Bar Exam Changes Leave Many Unsure of What Will Come Next

M. Eleanor Schmalzl ‘20
Editor Emeritus

In the last month, the United States has seen drastic change in all areas of life. Beyond businesses shutting down and classes being moved online across the country, the bar exam is one area of specific concern for graduating law students. As of April 6, five states have officially opted to postpone the bar exam that was originally scheduled to be administered in July of 2020: New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Hawaii, and New Jersey.[1] The National Conference of Bar Examiners also recently announced how it plans to address bar examination issues for the thirty-five jurisdictions (thirty-three states along with the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands) who administer the Uniform Bar Exam every year. The NCBE stated, “To provide needed flexibility for jurisdictions and candidates, in addition to preparing materials for a July bar exam, NCBE will make bar exam materials available for two fall administrations in 2020: September 9-10 and September 30-October 1. Each jurisdiction will determine whether to offer the exam in July, in early September, or in late September.”

  These announcements and changes leave many graduating law students uncertain of when they will be able to sit for the bar exam and anxious about whether a fall administration will even be possible. With delayed administration of the bar exam, those preparing to sit may face several obstacles and challenges in studying for the bar beyond the already challenging, labor-intensive study schedule that is considered par for the course. Challenges may include moving in the midst of studying, starting new jobs, running out of money to live on while they wait to be barred, studying while living in close quarters with others with whom students are self-quarantined, and, most significantly, the fear of sitting for the exam if the student has a compromised immune system. Because of the significant hardship many could be, or are facing, students across the country have been pushing for states to implement an emergency diploma privilege that would allow graduates of American Bar Association-accredited law schools to be admitted without taking the bar.[2]

Law students are not the only individuals pushing for issuance of diploma privileges; law school administrators are fighting on behalf of students as well. The deans of all fifteen of New York’s ABA-accredited law schools signed a letter “urg[ing] the court to adopt a system whereby 2020 law graduates would be able to practice for up to 18 months under the supervision of a licensed attorney” and sent the letter to Chief Judge Janet DiFiore of the New York State Court of Appeals (New York state’s highest court) on April 1.[3] In a school-wide Zoom call with UVA Law’s very own Dean Goluboff, one student asked whether Virginia’s law school deans have discussed the possibility of a similar letter in Virginia. Goluboff replied that a meeting with all the Virginia deans was set for later in the afternoon that day. No further information has been disclosed at this time.

The legal profession also stands to suffer hardship with the administration of a postponed bar examination. While many students face delays in starting legal positions that are contingent on passage of the bar exam, those planning to hire them may also suffer as work piles up with fewer people staffed to handle it. And with many court systems not hearing cases beyond those that are urgent or time-sensitive, mounds of work await those planning to enter offices involved in the courtroom. Many students planning to work in these roles also cannot practice in a courtroom without bar licensure or a practice certificate, most of which usually expire shortly after the results of the July exam were set for release. This means those students will be legally unable to perform certain aspects of the jobs they have accepted for the fall, leaving fewer attorneys and more work than usual to be done.

Even if an emergency diploma privilege option is given, further questions exist for students planning to sit for a bar exam in one state with plans to waive into another jurisdiction shortly thereafter. Wisconsin is the only state at this time that regularly offers a diploma privilege option whereby students who attend a Wisconsin law school and meet certain requirements will receive admission to the state’s bar without having to take an admission exam. However, this privilege does not allow Wisconsin attorneys to transfer this admission to other states where they may like to practice, meaning students who went to school in Wisconsin but want to practice in Virginia (for example) would need to sit for Virginia’s exam to be able to do so. Thus, as students and administrators advocate for a change in policy, the many complications and questions that exist beneath the surface add to the challenging decision facing bar licensure groups across the country.

These challenges, along with others, will continue to grow and manifest as the impacts of a delayed bar exam become transparent. The difficulty at the forefront for those planning to sit in July 2020, however, is the uncertainty of what will happen next. Many graduates begin studying for the July bar in May after their graduation, but whether that is advisable or not cannot be known until more information is released by various jurisdictions. As students advocate for alternative means of getting barred and worry about the challenges they face in sitting for a traditional bar exam, they have to set plans now for their future when what their future actually holds is very uncertain.





Letter to the Editor: Thank You for Your Support - Student Announces Petition Results

Letters of interest to the Law School community may be sent to Letters may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Board and are subject to editing for grammar, style, and clarity, but not content or viewpoint. The Law Weekly does not necessarily endorse the content or viewpoint of any letter herein published.

Read Frances Skardon ’22’s original letter to the editor here.
Read the Law School administration’s response


Dear UVA Law,

The Academic Review Committee has decided to grant me an exception to remain a full-time student.

I would like to thank every person who signed my petition, wrote a letter, or shared my story. I am very moved at the outpouring of support and cannot thank each one of you enough. In less than a day, I received over 140 emails and 5,700 signatures.

I chose to come to University of Virginia School of Law based on its reputation of being supportive of the military and the past 24-hours has shown me that this is absolutely true. For veterans choosing a school, please know that you are welcome here.

For those who expressed interest in continuing to support veterans in higher education, I urge you to learn more about the amazing work being done by Service2School.

Again, thank you and I look forward to being back on Grounds together in the Fall.

Stay safe,
Frannie Skardon
J.D. Candidate, Class of 2022
University of Virginia School of Law

School Administration Responds to Frances Skardon's Letter to the Editor

At 10:24 p.m., April 1, 2020, the UVA Law administration reached out to the Law Weekly to respond to Frances Skardon’s Letter to the Editor, published 12:37 p.m. April 1, 2020. Read her letter here. The administration’s response is reproduced below without edits. The Law Weekly does not necessarily endorse the content or viewpoint herein published.

The Law Weekly has asked for further comment with a hope to hear back. This article will updated at such time. [Update: No further updates are expected.]

A message from Mary M. Wood, the chief communications officer for UVA Law:

“We are proud of all veterans and active-duty service members, especially those who attend or graduated from UVA Law. Though we are limited in what we can say about ongoing, individual student concerns due to federal privacy laws, this matter is still working its way through the usual process we use when questions over academic policies come up.” [10:24 p.m., April 1, 2020]


“We can't comment on matters regarding individual students, but based on prior experiences, resolution should happen today.” [10:33 a.m. April 2, 2020]


A decision has been made by the Academic Review Committee. Read the announcement here.

[Final Updates]

UVA Law’s statement via Mary M. Wood:

With Frannie Skardon’s permission, we are pleased to share her statement. We are thrilled with this outcome and regret any uncertainty the process caused. We have a long history of supporting service members at UVA Law, and we're indebted to them and all who serve. We are grateful for Ms. Skardon’s service to our country and the daily sacrifices service members make to protect us all. [3:27 p.m. April 2, 2020]

Dean Risa Goluboff's statement:

I’m so pleased that Frannie will be able both to serve our country in this moment of crisis and continue with her studies at the Law School. I appreciate the many members of our community who have reached out to express support for Frannie. They showed the best of the UVA community. UVA Law has always supported and taken great pride in our students, faculty, staff, and alumni who serve our nation. I am so proud of and grateful to Frannie for her service, and I look forward to seeing her in Charlottesville next fall. [3:27 p.m. April 2, 2020]


Letter to the Editor: Student Activated to Respond to COVID-19 Seeks Policy Exception - Petition and Appeal

Letters of interest to the Law School community may be sent to Letters may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Board and are subject to editing for grammar, style, and clarity, but not content or viewpoint. The Law Weekly does not necessarily endorse the content or viewpoint of any letter herein published.

Link to her petition here. Letters of support may be addressed to the Academic Review Committee and emailed to This is not an April Fools article. The author asks at this time that this letter not be posted elsewhere or shared with additional media.

[Update] Read the Law School administration’s response here.

[Update] Read about the petition results here.


Dear UVA Law students, faculty, staff, and alumni:  

It is safe to assume that this is not how any of us expected the semester to go. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world as we know it. My life has changed significantly in the last month, and I am writing to you all to share my story. 

On March 17, my Army National Guard Unit was activated by Governor Cuomo to respond to the crisis in New York City caused by the COVID-19 virus. I reported the following day. Located in the middle of Manhattan, my unit has a long history of service, including being one of the first units to respond to Ground Zero on 9/11. New York City is currently the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, and our mission contributes to the goal of keeping as many New Yorkers alive and healthy as possible. I am very proud of the sacrifice our service members and their families are making when our country most needs it. 

There were a lot of unknowns when I was activated. Online classes had not yet started, and I was still unsure how the transition to distance learning would go. I emailed the school to let them know I was being activated and that, although I did not have a clear picture of what the next few weeks would look like, I intended to finish the semester. I am very fortunate to be a part of such a great military organization and have leadership that is extremely supportive of my legal education. I was confident that, if the mission permitted, my command team would support me in finishing the rest of the semester. 

To my surprise, the administration responded to my email and stated that I am in violation of Academic Policy I.H., which deals with employment while attending Law School. This policy states that “students may not engage in employment in excess of what is compatible with a full-time commitment to the study of law.” As a result of my unit’s activation, the administration has determined that I cannot complete the remainder of the semester. 

This policy makes sense in normal times, as it helps develop the collegial environment that drew many of us to UVA Law. But as we all know, these are not normal times. My unit’s activation has not interfered with class discussion, cold calls, or office hours. Because campus is closed, I am learning and engaging in the law school community in the same format as students scattered across the nation. I am tracking the rapid spread of the virus to support my unit’s mission, but I am also given at least six hours a day for law school. My life was not the only one that was interrupted by COVID-19, and we are all taking these new challenges day-by-day. 

I asked for a waiver, but the administration informed me that they could not grant an exception to their policy because of the compensation I receive from the Army. Since I have elected not to take a leave of absence, the administration is enforcing a withdrawal. 

This withdrawal means that I will not receive credit for any of my classes this semester and that I will need to retake them in Spring 2021. This includes Legal Research and Writing II, even though I have submitted my final brief and am scheduled to complete my final oral argument on Friday. Additionally, I may not be able to take upper level classes that require Property or Constitutional Law as a prerequisite until my 3L year. 

I have been given 24 hours to appeal the withdrawal decision to the Academic Review Committee. Based on the extraordinary circumstances, I am hopeful that an exception to the compensation limitation of Academic Policy I.H. will be granted. The school’s decision to go credit/no credit was premised upon the fact that the emergency our country is facing will disadvantage students unpredictably, and my service is a prime example of this. To have the best chance at finishing the semester, though, I need support from members of the UVA Law community who sympathize with my case. I am collecting signatures here. I would also appreciate any letters of support sharing why you think an exception should be granted and how COVID-19 has impacted your life. These letters can be addressed to the Academic Review Committee and sent to

This situation has shown me how amazing, caring, and kind our student body is. I feel privileged to be a part of this community, and I am extremely grateful for your support. 


Frannie Skardon
J.D. Candidate, Class of 2022
University of Virginia School of Law

Classes Online: Student Perspectives and Privacy Concerns about Zoom

On Thursday, March 19, Z̶o̶o̶m̶ ̶U̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶i̶t̶y̶ UVA Law kicked off its first day of online classes. Most larger, lecture-based classes are being recorded by professors and posted on Canvas with no opportunity for real-time questions. However, courses requiring more participation from students, such as seminars, have transitioned to the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to take my first Zoom class: Employment Law with Professor Rip Verkerke. The class has around sixty students and Professor Verkerke uses a website called Poll Everywhere to solicit student answers and opinions on course-related questions. The first poll question on Thursday’s class was: “What word best describes your feelings about our shift to online instruction?”

Pictured: Employment Law students react to online classes. Photo Courtesy of Prof. Rip Verkerke.

Pictured: Employment Law students react to online classes. Photo Courtesy of Prof. Rip Verkerke.

As the word bubble shows, many students were feeling anxious and apprehensive, and some mentioned current Law School GroupMe buzzwords like “pass/fail” and “Bryce.”[1] It became clear as the class went on that people were more timid about piping up on Zoom than in regular, in-person class. Then again, it was around noon, so maybe everyone was just too busy eating lunch with their mute on and cameras off to feel the need to contribute. Eventually, people warmed up a bit to the format and participated more, reducing the number of uncomfortable silences. As Kshitiz Gautam ’22 summed it up, “Despite the awkwardness, it was a fruitful experience overall.”

Zoom definitely has its benefits and drawbacks. One handy feature of the platform is the “hand-raising” function, which allows students to virtually signal if they have a comment or question without them having to awkwardly interrupt the professor or each other. It also has a nice chat feature, so if you have friends in a class, you can easily shoot them a chat.

