagen Document, and colloquially referred to as a modern Magna Carta. 

While one could fill a book with Professor Moore’s impressive professional background, his personal life is equally exciting. In particular, Professor Moore is a renowned competitive powerlifter. He is a six-time member of the U.S. National Powerlifting team and is set to return to the team later this year for the world championships in Finland. Professor Moore started competing on the bench press at 66 years old and within a few years he had joined the U.S. team. He has set two North American record and won multiple U.S. national championships. His personal best lift weighed in at 309 pounds; in competition he has lifted 288 pounds. He holds the unequipped national record for his age group with an in-competition lift of 270 pounds. Along with powerlifting, Professor Moore enjoys sailing and fly fishing, as well as dining at Pomme, a French restaurant in Orange, Virginia, which he highly recommends. 

Although he will not be running for the U.S. Senate, after speaking with Professor Moore at the Advance and during this interview, it is my personal opinion that he exemplifies the most desirable qualities of both a political representative and a UVa Law professor. 



Hot Bench: Shruthi Prabhu '19

1.  Have you ever had a nickname? What?

A lot of my friends call me “Shruth.” But when I was in fifth grade, my teacher kept saying “speak the shruth,” which was the handle for my first email address and now pretty much all of my social media.

2.  What is your favorite word? 

I don’t think I really have a favorite word, because it really depends on how I’m feeling that day. Sometimes my favorite word of the day is “substantive,” another day it’s “exponential,” and sometimes, just to make people mad, it’s “moist.” 

3.  Where did you grow up?

I have lived in a lot of places growing up. I was born in India, moved to the Bay Area in California when I was one year old, lived there for about eleven years, then moved to Plano, Texas (a suburb of Dallas) and spent the other half of my life there! 

4.  If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Demi Lovato. I recently watched her documentary on Netflix, and I love how candid she is about her troubles and the less romanticized aspects about being a celebrity. Plus, she just seems really fun to be around. 

5.  If you owned a sports team, what/who would be the mascot? 

It would be a golden retriever for sure. We probably wouldn’t win anything, but at least we’d be loved. 

6.  If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Time control, so that I would never make any bad decisions, I could try anything and if it turned out badly, I would just rewind and do over. I could experience EVERYTHING in life. 

7.  What’s something you wish you’d known about law school before coming to UVa?

I wish I had known that people become different people once they’re 2Ls (different in a good way). A lot of people tend to redeem themselves once the stresses of 1L are a thing of the past.

8.  What’s your most interesting two-truths-and-a-lie? (And what’s the lie?)

My grandpa was the first man in South India to receive his PhD in English Literature and is a professor at a rural college for women because he had four daughters and believes in women’s right to an education. My family almost went bankrupt many years ago, so I know what it’s like to be afraid about money every day. If I could pick between a dog and a cat, I would pick a cat every time (the biggest lie in the world). 

9.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I would pick Prague. I just visited it a few weeks ago and absolutely fell in love. I also saw an office for Weil there, so maybe that’ll be my future plan. 

10.  What’s the best (or worst!) PG-rated pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

I once heard a guy at a bar say, “Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?” I really hope the girl said yes. 

11.  If the Law School had yearbook awards, what would you want to win? 

If the Law School had yearbook awards, I would want to win “most likely to stay in touch with her close friends from school.”  

12.  If you could make one law that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

If I could make one law, I would tell people they’re required to think before they said anything potentially offensive/racist/malicious, to make sure the receiving person wouldn’t take it the wrong way. 

20. What event are you most excited for on the UVa calendar?

I am excited for the Diversity Festival! It’s always a fun event, seeing all the different affinity groups get together and set up tables to celebrate diversity. 


Dicta: Urban History and the Takings Clause

Professor Molly Brady
Associate Professor of Law

An example of the practice of "grading." Photo courtesy of The City of Seattle Office of the City Clerk.

An example of the practice of "grading." Photo courtesy of The City of Seattle Office of the City Clerk.

Since deciding to become a law professor, I’ve been intrigued by bits of lost urban history and what that history can teach us about law. Studying a city and its development can reveal failed legal strategies, the political economy of local decisions, or the forgotten novelty of legal rules and doctrines that we take for granted. About four years ago, while reading a book for pleasure, I came across a picture that stopped me in my tracks. It depicted a house on top of what looked like a cliff, accompanied by a short byline noting that people often weren’t compensated when the streets in front of their homes were lowered (in some cases by close to one hundred feet). At the time, I was a PhD student, and I was about to go on the academic job market to become a professor. Though many of my advisors were slightly worried about my newfound passion for nineteenth-century roadways, I decided to spend the remainder of my doctoral years investigating “street grading”: an era of American infrastructural development in which municipal and state officials leveled streets to reduce the cost of street and train transportation. By raising and lowering the streets to make them level, these officials inflicted devastating injuries on property that the law needed to grow to accommodate. In a series of Virginia Law Review articles—one accepted before my arrival here and one forthcoming this spring—I have been exploring what the legal responses to grading teach us about property, land use, and constitutional law.