However, maybe don’t say anything too spicy on a Zoom DM, because it’s been suggested that even private messages to another student can be monitored by the meeting host for “non-webinar” meetings.[2] This is not the platform’s only privacy red flag. As Zoom has surged in popularity over the past two weeks and become the teleworking software of choice for thousands of employers and schools across the country, it has also been under fire for a slew of privacy issues. Meeting hosts can see when users do not have the Zoom meeting open and active for more than thirty seconds. You should also be aware that all of your text chats to the whole group are saved if the Zoom session is recorded. And just like any internet service you use these days, Zoom will track your “name, physical address, email address, phone number, job title, employer [or school].” Students who wish a large company to not have these details, and live off the grid, seemingly have no options.

All things considered, however, Zoom seems to offer a solid solution for continuing the typical law school style of education during a global pandemic. For better or worse,[3] you can now get virtually cold-called while in the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas. It remains to be seen whether the privacy issues will be resolved, so in the meantime, just G-chat your friends during class instead of Zoom chat. Happy Zooming, everyone, and don’t forget to stay muted.

Jacob Jones ’21
Features Editor

For future generations trying to figure out what life was like during online classes,[4] let me tell you, it’s funky. I’d heard many stories of Zoom lectures before they came to UVA and they all seemed wild. My expectations were high as I started my first Zoom lecture in Professor Ferzan’s evidence class.

Unfortunately, no one used memes for their Zoom background backgrounds. The “this is fine” dog with everything burning would have been a popular choice. As we started the lecture, Professor Ferzan’s voice sounded like a robot. Fearing that I was the only one having this problem, I said nothing and prepared to have an awkward lecture. But other people apparently were having the same problem, which was a relief. But then I had another concern: What if Professor Ferzan had been replaced by a robot? Or worse, what if Professor Ferzan had hired a robot to lecture for her, thereby breaking her contract with the Law School? I could simply not stand for any breach of contract. Luckily, the audio issue was fixed, and Ferzan stopped sounding like a series of beeps and boops.

While Zoom classes are clearly no good substitute for in-person ones, I will admit that it’s nice to have a bit of a schedule and something close to normalcy. The city of Charlottesville, Main Grounds, and North Grounds may be empty of people, but Zoom lets you see how everyone who used to be there is safely at home. When you’re used to seeing the 900-some faces of UVA Law everyday, seeing a few on Zoom is the next best thing.

Sam Pickett ’21
News Editor

My Zoom School of Law Experience began at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday—or rather it was supposed to begin. What actually occurred was that I sat there on my laptop answering emails and waiting for the wait screen to materialize into a gridded group of faces. Just as I had given up hope, I was admitted into the “Zoom Room” at 1:30 p.m.. Finally, I had done it. I was online-law-schooling. My classmates and I soon realized, however, that our professor was not in the virtual room with us. Sad. It was then that we received an email that class that day was canceled and that he would see us on Monday. What a wild ride and what a positive start to the Zoom School of Law.


[1] If you don’t know who Bryce is, ask a local 1L about his infiltration of the Class of 2022 GroupMe, including the puzzling but thought-provoking line: “Law school isn’t the same, sure, but leave a lug loose on a Goodyear Eagle and it’ll cost you checkers.”


[3] Definitely worse.

[4] I’m assuming in 1,000 years when all other professions transfer to digital learning, law schools will still require students to attend class using only #2 pencils.

UVA Law Moves Online in Response to Corona Outbreak

Christina Luk ‘21

Over Spring Break, on March 11, President Jim Ryan announced that the University of Virginia would extend Spring Break and move all classes online starting Thursday, March 19, in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that is sweeping the country. Classes will remain online for the foreseeable future and, though the University administration will reassess on April 5, classes are expected to remain online through the end of the semester. [Edit: Per President Ryan’s March 17 email, classes will definitely remain online through the rest of the semester.]

Photo Courtesy of

Photo Courtesy of

At UVA Law, classes will be delivered entirely online via two platforms. Lecture classes will be recorded and posted by Panopto to students’ Canvas pages under “Class Recordings,” while seminars and professional skill classes will meet virtually on Zoom, a live teleconferencing platform. In response to this shift to online classes, discussions have already sprung up in the student body about the pros and cons of making classes pass-fail this semester.[1] Some students who advocate for pass-fail point out that it will relieve much of the stress of transitioning to an online curriculum halfway through the semester. Others worry that pass-fail will undermine the rigors of our academic education or place students at a disadvantage against other top law schools who keep the traditional grading system. As of writing, the Law School has yet to make any new decisions about final exams, except to confirm that all students will be able to complete their courses whether or not they return to Grounds.[2] In conjunction with moving classes online, both the University and the Law School administrations have encouraged students to follow CDC guidelines recommending social distancing and return home if they are able. The Law School’s Student Affairs Office is specifically offering help and services to any student who only needs to return to grab belongings or textbooks from their lockers.

Although University buildings, including the Law School and the UVA Health System, will remain open, the administration has canceled all university-sponsored events with more than 100 participants, including the Law School’s Admitted Students’ Open House (originally planned for March 19-20). For university-sponsored events involving fewer than 100 people, the administration strongly recommends alternatives to in-person events. As a result, many time-honored and favorite activities at the Law School have been directly affected, such as the Libel Show and the 37th Annual Softball Tournament, both of which are now canceled.

These disruptive and unsettling changes have come as a blow to many students. Will McDermott ’22 reports there was initial excitement in the 1L GroupMe over the announcement to transition to online classes and 1L oral arguments to take place over video chat but then divisive debate over whether classes should be pass-fail. Leah Deskins ’21 said that she is “really sad about the Libel Show not coming to fruition,” but found a silver lining in that “professors can’t force me to take handwritten notes now, and before this happened, I had literally no idea how I’d get all of my work done. Now, after I’ve suddenly found myself with a more flexible schedule, I’m marginally less concerned about that, at least for the time being.”

For many 3Ls, the recent changes have been especially disappointing because they affect their last semester at the Law School. Eleanor Schmalzl ’20 comments, “It’s wild to see just how quickly things that seem certain can change. I am so sad for this community and my fellow classmates, as well as so many like us around the country, who are missing the last of our big, memorable school events (for UVA Law, Libel, the Softball Invitational, and likely graduation),” and she hopes that “the 1Ls and 2Ls see this and realize how special every day at this place is, and I hope the 3Ls get a chance for one more day together before we all part ways to go on and do great things.”

Griffin Peebles ’20 also shared his feelings, saying, “UVA Law has been one of the best experiences of my life.  I have gotten to travel internationally and learn at one of the best law schools.  But it’s the people. The people at UVA Law are sensational. The lifelong friendships we have made, the fun times we’ve had just can’t be present at other law schools. To know that never again will I be in the same room as everyone I am graduating with is sad. It’s sad to not have that moment to internalize it.  But it doesn’t take away the memories we had together.”

Taz Jones ’20 gives a hopeful account: “I find a lot of peace through reflection—on the folks whose love and support brings me strength and courage, on the ways that I can return that favor through my own encouragement, and on the opportunities for further community building that we can all take away from these unfortunate events. Above all else, I’m thinking about how much I love every single member of our Law School community, and how thankful I am for the opportunity to weather this storm as part of something bigger than myself.”

In many ways, though, the Law School remains resilient. Both the Student Affairs Office and all offices of Career Counseling (the Office of Private Practice, the Public Service Center, and our unstoppable Clerkship Director, Ruth Payne) have announced continued services in the coming weeks and encourage all students to reach out via email if they have any concerns or questions. The Law School library remains open and is actively working to make course materials available online for students who have returned home for the semester. For students experiencing financial difficulties, the Financial Aid Office is offering support with staff via phone, Skype, or other teleconferencing services.

If anything has made itself clear in the past week, it is that the school administration and student leaders are working hard to make sure students get the support and information they need to adjust successfully to an online curriculum. As Dean Risa Goluboff said in her email to the Law School shortly after President Ryan’s initial announcement, “We are lucky to live, learn, and work in a community filled with people who care for each other and who work together toward the greater good. Even when we are not all together in Charlottesville, our ties to one another remain strong.”[3]

Dean Goluboff’s words prove all the more meaningful in the wake of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in our community. Early Monday morning, the Thomas Jefferson Health District released information that “a Charlottesville resident in their late 50s who had recently traveled tested positive for the virus with a test through a commercial lab.”[4] President Ryan confirmed this news in an email later in the day. The confirmed individual is a staff member of the UVA Women’s Center, lives off Grounds, and is currently in quarantine and receiving care in accordance with protocols from the Virginia Department of Health.[5] As our community begins to face the full brunt of the COVID-19, it is more important than ever to remember our ties to each other. The strength of those ties and the choices we make will have rippling effects for all of us. It is paramount that we make healthy decisions not only for ourselves but for those most vulnerable in our community. As we’ve written here in this paper before, we’re all in this together.


[1] A GroupMe Poll in the Class of 2022 put voting at: 128 in favor of pass/fail this semester and 71 against, as of 6:30 pm on March 16, 2020.

[2] Per Dean Sarah Davies’s email, “March 14 Update from Student Affairs.” (As Provost Liz Magill said in her March 12 email to the University community, “If we resume in-person classes before the end of the semester, we will make sure any student who has gone home and cannot return to Grounds is able to complete the term.” This applies to Law School students as well as all other students. Please plan to remain where you are for the foreseeable future and do not worry about returning.)

[3] Dean Goluboff’s email, dated March 11, 2020, “FW: Important Update Regarding Spring Semester—Please Read.”


[5] President Jim Ryan’s email, dated March 16, 2020, “Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in UVA Community.”

Dean Cordel Faulk Bids Law School Farewell

Cordel Faulk ‘01
Departing Chief Admissions Officer

In 1996, A.E. Dick Howard became the first graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law I ever met. I seriously wish everyone such a magnificent introduction to the Virginia Law community. There I was—some silly little 20-year-old, closeted black kid who ran up to him after a speech because I wanted to meet the man who wrote the Virginia Constitution. He was the most courtly, urbane, brilliant human being I’d ever been within five feet of. He then put up with months of me staying in touch while I was an undergrad. When I finally submitted my application to UVA Law for the Class of 2001, he was nice enough to write a letter to endorse my candidacy—even though that might mean decades more of me demanding that he mentor me. In the years since, he has been a needed ear, a friend, and a reminder of the type of person I should aspire to be.

Through that lens, I hope every student who reads this understands why I attacked my job in the Admissions Office the way I did. For no extrinsic reason whatsoever, Dick Howard treats me like a human being deserving of care, support, concern, and love. Every day I walked into the Admissions Office it was my greatest desire to do the same for the students who choose to join the Virginia Law community.

Pictured: Cordel Faulk ‘01, Chief Admissions Officer Photo Courtesy:

Pictured: Cordel Faulk ‘01, Chief Admissions Officer
Photo Courtesy:

I love this Law School. I do, because I love the types of people who feel compelled to call it home—despite having the opportunity to get a legal education just about anywhere else. My fellow alumni (and future alumni) have built a community not based on elitism or prestige or bravado. No, you have not. You have built a community based on values—foremost among those is that we value each other first. The tie that binds is an acknowledgement of the humanity that animates our interactions with one another.

Promissory estoppel is taught at every law school; a law student can get that anywhere. You don’t get the Virginia Law community everywhere.

To the classes that were here before me: Thank you so much for creating a place where these wonderful people can come together, and thank you (specifically Dick Howard and Al Turnbull) for welcoming me into your ranks. For those who have come after: Thank you for letting me be a part of your story and thank you for being a part of mine. Every time I think about “my classes” I smile, and think about two things: (1) all the lessons I have learned because I got to interact with you and (2) the amazing things you will do once you leave these halls.

I won’t name any names of particular students because there are too many to put in this space. I love you all, though. Every application became a part of me I’ll never lose.

The year 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the first women to come to the University of Virginia School of Law as students. This year is also the 50th anniversary of the first black women joining the ranks of UVA Law graduates. It’s the 200th anniversary of the University itself.

Think of everything we lost by not educating women during UVA’s first hundred years. Think of the shame we accumulated during the 150 years our forebearers refused to have black women in our ranks. If we think hard, it should be obvious that this absence wasn’t just damaging to the women who were stopped at the gates. That period without women in our community was a violence against civil society itself. All the law and logic and reason those women could have given us was lost. That harmed everyone, and we’re still trying to catch up from those times today. Why did that happen? We lost generations of progress because of misogyny, fear, and ignorance. Let’s take this fancy elite education and make sure nothing like that ever happens again.