The first of my articles, “Property’s Ceiling: State Courts and the Expansion of Takings Clause Property,” explored one set of responses to the crisis posed by street grading. Early on, many jurisdictions did not award the landowners suddenly stranded by grading projects any damages or compensation. In fact, these abutting owners were often charged money in the form of assessments to finance the grading projects that essentially forced them to abandon their homes. In that article, I discuss an interesting judicial response to the perceived injustice of giving affected owners nothing: several courts, beginning with Ohio, began recognizing a “right of access” that they treated as a property interest. By recognizing access rights as property, grading projects that eliminated a property owner’s ability to conveniently access their homes and stores took property for public use, rendering the property owners entitled to compensation under the state and federal constitutions. This development is interesting for a lot of reasons, but—as any student of mine will know—I love questions about institutional capacity. Most scholars who study property think that the definition of property rights is a good subject for legislatures, who have informational and logistical advantages over courts. But the invention of the “right of access” is an outlier: a new property right formed by a court, ostensibly because legislatures could not be trusted to do the right thing. For decades, legislatures behaved badly by foreclosing avenues for property owners to obtain compensation. It is particularly troubling that several grading projects were instrumentally used to clear neighborhoods of “undesirable” people: rather than use eminent domain to condemn a low-income or immigrant neighborhood, which would be expensive, legislators could just initiate a regrade in the area, forcing people out of their homes with no payment and clearing the way for more desirable development. In such circumstances, I argue, courts are actually institutionally well positioned to step in and create new forms of property to protect landowners from political failures—even though legislatures may be the best creators of property rights in other instances.

The second article, currently titled “The Damagings Clauses,” is forthcoming this May in the Law Review. In this article, I explore a second response to grading issues: twenty-seven states amended or drafted constitutional provisions meant to address the types of consequential damages caused by these activities. In most cases, this involved adding language to the standard takings clause: these states often prohibit property from being “taken or damaged” for public use without just compensation. I have unearthed hundreds of pages of state constitutional convention debates indicating the hopes of the drafters and the concerns of those opposed to the new language. By and large, the language won out when introduced: drafters of these damagings provisions argued that it was unfair that someone suffering a de minimis appropriation of land would get compensation, but someone who lost 90% of their property value because of a non-appropriative activity (like a nearby regrade) would receive nothing. The language was remarkably popular. Strikingly, every single state that entered the Union after 1870 adopted the language, with the exception of Idaho. But in the article, I discuss a surprising fact: in most states, the language has nearly no meaning, adding no protection for property owners above the protection of the standard, federal Takings Clause. I explore how the meaning of these provisions was lost over time through judicial interpretation, and I argue that the language should be given more meaning than it currently has. The article is getting some interesting buzz—I was recently presenting at the ALI-CLE conference for eminent domain practitioners in Charleston, South Carolina, where it was discussed at several panels and where several attorneys told me they plan to cite it in upcoming briefs. More excitingly, I think that judges seem receptive to revisiting this forgotten language. Last fall, a Georgia Supreme Court justice wrote a concurrence in which he suggested revisiting the differences between Georgia’s damagings clause and the federal takings clause in light of the linguistic difference. Here in Virginia, at an oral argument last summer, one of the state Supreme Court justices noted “the big difference [between the federal and the Virginia state takings provisions] is the word ‘damage.’ That’s a huge conceptual difference.” I am excited to see if the idea gets picked up and causes courts to revisit their state constitutional interpretations.

I continue to be fascinated by questions of urban history and infrastructure; my current projects involve seventeenth-century roadways, eighteenth-century boundary markers, and nineteenth-century railroads. And I am always on the lookout for pictures and examples that suggest there is property history to be explored. If you have any, you know where to find me!


Hot Bench: Carly Crist '19

1.  Have you ever had a nickname? What?

Carl, or Cist. Apparently not as cool to use all 5 letters of my name.

2.  What is your favorite word? 

Dotard. Look it up.

3.  Where did you grow up?

The heartland, Iowa (75% vowels, 100% awesome). Des Moines specifically, one of the best cities for young professionals, check it out. 

4.  What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?

Any meal in Israel, but especially the ones with unlimited wine.

5.  If you had to pick one song to play non-stop in the background of your life, what would it be?  

Work Bitch, Britney Spears. Best motivational song ever made, and she is my spirit animal.

6.  If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

To be able to eat and drink whatever I want and never gain any weight. There are only so many Cookout and Taco Bell runs a normal person can make…

7.  What’s something you wish you’d known about law school before coming to UVA?

That I would need all my old costumes and fun clothes for themed parties I had in college. A heads-up about Feb Club would have been helpful.

8.  What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Does coffee count?

9.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Somewhere where it’s not too hot or too cold, all you need is a light jacket!

10.  What’s the best (or worst!) PG-rated pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

You know what would make the iPhone better? My number in it. 

11.  What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

My dog at home, Snickers. Even though she is now my dad’s shadow, nothing will beat finding out I could finally get a dog for my 15th birthday. 

12.  If the Law School had yearbook awards, what would you want to win? 

Least gunnery.

13.  If you could know one thing about your future, what would it be?

Do the winning lottery numbers count? That public service salary is unfortunately part of my future.

14.  What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep and why?

72 hours my freshman year of college when I was working every weekend. I do not recommend getting anywhere close to that, those hallucinations will getcha. 

15.  What’s your favorite thing to do in Charlottesville?

Going on hikes and to wineries. But really the wineries…trying to go to all of the ones on the Monticello wine trial before graduation. With 20 down I’m at a good spot!

16.  If you owned a sports team, what/who would be the mascot? 

Gryffinwhores—shout-out to my HP trivia team

17.  If you could make one law that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

You are not allowed to say any variation of “what’s up” to someone in passing. Everyone knows you don’t actually want them to stop and tell you what is up with them.