When we see Muslims being mistreated at airports, we should stand up and say, “Hell no!” When we see laws making it difficult for black Americans to go to the polls, we should stand up and say, “Hell no!” When we see society dismissing the contributions and potential of women, we should stand up and say, “Hell no!” When we see legislatures attacking the basic American freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, we should stand up and say, “Hell no!” When we don’t, we are wasting the privilege this degree affords us.

Every day you leave your house, you should be planning what you will do to deserve a degree from the University of Virginia School of Law.

As I end my employment at UVA Law, I’d like to thank a few people who made all of this possible. Dean Jeffries: Thank you for your friendship, your willingness to correct me frankly, and for making me feel valued and respected. Dean Mahoney: Thank you for your trust in giving me this job and for being the type of person whose judgment I could trust implicitly. To George Geis and Leslie Kendrick: Thank you for showing me that intelligence, strength, compassion, and commonsense could work in concert with one another. To Stephen Parr: Thank you for preparing me to be a leader. You all made me better and I am grateful. 


New SBA President's Address

Katharine Janes ‘21
SBA President

UVA Law,

I am writing to you from my home state of Michigan, feeling comforted by familiar sights but saddened and unsettled by the new, online community we inhabit. It was strange to leave Charlottesville without knowing exactly when I will be back—a feeling I know is familiar for many. I miss you all, but I hope you are safe and well.

Our move to remote learning is unexpected and unprecedented, and understandably, it is leaving many of us feeling anxious and uncertain—myself included. The constant deluge of negative news about the state of affairs of our country and world does not resolve these feelings, as we come to understand our new law school life. Therefore, in my welcome address, I’d like to set aside the obvious difficulties of the current moment and simply let you know how lucky I feel to share a (now-online) school with you all. Additionally, I’d like to let you know what the Student Bar Association (SBA) has done—and what it will continue to do—during this uncertain time.

Over the past week, we have been working diligently to connect students with information and needed resources. I have met or spoken with Jasmine Lee ’20 and the SBA Executive team every day, and we have a full SBA meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Our conversations thus far—as articulated in the school-wide email Jasmine and I sent on March 14th—have included connecting students with mutual aid opportunities, student health resources, and financial assistance; initiating conversations on grading policies and student organization functioning; and getting clarifications on where students should live, what our classroom experiences will look like, how course materials can be accessed or recovered, and how to best communicate with professors going forward. These conversations are ongoing, and we will continue to send updates as we receive them.

The uniqueness of the UVA Law community is evident to me now more than ever. From day one, students reached out to group messages and listservs offering to scan their readings for fellow students who left books behind, inquired about whether UVA staff will continue to be paid (they will!), and advocated for policy changes that would improve student health and wellbeing (both mental and physical). Our peers have volunteered their time to distribute goods to those facing financial hardship and their labor to bring goods to those who cannot go themselves. A constant hum of “let me know what I can do to help” has reminded me of how compassionate, empathetic, and selfless those in our law school community are. I am indescribably thankful to be your classmate.

SBA exists to represent the needs of our student body. In my last year as Secretary, I was impressed by the attentiveness and outpouring of effort by our Committee members, Senators, and Executive team to make our school as welcoming and inclusive as possible. SBA 2020: Though it is often a thankless job, you have supported—and continue to care deeply about—our community and its people. Thank you for serving our student body for the past year.

I think Jasmine, though, deserves our particular thanks. Behind the scenes, she put in countless hours to make sure that events went off without a hitch, that individuals had a point person to whom they could direct questions, and that student wellbeing was always at the forefront of the Administration’s efforts. Her frequent communications and constant accessibility revealed the true depth of her desire to use her position to benefit our community. Thank you, Jasmine, for demonstrating, through words and action, what selfless leadership looks like. I’m grateful to have learned from your example.

To SBA 2021: I am beyond excited to work with you over the next year. You are a team of diligent, brilliant, and forward-thinking individuals who will push our school to be better than it was when we took office. I look forward to hearing your ideas and serving with you during our term.

During this upcoming period of remote learning, SBA will continue to advocate for UVA Law students. Next year’s Executive team in particular—Savanna Williams ’21, Chance Maginness ’22, Katherine O’Neal ’22, and I—will do all we can to act as a resource for students. I have received a significant number of emails and texts over the past few days with comments, questions, and concerns: Please keep them coming. We are in daily contact with the Administration and will continue to serve as a liaison for student voices for the duration of our time apart. Though the state of flux we are in is certainly uncomfortable and challenging, I am confident in our ability to persevere together. Thank you for selecting me to serve as your President: I take the role seriously, cannot wait to problem-solve together, and look forward to being on Grounds with you all as soon as possible.


Outgoing SBA President's Farewell

Jasmine Lee ‘20
President Emeritus

This was not the farewell I planned to write as my time with SBA came to a close. I assumed that after Spring Break we would return to Grounds with stories of our travels, looking forward to the last few weeks of school together. For my fellow 3Ls, I know this included a lot of “last” moments. However, the Law School (and the world) look a lot different now than just a few days ago, and so what I write to you today must be different as well. It’s an odd time to say goodbye to SBA. I always felt saying goodbye and turning things over to the next president would be strange after being so involved during my time in Law School, but online classes and social distancing have made this even stranger. These are necessary precautions, of course, but an odd disruption to the normal patterns of our lives nonetheless. Still, I’ve reflected on my time as SBA president and there is so much I am proud of and so many students both inside and outside the organization I have had the privilege of working with and getting to know better.

Looking back, it seems my term was bookended with unexpected events that students were asked to respond to. Just weeks into my term last year, the men’s basketball team reached the NCAA Final Four and championship games. Anyone who knows me knows how deeply I care about UVA sports, and I loved being able to share those moments with so many in the student body! Now, under incredibly different circumstances, we are once again asked to respond to something unexpected—and far more serious. In the email Katharine Janes ’21 and I sent to the student body, we noted how the hallmark of our Law School has always been our community. I’m really proud to see that on display even as we are spread out and not all together in Charlottesville. In the past few days, I have received messages from students asking for ways they can help others within our community. Members of our community have reached out, wondering what they can do to ease a burden from someone else right now. It is incredible and makes me so proud to see how law students are working to look out for each other. Though I am ending my term as SBA president, please know that I am still available for anyone who may need me—please do not hesitate to reach out.

I am excited to leave SBA in the hands of Katharine and her team, and I cannot wait to see what their SBA looks like. Katharine, Savanna Williams ’21, Chance Maginness ’22, and Katherine O’Neal ’22 are already working so hard for you all and I know they will continue to do so. New Exec, I have been lucky to be able to work with you all over the past year and I am still here as a resource for you and SBA going forward.

To my Executive Board: Rachel Staub ’20, Trevor Quick ’20, and Katharine, thank you for all of your support this year. Thank you for the work you did for this school and for being integral parts of SBA. I don’t think you all get half the credit you should for your work, advocacy, and dedication. All I can say is thank you for everything you have done for me, SBA, and the school. You guys know how much you mean to me; this year was only as special as it was because of you three.

To SBA 2019-2020: Thank you for the long hours, the discussions, and all of the time you have dedicated to the Law School through both SBA and your other organizations. SBA can only function when there are people in positions who care about making UVA Law better for everyone, and you all did that in spades.

To the student body: Thank you for trusting me and working with me as your president this past year. To say it was an honor to be SBA president would be an understatement, and I thank you for giving me this opportunity and responsibility. 3Ls, I know this is not how we anticipated our final semester going, but I also know we have taken every challenge since our arrival in Charlottesville and met it head on. Those challenges have brought us closer together and shown that we are a class that can and will lean on each other. This situation is one more example of that. I can only hope to see you all around Grounds again soon.


ELE(Q)T Symposium for LGBTQ+ Leadership

Chance McCraw ‘21
Guest Editor

What now seems like a decade ago, on March 5, the Lambda Law Alliance hosted their second annual symposium, the Ele(Q)t Project for LGBTQ+ Leadership. The mission of the Ele(Q)t Project is to educate and motivate young LGBTQ+ leaders to run for public office. It is an afternoon-long series of panels and guest speakers. This year’s event culminated in the keynote by the President of the Campaign Legal Forum and the lawyer behind Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Trevor Potter ’82.

The afternoon started with a panel of LGBTQ+ elected leaders from the area. The panelists were the Mayor of Winchester, John David Smith; the Durham County D.A., Satana Deberry; the Vice-Mayor of Roanoke, Joe Cobb; and a member of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, Donna Price. All of them gave candid advice to the attendees about running for office as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and all emphasized how they beat their opponents: pure hustle. Some of their opponents made an issue of their LGBTQ+ identity, but none of that mattered on election day because every one of them out-hustled their opponent. Donna Price, the first transgender member of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, also emphasized how most “[p]eople live in their own worlds” so they do not notice your LGBTQ+ identity. Joe Cobb further emphasized this as he recalled being commended by a fellow city council member for addressing LGBTQ+ issues as a perceived “straight guy.”

Reggie Greer of the Victory Institute hosted the next event, an international organization focused on encouraging and training LGBTQ+ people to run for office. He first conducted an overview of what you need to consider before you run for office. His presentation culminated as he divided the attendees into small groups to develop an elevator pitch for why they are running for office. Everyone received feedback from Reggie Greer and Judge John Arrowood of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Notably, the number of openly LGBTQ+ individuals running for office in 2020 already matches the number that ran in 2018.

A campaign team panel composed of Mike Mings, Director of the Human Rights Campaign's Political Action Committee, and Roddy Flynn, Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) followed Mr. Greer. The panel began by discussing the historic presidential campaign of Pete Buttigieg. Both emphasized how different he was treated, as he was the only candidate asked about kissing his or her spouse. Additionally, they both emphasized how thoughtful Buttigieg is when he speaks because, as a veteran and closeted man for most of his life, he has spent time carefully calibrating his words and actions to pass as a straight person. The panel then transitioned to discussing the formerly bipartisan Equality Caucus to a 100 percent Democratic party caucus over the past decade. They attributed this to the end of bipartisanship throughout the Congress and on LGBTQ+ issues. Lastly, the panel discussed how important it is for a candidate to be comfortable with their identity, so they come across as authentic. Luckily, “[g]ay people have an advantage in politics. We have thought about our identity,” said Roddy Flynn.

The last panel before the keynote included Judge Shannon Baldwin of the Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 and Judge John Arrowood of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. This panel allowed attendees to hear and ask about the advantages and disadvantages of a system of electing, as opposed to appointing judges. Both judges emphasized working with the system you have. However, Judge Arrowood highlighted his preference for the Missouri Plan. The Missouri Plan appoints judges by a non-partisan commission, and the judge stands in a retention election in the next general election. When asked about the benefits of having LGBTQ+ judges on the bench, both judges emphasized how having experiences similar to those who may come before you allows you to empathize and better understand the circumstances of a particular case.

The keynote culminated the event before the amazing spread of Cocoa and Spice desserts and wine. The keynote featured alum Trevor Potter highlighting the changes that have taken place in Washington, D.C. for the LGBTQ+ community from the days of being rooted out of government to more widespread contemporary acceptance. When Mr. Potter was asked to join John McCain’s presidential campaign, he asked whether Senator McCain knew he was gay. The response from the late senator, quite candidly, went something like,“[I don’t]  give a f*** who anyone f**** as long as they do their f***ing job.” Mr. Potter then transitioned into discussing his perception of the evils within campaign finance. The two culprits in his eyes are the Federal Election Commission and Supreme Court jurisprudence. Currently, the FEC sits without a quorum, so it is doing nothing. When the FEC did have a quorum, three members were opposed to its very existence, so they prevented any measure from receiving the requisite four of six members’ votes. As for Supreme Court jurisprudence, he ran through the famous Buckley v. Valeo and Citizens United decisions that resulted in the D.C. Circuit opinion striking down any limit to donations to PACs, which resulted in the rise of Super PACs. Mr. Potter surmised that if the Supreme Court had envisioned Super PACs, the aforementioned decisions might have turned out differently.

Potter’s speech highlighted the change in the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community within Washington D.C. and the many ills in our current political system. His last piece of advice centered around gerrymandering and how independent commissions for redistricting always pass when presented to voters. He encouraged everyone who can file a ballot initiative in their state to do so. His speech seemed a befitting end to what may very well be the last event at the Law School for the 2019-20 term. 


ERA Now: Two Takes on the Equal Rights Amendment

Kathryn Querner ‘22
Executive Editor

On Thursday, March 5, UVA Law Professors Kim Forde-Mazrui (“KFM”) and Saikrishna Prakash shared their thoughts about the Equal Rights Amendment. This presentation took place in Withers-Brown at noon, hosted by the Federalist Society, with pizza from Mellow Mushroom provided.

This presentation has special relevance, as on Wednesday, January 15, the Virginia General Assembly became the thirty-eighth state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), and the passage of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution currently requires the support of at least thirty-eight U.S. states. The amendment, however, still faces various challenges it must overcome before it can be added to the Constitution.

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the Constitution meant to guarantee that “equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” The measure was first introduced to Congress nearly 100 years ago, in 1923.

Professor Prakash kicked off the presentation. He began by sharing that he would focus on the process of passing the ERA, rather than its substance. Before the ERA can be added to the Constitution, the 1979 deadline set by Congress must be overcome. There is a legal question of whether Congress has the authority to extend this deadline to include recent state ratifications, including Virginia’s.

Professor Prakash drew comparisons between the procedures of passing the ERA and the 27th Amendment, which took 200 years to be ratified. After a total of thirty-eight states ratified the 1789 pay amendment, the legislative and executive branches determined that the amendment was valid. Although Professor Prakash himself criticizes this conclusion, the extended ratification process for the 27th Amendment raises the possibility that the ERA, too, may be considered valid and viable.

Due to concerns of expired consent of some states’ ratifications among other concerns, though, Professor Prakash has concluded that Congress cannot change this deadline; however, it remains to be seen what actions Congress and the courts will take regarding this amendment.

Professor Forde-Mazrui spoke next; interestingly, he does not support the passage of the ERA—not because he does not support gender equality, but rather because his work in race studies have provided insight into how the ERA would actually harm the women’s rights movement in various ways. The ERA does not apply to discrimination against women in the private sector, and further, sex discrimination by the government is already prohibited.

When asked what got him interested in studying the ERA, Professor Forde-Mazrui said, “My research on race has revealed that the trend of Supreme Court doctrine is to prevent any affirmative efforts to remedy racial equality, including through race-neutral means and including by eliminating policies that disparately impact racial minorities. I have taught my Constitutional Law class for decades that affirmatively addressing sex inequality is easier under the Equal Protection Clause than addressing race inequality.  Several students have found this counterintuitive as discrimination against African Americans was the principal evil that the Equal Protection Clause was intended to address. I wish that the Supreme Court treated race discrimination the same way it treats sex discrimination, namely, banning discrimination against women and racial minorities while allowing reasonably tailored proactive efforts to benefit women and racial minorities.”

Frances Asbury ’22 attended the presentation and commented, “I thought KFM made compelling and poignant arguments against passing the ERA. Having listened to him speak, I am convinced we can and should do better not only for those the ERA purports to benefit, but for racial minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and other underrepresented or disenfranchised communities.”

After sharing his findings that the ERA would actually harm women and other protected groups in various ways, Professor Forde-Mazrui suggested that alternative solutions to protecting women as a class should include prohibiting discrimination in the private sector and permit distinctions based on sex that are designed to benefit women.

After both speakers concluded, students and community members in attendance had a chance to ask questions.

As a final piece of advice, Professor Forde-Mazrui recommends to the UVA Law community, “Students should realize that many lawmakers and members of the public do not understand judicial doctrine very well. I continually find, whether about race, sex, or sexual orientation equality, that well-educated people, including lawmakers, have many unfounded and false assumptions about what the courts are holding on various issues. That gives law students and ultimately lawyers an important role to play in bridging the understanding gap between the law on the books and the beliefs about law held by lawmakers and much of the public.”


An Evening with Mayor Nikuyah Walker

Lena Welch ‘20
Teen Romance Editor

Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker spoke at UVA Law Wednesday evening in an event sponsored by the Black Law Students Association (BLSA). Throughout February, BLSA organized events to commemorate and celebrate Black History Month.

Mayor Walker speaks at UVA Law about her experience in local government. Photo Courtesy Lena Welch. ‘20

Mayor Walker speaks at UVA Law about her experience in local government. Photo Courtesy Lena Welch. ‘20

“Our goals really were to provide a platform for Black voices here in our community to be heard and appreciated by the Law School community at large,” Social Action Chair Eli Jones ’21 said. “We really want to assert the value in hearing from perspectives of Black people in a place where historically they have been excluded.”

Mayor Walker spoke directly to this point as she described her journey to becoming the first Black female mayor of Charlottesville. Mayor Walker not only discussed the power of being in a room where Black voices and female voices have previously been excluded, but she explained how she came to the room in the first place.

“I had no intention of ever running for any political office,” Mayor Walker stated. She began her remarks by describing her education, both formal and informal. Although Mayor Walker did not have a traditional college experience, she dedicated her time to studying criminal justice, psychology, and political science, often connecting the subjects to better understand how the systems of power interact with humans. Mayor Walker also thanks her great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother for cultivating the curiosity and courage to ask all of her questions, even when no one is able to give her an answer.

The lessons she learned through her formal and informal education formed the “unshakeable foundation” Mayor Walker credits when it comes to her ability to stand her ground, especially in rooms where Black people have previously been denied entry.

“Mayor Walker is a powerful and urgent voice for justice and change in the city,” Jones said. “I think often places like Charlottesville, which are very politically liberal, can soothe themselves into thinking they can achieve justice by incrementally doing the same old things. Mayor Walker directly challenges that notion and has been a voice for marginalized folks in the city, even when it shakes things up.”

From the beginning of her campaign, Mayor Walker knew she was going to shake things up. She described feeling underestimated, even on election night. “Every room I walk into, people learn pretty quickly that while they're usually able to dictate outcomes and discount individuals I am not be someone that they can do those two things to. And so, I presented a challenge early on, but white power structure, it has the ability to believe that what they say because of their wealth, because of their power that they will make it true whether it is true or not.”

Upon her victory, Mayor Walker sought to follow her campaign slogan of “Unmasking the Illusion” in Charlottesville. Part of this process began when she chose to run as an independent candidate.

“I grew up in a city that had been controlled by the Democratic Party, and I had seen a lot of devastation come out of policies that were enacted by individuals who, according to the political state of this country, have Black people's best interest at heart, brown people's best interest at heart, low-income people's best interest at heart. And I had seen otherwise, so I wanted to make that statement, just by my announcement, that I may not win, but I'm willing to not win and let you know that I think you all also need to change course.”

Fortunately, Mayor Walker has been able to stay on her course, something her unshakeable foundation makes possible, and something she did not hide as she entered the political arena. In her words, “I made sure that individuals knew that I was going to remain centered, and that I was going to remain true to my philosophy, and that they understood that that is ever-changing, and I will tell you when I have changed course and why.

“I thought her speech was absolutely phenomenal,” Jones added. “The experiences she shared showed the need to sometimes break from what’s considered ‘polite’ or ‘civil’ when there are great amounts of injustice that are being perpetrated. More than anything, she reminded us that public service is a job which demands empathy, courage, and urgency.”

Mayor Walker described some of the initiatives she has been able to spearhead as Mayor, including land-use battles, the Home to Hope Program, and an effort alongside Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania to create a more diverse staff in his office, which is in its second year.

“While most of the individuals who go through our criminal justice system are Black, you don’t see any of the prosecutors in the office,” Mayor Walker said. “And being able to have that

Mayor Walker’s speech not only highlighted the historic nature of her service as the Mayor of Charlottesville, but it reminded all of us that we in the Law School bear a responsibility to connect with the wider Charlottesville community. Jones recommended spending money at locally-owned businesses, donating to locally-focused nonprofits and educational centers like The Jefferson School, or volunteering.

“When you take a place like the University of Virginia, with its immense wealth and influence, and juxtapose with the severe income gaps or the large shortage of affordable housing in the city, I think that is something we really need to interrogate,” Jones said. “Especially while we are secluded at North Grounds, it’s very easy to fall into ideas of ‘Town and Gown,’ but that is not a tenable or acceptable reality to live in. Even if you don’t consider yourself a member of this community, then you are a guest, and ought to be concerned with the town other people call home.”

Jones also provided this reminder: “Black History Month is not the end of honoring and listening to Black voices, nor is it the end of the pursuit of justice. Pushing towards justice is work 365 days a year.”


Gender and the 2020 Election

Lena Welch ‘20
Teen Romance Editor

Thursday afternoon, the Feminist Legal Forum (FLF), Law Democrats, American Constitution Society, Virginia Law Women, and If/When/How invited UVA Professor Jennifer Lawless to explore the role of gender in the current election cycle. FLF Presidents Eliza Schultz ’21 and Jolena Zabel ’21 moderated the conversation with Professor Lawless.

“There's so much going on in this election cycle, and so much is at stake, so we wanted to create a space for people to unpack its gender dynamics,” Schultz said. “We wanted to hear a smart person answer questions about how the #MeToo movement is affecting this race, what sacrifices come with pursuing the vote of disaffected white men (and whether those sacrifices are worth it), and how sexism and other forms of bigotry are affecting the media we consume about the election.”

Professor Lawless, who is an expert on gender and politics with six books to her name, including Women on the Run: Gender, Media, and Political Campaigns in a Polarized Era, described the challenge of a political scientist during national campaigns.

“The reason that all of these questions are so hard to analyze at the presidential level and are way easier at the congressional level is because at the congressional level every election cycle you have about 450 races where you can sort of see what patterns are,” Professor Lawless said. “At the presidential level, everything could potentially be seen as sexism or racism or explained away.”

Over the course of the conversation, Professor Lawless made distinctions between when data and patterns support gender as a factor compared to when sexist comments or actions take place without any real effects on a campaign.

“Whether sexism is ultimately consequential or determinative of votes is a lot harder to measure. At least in terms of outcomes, it doesn’t look like it is. But it could be that women have to endure comments like this [Chris Matthews’s treatment of Senator Elizabeth Warren] more frequently than male candidates on the campaign trail.”

However, when it comes to showing anger or electability, the gender of the candidates does not make much difference in reality. According to Professor Lawless, the most important factor when it comes to a candidate demonstrating anger is authenticity. As long as a candidate does not cross a line or seem fake in his or her outrage, voters are unlikely to punish a candidate more based on gender. And when it comes to electability, Professor Lawless does not care much for the conversation or the word.

"Well, the first thing I would note is that a woman did beat Donald Trump. So in 2016, Hillary Clinton received more votes than Donald Trump did. Now, this is not to say that we should throw out the electoral college and it's terrible, but there are these general reactions that, 'Well, there's no way a woman could get elected; voters aren't ready to vote for a woman.' The empirical evidence is just not true."

For virtually every question, Professor Lawless cited empirical data in her response, challenging perceptions of those in the room as well as those held by many American voters.

“She's funny, she's sharp, and she knows her stuff,” Schultz said of Professor Lawless. “She talked less about her own opinions and more about the data that explain the phenomena we're witnessing.”

Schultz, Zabel, and Professor Lawless all noted that gender as a whole seems to be less of the focus of the 2020 campaign compared to 2016. Professor Lawless suggested that the need for novelty is what drives the conversation. Hillary Clinton’s cracking of the glass ceiling by earning the Democratic nomination made history. She also incorporated gender much more into her rhetoric and campaign. Nevertheless, Americans still have a tendency to focus on the failures of female candidates.

“There are a bunch of male candidates that never made it on to the debate stage, never garnered any real attention, and we didn't really talk about their lack of success,” Professor Lawless said. “But because women are still relatively an anomaly when it comes to presidential politics, when a woman emerges as a candidate, we sort of fixate on her and her electoral fortune.”

With Senator Amy Klobuchar ending her campaign four days after this conversation, the Democratic field has only one woman left, but Professor Lawless stated that this winnowing process does not seem to be gendered. She did, however, lament the lack of racial diversity of the remaining candidates.

“For a stage that started out as the most diverse stage we’ve ever seen, to wind up looking, race-wise, the way it looks right now, suggests that probably something’s going on. However, the one complicating factor is Joe Biden’s track record and ability to resonate with the African-American community in a way that most candidates cannot.”

By the time this article is published, Super Tuesday will be over, and we may have an even better idea of who the Democratic nominee will be, but these conversations will continue to be important.

“We wanted people to be able to ask questions and engage with each other,” Schultz said. “I spend a lot of time on Twitter and it isn't the safest, happiest place to engage in political discussions, so we wanted to create that space for people.”

The FLF Presidents also said, “We hope people organize for the candidates who share their vision for a more equal future while holding those same candidates to account and calling them out where necessary and not just in issues relating to sexism. We have some power in pushing candidates to be as inclusive and anti-racist as possible, and we should use it.”


Honoring Black History Month: BLSA Wins Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Year

Back Row (left to right): Princelee Clesca ‘20, Niraje Medley-Bacon ‘22, David Kitchin ‘22, Rambert Tyree ‘22, Michael Howell ‘21.  Middle Row: Jordan LaPointe ‘22, Melissa Privette ‘22, Tiffany Mickel ‘22, Catherine Guerrier ‘21, Michele St. Julien…

Back Row (left to right): Princelee Clesca ‘20, Niraje Medley-Bacon ‘22, David Kitchin ‘22, Rambert Tyree ‘22, Michael Howell ‘21.
Middle Row: Jordan LaPointe ‘22, Melissa Privette ‘22, Tiffany Mickel ‘22, Catherine Guerrier ‘21, Michele St. Julien ‘20, Lise Guerrier ‘20.
Front Row: Nicole Banton ‘21, Courtney Davis ‘20, Natasha Halloran ‘21, Lillian Childress ‘21, Rachel Barnes J.D.-M.B.A. ‘21, Morgan Palmiter ‘22.
Photo Courtesy Lillian Childress ‘21.

Eli Jones ‘21
Guest Writer

As Black History Month comes to a close this year, I think now provides a good opportunity to reflect. As we communally and nationally take the month of February to think about the contributions of Black people to the American story, I think we have the tendency to simply re-hash the same moments in our heads. We may talk about the great inventors, artists, and public voices for justice that have shared the same strong Black heritage, and then go back to business as usual. But when I really stop to ponder the significance of this month and what it represents, I cannot help but feel dwarfed by an immense legacy.

Last year marked exactly four centuries since the first Black people were brought to Virginia, which represented to many people the beginning of slavery in the United States. My own ancestors were among the many brought from Africa to this country, treated as property by a cruel system perpetrated in a country that was founded on the idea that all men are created equal. The irony that the author of those iconic and central words owned over 600 human beings in his lifetime, six among them being his own children, is not lost on me.

But in those fields, as the hard labor of picking cotton or tobacco in the Southern sun wore down the bodies of Black people, it never broke their spirits. These men and women had dreams of not only their freedom, but of raising the entire country to begin living out the magnificent ideals it had declared to be foundational. This is the dream that drove Harriet Tubman back into the dangers of slave territory to free her people, and the dream that inspired Frederick Douglass to illegally teach himself how to read before running away and becoming one of the most prolific minds America has ever known. This is the dream that allowed Mamie Till to show the pain of her son’s murder and the inhumanity of racism to the entire country. And it was this dream that marched with the brave souls across the South during the Civil Rights Movement.

As someone now privileged enough to attend law school, I can’t help but feel humbled by the thought of the history behind me. My ability to attend an institution like the University of Virginia to study the law is nothing less than the culmination of generations of work and dedication by many incredibly dedicated and brave souls purposed with making the world more just. To be an embodiment of the progress that my ancestors dreamed about is a blessing that words will never adequately describe, and it is an honor of the highest order for me anytime I walk into a classroom here.

At our Law School, evidence of the great strides we have made can be seen in the fact that year 2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of UVA BLSA. This year signifies half a century of BLSA’s engagement with and enrichment of not only our own Law School community, but of the legal profession. BLSA at UVA represents a proud tradition of legal luminaries, including private and public service practitioners, and groundbreaking jurists who have served on the state and federal bench. Anytime I have the pleasure of interacting with a member of the BLSA community here, I beam with pride for having the opportunity to be counted as part of this legacy among my incredibly gifted and driven classmates. The fact that there has been an organization that has consistently built and encouraged Black attorneys for fifty years at the law school Thomas Jefferson founded is nothing short of incredible.

BLSA is not just maintaining its presence here at UVA, it is also thriving. Just this year, I have seen our leadership host a phenomenal diversity reception (with an equally great one coming next month), take a service trip to Cape Town, South Africa to do public service work, and provide mentorship opportunities for Black 1Ls and Black undergraduates on Main Grounds interested in law. Even beyond our current board, our former president Rachel Barnes ’21was elevated to National BLSA Chair in November, and in January, Erin Seagears ’20 was chosen as the recipient of the Gregory Swanson Award. Furthermore, two of our newest members, Melissa Privette ’22 and Jordan LaPointe ’22, won the Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition Best Respondent Brief Award at this year’s Regional Mid-Atlantic BLSA Convention. These significant and wonderful individual achievements culminated for us as a community when our large membership was chosen as Chapter of the Year for the Mid-Atlantic region. Having the opportunity to be a part of this achievement has undoubtedly been one of the greatest highlights of my law school career. And we at BLSA know that our ability to do so much at a school that we were unable to attend less than a century ago is not only indicative of the changes that come with time and hard work, but it is also indicative of the importance of diversity to a law school community.

As a result, there is always progress to be made. While it is true that massive strides toward justice have occurred, there is still much work that needs to be done. In our own profession, there is to this day a glaring lack of diversity, especially in positions of power and influence. Indeed, many Black attorneys are constantly questioned about their qualifications, intelligence, and capability, as pernicious stigmas have persisted over time about Black people.[1] Outside of our profession, we see the legacy of racism and Jim Crow manifest in our laws, culture, and politics.  As we bring Black History Month to a close, I hope we are all collectively able to reflect on the dark and ugly past of racism, celebrate the strides we have made and the thousands of brave Black people that made them, and also prepare to do the hard work of bending the moral arc of the universe toward justice. Happy Black History Month.



Terwilliger Talk: A Chat with the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia

Leah Deskin ‘21
Professor Liaison Editor

Last Thursday, February 20th, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, G. Zachary Terwilliger, visited the Law School for a lunchtime discussion with Annie Kim, Assistant Dean for Public Service, followed by a brief Q&A period with students. As the United States Attorney, Terwilliger oversees civil litigation in which the United States has an interest and federal prosecution for matters within the Eastern District of Virginia, a region including Hampton Roads in the southeastern portion of the state, Richmond, and also parts of Northern Virginia. The event was titled “Overcoming Adversity in Law School and the Path to Becoming a Federal Prosecutor,” but the discussion ended up focusing less on overcoming adversity and more on Terwilliger’s road to becoming a federal prosecutor, as well as recommendations he had for students hoping to go down that path.

Pictured: U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, G. Zachary Terwilliger.  Photo Courtesy

Pictured: U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, G. Zachary Terwilliger.
Photo Courtesy

Initially, Terwilliger spent some time discussing what led him to a legal career in the first place. He mentioned that his dad had worked as a prominent official in the Department of Justice and then in private practice in Washington, D.C. His first experience working in the federal prosecution context came in high school when he interned in a United States Attorney’s Office. But he wasn’t always dead-set on becoming a lawyer. He briefly delved into bioethics while an undergraduate at UVA but, somewhat jokingly, talked about his realization that perhaps that wasn’t the right career for him. After college, he attended William & Mary Law School, clerked, and then immediately began working as a Special Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.

Terwilliger spent the bulk of the event discussing his experience working as a line attorney for the U.S. Attorney’s Office and then the United States Attorney. He discussed his victim-centric approach to prosecution (he did a lot of sex-trafficking prosecution early on in his career), as well as the decisions he has to make as the head of the office in the Eastern District of Virginia (including decisions related to the delegation of work, as well as his approach to prosecutorial discretion). He also briefly discussed his time working for the Department of Justice in D.C., in particular, the work he did to get DOJ working again at the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency. He specifically mentioned that he was working nearly all hours of the day during that period, and that being the United States Attorney for a region containing over six million people is much, much easier than what he was doing at “Main Justice.” And you thought Biglaw had it tough!

He also spent time at the end of the event answering student questions and providing insight into how to become a federal prosecutor. Here’s the gist: First, you’ve already started off on the right foot by going to such an amazing Law School. Congratulations. Second, consider clerking, it’s a big plus. Third, show an interest in government work. Spend at least one summer working for the federal government at a place like DOJ. Work in the Law School’s prosecution clinic or Supreme Court litigation clinic. In addition, if you choose to work at a firm, the best time to apply to become a federal prosecutor is once you’re a second or third-year associate. After that, you start becoming too expensive, and frankly, everyone starts leaving Biglaw around their fifth or sixth year. You wouldn’t want to be just another fifth or sixth-year associate in a sea of other fifth or sixth-year associates.

Terwilliger didn’t spend much time talking about law school. He mentioned that he felt really pressured to succeed because of his dad’s position, and then he told us that he ended up doing very well in school—standard fare for someone in his position, it seems. For a talk with a title about overcoming adversity, it would’ve been nice to hear a story about someone who didn’t initially succeed in law school and overcame it. One of the more interesting points he made, however, was that he viewed law school as a means to an end. He didn’t nerd out about the law in school. For all of those students out there who have found themselves not being a law school nerd and wondering whether they’re cut out to be a lawyer, perhaps that provides some heartening encouragement. You don’t have to love the word “jurisprudence,” the humor of Scalia’s dissents, or your professors’ policy questions on final exams to succeed as a lawyer.

Terwilliger concluded by mentioning that he thinks he has the greatest job in the world: He gets to do the right thing at work, he enjoys being there for law enforcement, and he enjoys delivering justice for victims.


Updated Statements from the SBA Presidential Candidates

The following letters to the editor were submitted by Daniel Seidita ’21 and Katharine Janes ’21, respectively, as updated statements regarding their candidacy for UVA Law’s Student Bar Association President. The Law Weekly did not edit either statement, nor does the Law Weekly endorse either candidate. By running these statements, the Law Weekly merely hopes to help students better decide which candidate to vote for in this election. Any comments, concerns, or questions regarding the content of these statements should be addressed to the candidates themselves.

Daniel Seidita’s ’21 Updated Presidential Candidate Statement

I’d like to begin by thanking the Virginia Law Weekly for its excellent coverage of this year’s SBA Elections.  Ben Stievater penned a phenomenal piece about Tuesday’s debate, and I suggest you read it if you haven’t already.

The SBA is a complex organization comprised of energetic and passionate students dedicated to improving our collective law school experience.  In addition to planning large-scale events like Foxfield and Barrister’s Ball, the SBA serves as a liaison between the student body and the law school faculty and administration.

Put simply, I am running for SBA President because I think that there are ways to improve the UVA Law student experience by transforming the SBA into an organization that is radically transparent, open, and inclusive. 

Throughout the course of my campaign, I have asked hundreds of students about their experiences with the SBA.  Regularly, students have expressed that they know little about what the SBA does or how it makes decisions.  Few students have seen a copy of the SBA’s budget, and only a handful of students have read minutes from SBA meetings.  The fact that an organization with such influence appears to be operating in relative obscurity is concerning to me.  

If elected SBA President, I will try my best to publicize the full extent of the SBA’s involvement on our grounds.  Whether by live-streaming SBA meetings or by releasing page-long summaries of the organization’s budget at the beginning of each semester, I will strive to implement common-sense measures to increase the SBA’s accountability to the students it serves.  I will also solicit feedback on large-scale events such as Foxfield immediately after these events take place to ensure that all students are given an opportunity to express their concerns.  Every SBA decision—no matter how big or how small—should be made with as much input from the broader student body as possible.

I believe that the election of an SBA-outsider will serve as a powerful reminder to other students that anyone can contribute to the SBA.  With few extracurricular commitments planned for the 2020-21 school year, I will be able to dedicate an enormous amount of time and energy to serving the student body as SBA President.  I look forward to doing so.  Expect more.

Thank you for your time.  You can learn more about my platform on Instagram (@seidita2020) and Facebook ( 

Humbly your servant in service,

Danny Seidita


Katharine Janes’s ’21 Updated Presidential Candidate Statement

Hi, UVA Law!

I am running for SBA President because I respect and care deeply about our community at UVA Law and the people who comprise it. With your support, I know I can be an effective leader of SBA, because I have the experience and knowledge to confront new challenges while working as a team player to improve our law school community.

No institution is perfect, SBA included. As Secretary, I have worked hard to hear and heed student input to better equip SBA to amplify and actualize student perspectives. My foremost goal as President is to create the most welcoming and inclusive community possible, as I have endeavored to do in the last two years of my service with SBA. My views on how we can make this happen are informed through my work with SBA, but also my work with affinity groups (as one example, check out the VLW Speak Up project!). Below is a brief description of some of the work I did on SBA, and my vision for how we can work to improve SBA in the coming term.

Past Efforts: Some initiatives I helped coordinate with SBA are relatively well-known, like Bar Review, SBA Socials, Foxfield, Fauxfield, NCAA game watches, and Barrister’s Ball. Some initiatives, though, were less high-profile. Early this year, I re-designed the layout of the bi-weekly SBA email to more effectively communicate information to the Law School community. We saw a substantial uptick in student replies to those emails – with questions, comments, and concerns – which signaled to me SBA was making real progress on student engagement efforts. As Secretary, I supported the initiation of new, free weekly yoga classes at North Grounds Rec Center; “Coffee with the Dean” in support of diversity and inclusion efforts; an ESL and mentorship program for LLMs; and the purchase of a new kegerator to keep your beverages cold for SBA socials. When students expressed concerns about classrooms being too warm and clocks being too late, I aided in rolling out an online platform for students to report these issues directly to Building Services. My contributions—all of which were part of team efforts—have been fundamentally motivated by the desire to make SBA an advocate for all UVA Law students.

In the Works: As a member of SBA this year, I strongly supported efforts to improve student wellbeing. As an example, for the past four weeks, SBA has been engaged in discussions with Dean Kendrick about 1L grade release policies, specifically regarding when and in what manner results are distributed. In response to negative student feedback about class registration communications last fall, I personally spoke with Dean Dugas and generated a plan to improve those communications, which will be released later this spring. When it was evident that SBA transitions were taking too long because of a lack of institutional memory, I helped created internal mechanisms to store and share transition documents across administrations. Institutional change takes time. I have, however, demonstrated an aptitude and willingness to advocate for necessary change on behalf of students.       

What’s to Come: SBA, without a doubt, has significant room for growth, and I want to create that necessary change. My priorities include: (1) revamping the Foxfield organizational structure so that 1Ls do not carry the financial and logistical burden of coordinating the event; (2) reducing cost barriers for student participation in all major SBA events, particularly through the establishment of a fund dedicated to serving those of limited financial means; (3) creating a more direct link between affinity groups and SBA Exec through intentional, regular meetings; (4) building on “Coffee with the Dean” to facilitate a much-needed conversation with the administration about diversity and inclusion; (5) enhancing institutional resources and support for post-graduate public service work; (6) implementing more effective mechanisms to gather, aggregate, and act on student opinion; (7) targeting advertising toward students about the many ways SBA participation is possible (e.g. through service as a senator, on committees, etc.); and (8) making sure we never again go without Friday afternoon cookies.  

Responding to criticism of institutions is a necessary part of student leadership, and I have demonstrated a willingness and ability to do the hard work of translating those criticisms into action. I take seriously SBA’s responsibility to be a vital resource for all of our law school community, and service to this institution is my top priority as a student at UVA. As President, I will listen to student feedback, meet challenges, and advocate on students’ behalf. I have loved being part of this important work for the past two years and feel strongly that, while there is certainly more work to be done, I am the woman for the job.


The SBA Presidential Debate

Ben Stievater ‘22
Events Editor

Forget about Bernie and Warren, this week’s hottest debate concerned the upcoming SBA 2020-2021 elections. The election for SBA Treasurer features a cross-class battle between Josh Short ’21 and Chance Maginness ’22, both of whom were unfortunately unable to attend Tuesday afternoon’s debate. In prepared statements read by the moderator, Will Palmer ’21, Short emphasized his appreciation for the UVA Law community and desire to give back, while Maginness wrote of his intentions to prioritize the budget and his experience dating back to his undergraduate years.

The main event of the afternoon, however, was the debate between SBA presidential candidates Katharine Janes ’21 and Daniel Seidita ’21. In a nutshell, it came down to whether institutional experience and knowledge trump the fresh eyes and energy of an outsider with admittedly little experience in SBA. Seidita’s platform turns on the idea that such an outsider is necessary to invigorate and provide transparency to what many view as an inaccessible SBA—one that, according to Seidita, erroneously told him he could not run for President due to the bylaws. He called for a greater SBA social media presence to effectively reach students and hear their concerns, while emphasizing that his free time would enable him to devote himself entirely to his potential presidency.

Janes, on the other hand, is a student government veteran, previously serving on FYC in her 1L year and currently serving as SBA Secretary. Her platform turns on her experience in and passion for student government, dating back to her undergraduate years. She highlighted the experience of organizing large events such as Foxfield and Fauxfield, working to help form new student organizations like Heartland ’Hoos, and launching initiatives like the Roots lunch delivery service and Diversity Week as key experiential facets from her time on SBA that would allow her to succeed as President.

When it came to the most pressing issues facing the student body, Seidita asserted the perceived lack of transparency and accessibility that many students feel toward SBA—specifically the notion that if one misses the FYC train in the first days of 1L, then he or she has permanently missed the option to get involved in student government. He seeks to rewrite this narrative through his presidency, relying on his outgoing and approachable demeanor, as well as direct social media outreach strategies, to rid the student body of its apathy toward the SBA’s bureaucratic processes and to encourage the possibility of actual change.

Janes agreed that transparency may be an issue, but countered that SBA features feedback forms at the bottom of every email, analyzes transition documents for each event from year to year to see what can be improved, and that the minutes to every weekly SBA meeting are published and provided to students in emails as well. She further addressed the inaccessibility issue by pointing toward the existence of SBA office hours, freedom of students to attend meetings, and the general approachability of herself and other executive members. Notwithstanding, Seidita asserts that more direct and effective student involvement and outreach is still needed, something a social media presence on Instagram or another more popular platform besides Facebook and emails could provide. Janes then opined that class unity, particularly the potential alienation that 1Ls feel with the rest of the community, is a more pressing issue—another issue that Seidita believes could be remedied with more direct outreach and publicization of events like SBA Socials.

Student social events also proved to be another hot button issue, from the busing at Foxfield to the steep price and scarcity of Barrister’s tickets. Seidita would combat these issues with better organization and communication, calling for bigger buses and immediate feedback after the events to voice concerns. He also would see a decrease in the cost of non-drinking tickets and a rise in the price of drinking ones to encourage students to buy the former, along with a search for a bigger venue to accommodate more students, though he knows Charlottesville provides limited options. Indeed, Janes urged students not to underestimate the effort that goes into these events, citing the inside logistical struggles of hiring big enough buses in advance and the balancing act of finding a venue and agreeable price point: “Ticket pricing is done per head by the venue beforehand, so SBA is already discounting non-drinking tickets and operating at a loss each time one is sold. Capacity this year at Barrister’s was also pigeonholed since there’s only so many spaces that we can use while taking into account price [the Boar’s Head is too pricey] and risk of being prevented from future usage [the Omni has previously revoked PILA’s ability to use the venue based on rowdy Barrister’s behavior].”

The debate became candid when an array of questions from the audience were taken. Seidita was directly asked to respond to his lack of experience in student government and whether he had spoken with any former presidents or current president, Jasmine Lee ’20, about what the role and responsibilities of SBA president exactly entailed. He admitted he had not, but was undeterred by this and confident in his assertions that an outsider with a fresh set of eyes could energize and inspire more participation with students when it comes to SBA and its events. Janes, too, faced some heat as she was directly asked about the accessibility of student government and whether she thought she would be running were it not for being elected to FYC during her 1L, running unopposed for her current position as Secretary, and Lee being her 1L PA. Janes confidently replied in the affirmative, pointing to her undergraduate student government record as proof that she would want to run regardless and attesting that Lee is as open and accessible to her as to anyone. Janes also spoke of the perceived lack of accessibility as a “sad rhetoric” and less an issue of accessibility and more an issue of letting students know the methods through which accessibility already exists.

All in all, both candidates are clearly passionate and eager to improve UVA Law for the student body. “I want to ensure every student and faculty member walks into the school each morning with the same stupid grin on their face as I do every day,” Seidita said, in response to a question about why he is running. Janes, too, emphasized that she wants everyone to have a place here and that she believes she can facilitate it via her experience. She also recognized and appreciated the energy and interest that Seidita and a contested election has brought to the student body and their relationship to SBA. She reminded students that the election is not a zero-sum game and that SBA can and will incorporate ideas and suggestions that best serve the student body, be them new social media outreach strategies or others. The debate ended with a friendly hug between the candidates, underscoring their respect and collegiality toward one another in what is shaping up to be an exciting election.

Voting opens Saturday, February 22, and will remain open until Tuesday, February 25, at 11:59 p.m.



Contested SBA Elections: Candidates State their Positions

This year, the Student Bar Association (SBA) is running a contested election for both the President and Treasurer positions. Each of the candidates’ arguments are featured below, and voting will be open from Thursday, February 20 until Sunday, February 23. The Law Weekly Facebook page and Instagram have more information about the debate, held on Tuesday, February 18. We encourage you to learn more about the debate and the candidates, as well as exercise your right to vote for your upcoming SBA representatives!

These statements are presented unedited so that you may consider the candidates based on their own work.

From Left to Right: Daniel Seidita ‘21 and Katharine Janes ‘21, candidates for SBA President. Photo Courtesy of Eleanor Schmalzl ‘20.

From Left to Right: Daniel Seidita ‘21 and Katharine Janes ‘21, candidates for SBA President. Photo Courtesy of Eleanor Schmalzl ‘20.

Candidates for President

Katharine Janes

Hi, UVA Law! My name is Katharine Janes, and I am running for SBA President. Over the past year, I have loved serving as Secretary of SBA. While some of the highlights of my tenure have included organizing memorable events like the NCAA Tournament game watches, what I've appreciated most in my position has been helping to facilitate everyday student activities on a more individualized basis. This has, for me, included aiding in the establishment of new student organizations, coordinating communications amongst student representatives, and (yes) sending bi-weekly emails about everything happening on Grounds. I deeply appreciate the way that working with SBA has allowed me to connect students to resources and opportunities they may not have known existed, particularly to the extent that it has promoted an inclusive environment at the law school. I hope I can continue this work next year as President, and I appreciate your vote!


Daniel Seidita

UVA is a special place. I have loved every moment of my time here as a member of this community. I am running for SBA President because I want my fellow students to know that they have an institutional advocate—one that will constantly strive to make students feel welcome, included, and capable of thriving while at UVA Law.

Our time here is short, and I have too often heard murmurs of apathy as students begrudgingly accept that they will not have time to affect change before they leave Charlottesville. I want to correct this misconception. I want to be an SBA President who is accessible; one who actively listens to each member of our community. I am running for SBA president because students should have confidence that their voice will not only be heard, but encouraged. I envision an SBA that is active and open; one in which no opinion on any matter goes without note.

I have loved UVA because of the people—because every day I walk through the halls and know I have a community that supports me. I want to ensure that the SBA is an active part of each of our lives. I want an SBA that is more inclusive. I want an SBA that places student groups and their missions at the forefront of the student experience. I want an SBA that is adaptive and responsive. I want an SBA that is open and transparent. And I want an SBA that is not just an office in WB, but rather an organization in which each student feels like they serve an important role. I want an SBA that is a bridge to change. 

UVA is a very special place—but unfortunately it doesn’t always feel that way. I am running because I hope the SBA can be a more active force at enabling members of UVA Law to express their voices. Indeed, I am running simply because UVA isn’t perfect, and the SBA is a brilliant platform that has the ability to be a catalyst for change.

Humbly your servant in service,

Daniel V. Seidita


Candidates for Treasurer

Chance Maginness

Chance Treasurer.jpeg

As Treasurer, I want to make sure that we're directing funds towards events that benefit a majority of students—such as Fauxfield, Barristers, and SBA socials—and doing so in a way that keeps costs low for students that want to attend. Having served on SBA for a year, I've seen how we allocate our funds and create our budgets, and I want to make sure that we're prioritizing our budgets in a way that maximizes the money that we have. Furthermore, as an undergraduate, I served as our student government's finance committee chair, which allocated a $24 million dollar budget across the university—which gave me valuable insight into how we can cut out unnecessary costs while directing funds to programs that students enjoy the most.


Josh Short

Josh Short .jpg

I believe that next term’s SBA has an opportunity to further the excellent work of our predecessors. As an active member of the law school community, I look forward to bringing the same energy and enthusiasm to the SBA Executive Board. Having truly enjoyed my first two years at UVA, I would relish an opportunity to give back to the community that has given me so much.


Diversity in the Academy: BLSA Hosts Professor Panel

Amy Pan ‘22
Lifestyle Editor

On Wednesday, February 12, the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) hosted “The Importance of Diversity in the Academy” as part of its annual Black History Month programming. The panel was moderated by Eli Jones ’21, BLSA’s Social Action Chair, and featured Professors Alex Johnson and Timothy Lovelace ’06, who spoke on their experiences as professors of color in legal academia. Professor Johnson, who joined the Law School faculty in 1984, teaches Property, Modern Real Estate, Contracts, and Trusts and Estates. Professor Lovelace, who is visiting this year from the University of Indiana School of Law, teaches Critical Race Theory and has previously served as the director of UVA’s Center for the Study of Race and Law. The event spanned a wide range of topics, including each professor’s academic background and path to scholarship, the impact of diversity on various fields of legal study, and advice for diverse students who hope to pursue a career in legal academia.

The panel opened by asking Professors Johnson and Lovelace about their respective routes into legal academia and their reasons for transitioning into the profession. Professor Lovelace spoke about his non-traditional path into the legal academy. Both of his parents were involved in civil rights activism, and he initially planned to pursue a public service career. Nonetheless, as many of his peers were applying to major law firms, Professor Lovelace followed suit and went on to work in private practice during his first and second summers. Though the experience as a positive one, Professor Lovelace still felt a pull towards his passion for social justice. That’s not to say that working at the firm was without its perks—while Professor Lovelace would often stay late on the job, he would use this time to print law review articles on race, law, and history, which he would read for pleasure. This cemented his interest in academia, and, at the end of the summer, Professor Lovelace made the choice to turn down his firm offer and enroll in UVA’s PhD program for history. Professor Lovelace remembers how many of his friends thought he was crazy for giving up a firm salary in favor of remaining a grad student, but he knew he made the right choice.

Like Professor Lovelace, Professor Johnson’s route to the legal academy was also a non-linear one. When Professor Johnson graduated from UCLA Law School in 1978, his Dean had encouraged him to pursue a career in academia, but initially, Professor Johnson wasn’t interested—he wanted to “make a lot of money” and set his sights on becoming a partner at a law firm. After spending two years at Latham & Watkins, Professor Johnson eventually accepted a position to teach at the University of Minnesota Law School, originally planning to stay for just one year before returning to Latham. But he found it impossible to go back to being a junior associate[1] after experiencing the freedom and autonomy of working as a professor. At the time, there were only a handful of black legal scholars teaching around the country, but Professor Johnson loved it. Compared to private practice, “being a professor was much more interesting and challenging, and the lifestyle was better.” Professor Johnson admitted that most of his class at Latham is now retired—and “filthy rich”—but he wouldn’t change his academic career for the world. “Teaching really has been a great profession for me,” he said, “and I have never regretted it, ever.”

Each professor was then asked about the diversity in their respective fields—and why diverse points of view are important in their areas and in legal scholarship generally. Professor Lovelace began by sharing how the field of legal history lacks diversity for a number of reasons. First, the ability to obtain a PhD is critical for most legal historians, but the extra years of schooling and forsaking an income is a major economic burden. Mentorship is also an issue within the profession. Professor Lovelace explained that for a student to become an academic, typically, another professor has to take initiative, identify talent, and personally encourage that student to pursue teaching. Moreover, for a PhD, a young scholar needs an advisor, and as person of color or as a woman, it can be difficult to find someone to trust. As for why diversity is important in the field of civil rights, Professor Lovelace explained the major methodological changes that have taken shape in recent years. Instead of the traditional top-down perspective, many scholars are now acknowledging that constitutional change comes from the bottom up. Everyday people—who never went to law school—are helping create a new context for legal, social, and political change. Without a diverse set of viewpoints, the field would not have experienced this sort of major methodological reform.

Professor Johnson echoed Professor Lovelace’s sentiments when he shared how the transactional side also lacks diversity. When Professor Johnson started teaching at the Law School in 1984, he was the only African American professor; Professor Mildred Robinson came to visit the following year and joined shortly after, but they were the only two for over a decade. Professor Johnson has since recruited several more—including Professor Kim Forde-Mazrui—but the number at UVA Law is still low, especially for a top law school. Professor Johnson explained how barriers to entry are relatively high, reiterating Professor Lovelace’s point on the difficulty of obtaining a PhD. Unlike in the past, a great majority of entering law professors hold both a JD and a PhD, making a doctorate degree all but a requirement for legal scholarship.

Professor Johnson quipped that he loves just about everything except grading exams. But in all seriousness, Professor Johnson enjoys the challenge of teaching, of seeing the lightbulb go off in students’ heads after a difficult concept like the Rule of Perpetuities.[2] He described teaching as a far more interesting challenge than practice—instead of specializing in one thing and doing it over and over, professors can use their imagination in their writing and teaching. Professor Johnson highlighted the concept of academic freedom and staying passionate and enthusiastic. “I currently have three articles in the pipeline right now, and they excite me,” he told the audience. “I look forward to the time over the summer when I can work on the articles. And then, over the summer, when I’m done working on the articles, I get excited about being back in the classroom and meeting new people.”

Finally, both professors offered some advice to encourage more diverse students to enter into the academy. Professor Lovelace reminded the audience to prioritize grades and develop strong relationships with professors, who will eventually serve as recommenders. He encouraged students to pursue writing experiences—including law review notes and seminar papers—as a way to develop one’s research and scholarly voice. Conducting an independent study with faculty members or completing a clerkship can serve as additional qualifications. But most importantly, Professor Lovelace emphasized the importance of just having passion in and of itself. “You have to be a self-starter,” he reminded the audience. “Is this something that you feel called to do? Because there are going to be long nights and early mornings when you’re by yourself with a stack of books, just trying to get an answer to a particular question. The only thing that will carry you through those times is that passion, that calling.”

In contrast, Professor Johnson jokingly pointed to his own route as an example of what students should not do.[3] Professor Johnson reminded students that, even if they are reluctant to pursue a PhD, there are still opportunities available for diverse scholarship. In the legal academy, schools are looking for diverse professors to populate their classrooms and faculty—especially within the transactional fields. While areas of public law might be more competitive, diverse candidates who are interested in studying Property or Trusts and Estates will have a “good shot.”

In closing, both Professor Johnson and Professor Lovelace encouraged passionate law students to pursue academic careers, even though it may be intimidating in a field that still has much room to grow in terms of diversity. Despite that, Professor Johnson described academia—especially at UVA Law—as one of the most welcoming and constructive workplaces he has ever experienced. Professor Johnson pointed to Professor Lovelace as an example; Professor Lovelace gave a speech in November that inspired Professor Johnson to start an article about Shelly v. Kramer and its significance in all four classes that he teaches.

BLSA’s panel with Professors Lovelace and Johnson provided invaluable commentary and advice from two of the most influential professors of color in the legal academy. The event highlighted the importance of thinking critically about diversity, and many students—including BLSA 1L Chair Allison Burns ’22—expressed admiration for all that both professors have accomplished. Jones, who moderated the event, underscored the importance of this event by adding that “Across academia generally, but even more so in the legal academy, there is a serious lack of diversity to be seen, and that can manifest itself in classrooms and scholarly journals in a variety of ways. Year round, but especially during Black History Month, I think we should really reflect on the massive benefits we can all reap from increased diversity in many places in society.”


On Wednesday, February 12, the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) hosted “The Importance of Diversity in the Academy” as part of its annual Black History Month programming. The panel was moderated by Eli Jones ’21, BLSA’s Social Action Chair, and featured Professors Alex Johnson and Timothy Lovelace ’06, who spoke on their experiences as professors of color in legal academia. Professor Johnson, who joined the Law School faculty in 1984, teaches Property, Modern Real Estate, Contracts, and Trusts and Estates. Professor Lovelace, who is visiting this year from the University of Indiana School of Law, teaches Critical Race Theory and has previously served as the director of UVA’s Center for the Study of Race and Law. The event spanned a wide range of topics, including each professor’s academic background and path to scholarship, the impact of diversity on various fields of legal study, and advice for diverse students who hope to pursue a career in legal academia.


The panel opened by asking Professors Johnson and Lovelace about their respective routes into legal academia and their reasons for transitioning into the profession. Professor Lovelace spoke about his non-traditional path into the legal academy. Both of his parents were involved in civil rights activism, and he initially planned to pursue a public service career. Nonetheless, as many of his peers were applying to major law firms, Professor Lovelace followed suit and went on to work in private practice during his first and second summers. Though the experience as a positive one, Professor Lovelace still felt a pull towards his passion for social justice. That’s not to say that working at the firm was without its perks—while Professor Lovelace would often stay late on the job, he would use this time to print law review articles on race, law, and history, which he would read for pleasure. This cemented his interest in academia, and, at the end of the summer, Professor Lovelace made the choice to turn down his firm offer and enroll in UVA’s PhD program for history. Professor Lovelace remembers how many of his friends thought he was crazy for giving up a firm salary in favor of remaining a grad student, but he knew he made the right choice.


Like Professor Lovelace, Professor Johnson’s route to the legal academy was also a non-linear one. When Professor Johnson graduated from UCLA Law School in 1978, his Dean had encouraged him to pursue a career in academia, but initially, Professor Johnson wasn’t interested—he wanted to “make a lot of money” and set his sights on becoming a partner at a law firm. After spending two years at Latham & Watkins, Professor Johnson eventually accepted a position to teach at the University of Minnesota Law School, originally planning to stay for just one year before returning to Latham. But he found it impossible to go back to being a junior associate[1] after experiencing the freedom and autonomy of working as a professor. At the time, there were only a handful of black legal scholars teaching around the country, but Professor Johnson loved it. Compared to private practice, “being a professor was much more interesting and challenging, and the lifestyle was better.” Professor Johnson admitted that most of his class at Latham is now retired—and “filthy rich”—but he wouldn’t change his academic career for the world. “Teaching really has been a great profession for me,” he said, “and I have never regretted it, ever.”


Each professor was then asked about the diversity in their respective fields—and why diverse points of view are important in their areas and in legal scholarship generally. Professor Lovelace began by sharing how the field of legal history lacks diversity for a number of reasons. First, the ability to obtain a PhD is critical for most legal historians, but the extra years of schooling and forsaking an income is a major economic burden. Mentorship is also an issue within the profession. Professor Lovelace explained that for a student to become an academic, typically, another professor has to take initiative, identify talent, and personally encourage that student to pursue teaching. Moreover, for a PhD, a young scholar needs an advisor, and as person of color or as a woman, it can be difficult to find someone to trust. As for why diversity is important in the field of civil rights, Professor Lovelace explained the major methodological changes that have taken shape in recent years. Instead of the traditional top-down perspective, many scholars are now acknowledging that constitutional change comes from the bottom up. Everyday people—who never went to law school—are helping create a new context for legal, social, and political change. Without a diverse set of viewpoints, the field would not have experienced this sort of major methodological reform.


Professor Johnson echoed Professor Lovelace’s sentiments when he shared how the transactional side also lacks diversity. When Professor Johnson started teaching at the Law School in 1984, he was the only African American professor; Professor Mildred Robinson came to visit the following year and joined shortly after, but they were the only two for over a decade. Professor Johnson has since recruited several more—including Professor Kim Forde-Mazrui—but the number at UVA Law is still low, especially for a top law school. Professor Johnson explained how barriers to entry are relatively high, reiterating Professor Lovelace’s point on the difficulty of obtaining a PhD. Unlike in the past, a great majority of entering law professors hold both a JD and a PhD, making a doctorate degree all but a requirement for legal scholarship.


Professor Johnson quipped that he loves just about everything except grading exams. But in all seriousness, Professor Johnson enjoys the challenge of teaching, of seeing the lightbulb go off in students’ heads after a difficult concept like the Rule of Perpetuities.[2] He described teaching as a far more interesting challenge than practice—instead of specializing in one thing and doing it over and over, professors can use their imagination in their writing and teaching. Professor Johnson highlighted the concept of academic freedom and staying passionate and enthusiastic. “I currently have three articles in the pipeline right now, and they excite me,” he told the audience. “I look forward to the time over the summer when I can work on the articles. And then, over the summer, when I’m done working on the articles, I get excited about being back in the classroom and meeting new people.”


Finally, both professors offered some advice to encourage more diverse students to enter into the academy. Professor Lovelace reminded the audience to prioritize grades and develop strong relationships with professors, who will eventually serve as recommenders. He encouraged students to pursue writing experiences—including law review notes and seminar papers—as a way to develop one’s research and scholarly voice. Conducting an independent study with faculty members or completing a clerkship can serve as additional qualifications. But most importantly, Professor Lovelace emphasized the importance of just having passion in and of itself. “You have to be a self-starter,” he reminded the audience. “Is this something that you feel called to do? Because there are going to be long nights and early mornings when you’re by yourself with a stack of books, just trying to get an answer to a particular question. The only thing that will carry you through those times is that passion, that calling.”


In contrast, Professor Johnson jokingly pointed to his own route as an example of what students should not do.[3] Professor Johnson reminded students that, even if they are reluctant to pursue a PhD, there are still opportunities available for diverse scholarship. In the legal academy, schools are looking for diverse professors to populate their classrooms and faculty—especially within the transactional fields. While areas of public law might be more competitive, diverse candidates who are interested in studying Property or Trusts and Estates will have a “good shot.”


In closing, both Professor Johnson and Professor Lovelace encouraged passionate law students to pursue academic careers, even though it may be intimidating in a field that still has much room to grow in terms of diversity. Despite that, Professor Johnson described academia—especially at UVA Law—as one of the most welcoming and constructive workplaces he has ever experienced. Professor Johnson pointed to Professor Lovelace as an example; Professor Lovelace gave a speech in November that inspired Professor Johnson to start an article about Shelly v. Kramer and its significance in all four classes that he teaches.


BLSA’s panel with Professors Lovelace and Johnson provided invaluable commentary and advice from two of the most influential professors of color in the legal academy. The event highlighted the importance of thinking critically about diversity, and many students—including BLSA 1L Chair Allison Burns ’22—expressed admiration for all that both professors have accomplished. Jones, who moderated the event, underscored the importance of this event by adding that “Across academia generally, but even more so in the legal academy, there is a serious lack of diversity to be seen, and that can manifest itself in classrooms and scholarly journals in a variety of ways. Year round, but especially during Black History Month, I think we should really reflect on the massive benefits we can all reap from increased diversity in many places in society.”


[1] His exact words were actually “dumbass associate,” but the idea is probably one and the same.

[2] I have no idea what that means, but it sounds hard.

[3] Don’t be like Professor Johnson, who turned down an invitation for law review because it meant having to go back to school a month earlier.

Barrister's Ball 2020: An Affair to Remember?

Barrister’s revelers. Top row from left to right: Luke Smalanskas, Kareem Ramadan ’20, Jake Rush ’20, Ben Bhamdeo ’20, Ethan Silverman ’21. Front row from left to right: Anna Noone ’20, Megan Mers ’20, Allie Block ’20, Kayla Seltzer ’20. Photo credi…

Barrister’s revelers. Top row from left to right: Luke Smalanskas, Kareem Ramadan ’20, Jake Rush ’20, Ben Bhamdeo ’20, Ethan Silverman ’21. Front row from left to right: Anna Noone ’20, Megan Mers ’20, Allie Block ’20, Kayla Seltzer ’20. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ’21.

Phil Tonseth ‘22
Staff Editor

7:53 a.m.: Wake up, crack a cold one. Senior prom way back in 2011 didn’t go as well as it could’ve,[1] so today will make up for everything that night wasn’t.

8:02 a.m.: I lace up the Nikes™ to get a jog in. I specifically tailored my pants to show off my assets, so this run is my last hope I don’t split my pants breaking it down to “hot girl bummer.”

8:19 a.m.: That was the worst two miles I have ever run in my life. Bud Light burps don’t coincide well with regrets over running at 8 a.m. on a Saturday.

8:20 a.m.: Bud Light Seltzers are both delicious and also water-like. Classic form of both hydration and intoxication. Cheers to you, Bud.

11:31 a.m.: Turning twenty-seven next week means it takes a three-hour nap post-run to recover. Time to start the day, part two.

11:32 a.m.: In typical 1L fashion, I’m doing homework on the weekend. Will I remember any of this ConLaw on Monday? Doubtful, but that’s equally attributable to my pending drunkeness as to ConLaw being utterly made up nonsense.

2:05 p.m.: Football is back on TV. I have abandoned all hope of productivity for today. Bud Light, DiGiornos, and the XFL. Could this be more American?

3:17 p.m.: It’s not drinking alone when you get your two cats to have a glass of Pinot Meow and Mos-Cat-o with you.[2]

6:13 p.m.: My mandatory friends,[3] who I know voluntarily hang out with me, have catered in Italian food for our pre-game. I lovingly support this suggestion, because it’s a classy way to request pizza. However, thumbs down to Charlottesville for not having an Olive Garden. That’s true Italian-o.

7:22 p.m.: I asked for one thing for my birthday: a dinosaur tie-tack. I have lost said tie-tack. I am morose.[4]

7:23 p.m.: My girlfriend has informed me that she already put my tie-tack on me, as she knew I’d forget it. At least one of us is smart; she’s earned her keep. Maybe forgetting my tie-tack on my chest is a sign, I should slow down on the beers. Then again, I paid $65 for an open bar and will get my money’s worth. Sorry, Mom.

8:10 p.m.: I showed up fashionably on time. Benefits? The open food bar had pizza and chicken and waffle bites. I should’ve worn expandable pants.

8:43 p.m.: $2 for a professional picture? That was a steal. I crossed off a new headshot for LinkedIn, my next Christmas card, and something to send my mom to show her I know how to tie my own tie now. 

Abby Porter ’22, Marlyse Vieira ’22, Emily Anne Owen ’22, and Megan Ong ’22 at Barrister’s Ball. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ‘21.

Abby Porter ’22, Marlyse Vieira ’22, Emily Anne Owen ’22, and Megan Ong ’22 at Barrister’s Ball. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ‘21.

10:15 p.m.: Good thing my drink is cold. Apparently “dabbing” and hitting your girlfriend in the face isn’t the best way to show I can break it down low.

10:29 p.m.: The DJ played “Hit Me Baby, One More Time,” “Party in the USA,” and “Get Low,” all within ten minutes. I wasn’t prepared to relive my angsty teenage years, but am very thankful for the open bar now.

11:07 p.m.: S/O to Kolleen Gladden for taking pictures all night. I may have taken forty different shots, but the camera loved me. I can’t apologize for that. 

Caroline Spadaro ’22 and Jack Zipple ’22 pose at Barrister’s Ball. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ‘21.

Caroline Spadaro ’22 and Jack Zipple ’22 pose at Barrister’s Ball. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ‘21.

11:25 p.m.: Coat check is getting wild. Plus side, they keep bringing pizza by so I can steal a slice. Double plus side, I forgot I put slices of bread in my peacoat. Snacks for days.

12:37 a.m.: Common House’s chairs are so comfy that I may have actually fallen asleep waiting for a drink. Time to go home. Until next year, Barristers. #lawhoos

1:05 a.m.: This is the one time that future me loves past me. Saving a slice of DiGiornos pizza for my drunken stupor was the best idea since sliced bread.

1:06 a.m.: Turns out I had one last piece of sliced bread in my pocket. I cannot decide which is better now. My stomach is very content. 

1:22 a.m.: My cats are very miffed that I’m up, eating, and keeping them awake. They’re off their cat-nip high now, guess it’s my turn to sleep too. Case dismissed.

Christina Luk ‘21
Executive Editor

So, I was asked to give a 2L perspective on Barrister’s this year, but I'm just going to talk about eating dumplings, which is how I actually spent the evening of February 8, 2020.

Big Tuna was busy this week. Joy Wang ’21 and Christina Luk ’21 hold up Diversity Pledge.

Big Tuna was busy this week. Joy Wang ’21 and Christina Luk ’21 hold up Diversity Pledge.

Step One: Fail to procure a ticket to Barrister’s and rejoice in the freedom this brings you. 

Step Two: Find a mom-friend who will host your sorry ass on a Saturday night and convince her that this would be a great time to gorge yourselves on dumplings because you do not have to fit into a little black dress. (My mom-friend is Kunchok Dolma ’21, who makes amazing Tibetan momos—y’all can find your own. I will not share.)  

Step Three: Show up at her house in your most comfortable hoodie with your Nintendo Switch—because why the heck not—and two other friends. 

Dumplings (above) made by Christina Luk ’21 instead of attending Barrister’s. Photo credit Christina Luk ’21.

Dumplings (above) made by Christina Luk ’21 instead of attending Barrister’s. Photo credit Christina Luk ’21.

Step Four: Fold dumplings. Am I actually going to explain this? Yes, because I haven’t met my word count yet. We’re starting with imaginary store-bought dumpling skins because I’m too lazy to imagine making them myself. Make sure they’re circular, we’re making pot stickers here, not wontons, jeez. Now place one dumpling skin flour-side up on your palm and fill with your filling of choice. Dip your finger in a saucer of water and run it along the lip of the circle. Now bring the bottom edge of the circle up to the top and crimp the skin toward the center until you’ve closed the gap. If that made zero sense to you, then you read it right. The proper way to learn how to make dumplings is to watch your grandmother make them and then be relentlessly ridiculed until you’re old enough to tell someone else they’re doing it wrong. I am available on Friday evenings to laugh at anyone who wants to learn.  

Step Five: Eat the dumplings while reading and laughing at all the group texts you’re getting that say, “are u here yet?” “come dance~” or “omg there’s pizza here.” Hahahaha. Man, those dumplings were good. 

Barrister’s photo from left to right: top Marc Petrine ’21, Jacob Sillyman ’21, Jacob Jones ’21, Zane Clark ’21, Will Joyce ’21, bottom: Jonah Panikar ’21, and Samwise Pickett ’21. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ’21.

Barrister’s photo from left to right: top Marc Petrine ’21, Jacob Sillyman ’21, Jacob Jones ’21, Zane Clark ’21, Will Joyce ’21, bottom: Jonah Panikar ’21, and Samwise Pickett ’21. Photo credit Kolleen Gladden ’21.

Taylor Elicegui ‘20
Features Editor 

            The time-honored tradition of law students getting dressed up to get down on the dance floor has come and gone, and I’m here to provide the jaded 3Ls take on An Affair to Remember.  

            Despite some snafus, I’d say Barrister’s was a hit, and people (those who could attend) had a great time. However, I feel compelled to get my critiques out of the way before moving on to the positive things. Obviously, the event venue wasn’t big enough. Given the lack of tickets to the main event, it was particularly unfortunate that Common House reached capacity and wouldn’t let people in. I know it’s hard to find a venue in Charlottesville and I did appreciate being somewhere other than The Omni, but 600 tickets are not enough for a school the size of UVA plus non-law significant others. My other critique: The entire dance floor was just one giant spilled drink, which was brutal on the dress shoes. I know we had an open bar, but we clearly all need to work on being a little less klutzy.

            Now, on to the positives. First and foremost: Damn, this school cleans up well.  I appreciated that you all brought your A-game. Tuxes and ball gowns, the student body did not disappoint and looked incredibly fly. The DJ played some good music, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone let loose and have fun on the dance floor. We were also treated to an extra-special dance performance from our very own Griffin Peeples ’20, who sure knows how to break it down.[5] The Jefferson was a nice change of pace and the bars moved quickly enough that the wait for drinks wasn’t too bad. The snacks were also delicious—particularly the chicken and waffle bites. Big shout-out to whoever picked out the snacks.

Law Weekly 3Ls (minus David Ranzini ’20) abuse their last week of power to get featured in the Law Weekly. Please send your complaints to Christina Luk ’21 and Michael Schmid ’21. Photo credit PETER.

Law Weekly 3Ls (minus David Ranzini ’20) abuse their last week of power to get featured in the Law Weekly. Please send your complaints to Christina Luk ’21 and Michael Schmid ’21. Photo credit PETER.

            All in all, my final Barrister’s was a ball. I think we had the fanciest attire I’ve seen in all three years and I enjoyed getting to dance the night away one last time.


[1] If you’re reading this Alee, you were a wonderful date. I, on the other hand, was a typical teenage boy and wish I could re-do things.

[2] This is cat-nip wine, not actual alcohol. Please don’t call PETA on me. I have no other friends besides my cats.

[3] S/O big J.D. energy

[4] It’s a brontosaurus, my go-to dino. Did you guess right? Refer to Vol. 72, No. 13, “What Type of Dinosaur Are You? The Results Will Shock You!”

[5] The Editor-in-Chief would like to publicly express her disagreement here.