Hot Bench: T Rowan Adams '24

T Rowan Adams ‘23

T Rowan Adams ‘24

Interviewed by Phil Tonseth ‘22

Hey Rowan, welcome to the Hot Bench! I’m excited for the Law School to get the chance to know you better. First off, where are you from and where’d you go to undergrad?

I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio. I went to DePauw University (in Indiana), but I spent the past two years before law school in NYC!


What made you start thinking about law school, and what drove you to UVA in particular?

I was obsessed with Judge Judy and other crime shows growing up, so law school has kind of always been part of the plan. I chose UVA specifically because of the culture. Every lawyer or law student I talked to throughout the whole application process said how much law school sucked EXCEPT UVA folks. While current students and alums didn’t try to downplay how hard or stressful it was, they also were very enthusiastic about how much fun it can be. That is something unique to UVA, which made the choice to attend here very easy.


I know it’s early in your legal career, but do you have an idea of what work you’d like to get into?

I worked the last two years as a paralegal at the Manhattan DA’s Office so currently I am very much interested in prosecution work. Specifically, federal prosecution. Criminal Law is my favorite class so far, so we’ll see how the rest of law school goes! That said, I am also interested in pursuing LGBTQ+ rights work. Very different fields!


How’d you get into working with the Manhattan DA’s Office? What was your coolest experience in that office?

I used to want to be a public defender, but then I interned at a public defender’s office in college. I have the utmost respect for public defenders and am still a huge proponent of the work they do and the reasons they do it, I just don’t think it’s necessarily for me. The criminal justice field still interested me, though, and after graduating from DePauw, I knew I was moving to NYC no matter what. I applied at the Manhattan DA’s Office and thankfully got a paralegal position in their Vehicular Crimes Unit.


So I wouldn’t classify this as “cool,” but probably the most interesting experience at the office was sitting in the courtroom and watching Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault trial. I worked in the same hallway as the lead prosecutors on the case so leading up the trial I overheard a lot of the trial preparation. Being able to witness the very publicized trial firsthand was an educational experience I don’t think I’ll ever forget.


I’ve heard from the grapevine that you’re the 1L FYC President. What drove you towards that role, and what do you hope to get out of it?

Yes, I am! I have been involved with student government since the 8th grade—it’s something I am naturally very passionate about. I enjoy serving as a liaison between students and the administration, listening to students’ concerns, and advocating for positive change. This year I hope to keep many of the UVA Law traditions alive that may have faltered a bit during the past COVID year. UVA Law is known for our sense of community, so I hope to ensure that we live up to our reputation!


Do y’all on FYC have any fun plans for 1Ls for the upcoming year?

SO MANY! We have the standard events planned, such as Foxfield, Halloween Carnival, and, of course, Bar Review every Friday night. But we also hope to host a 1L social sometime in October. Right now we’re thinking about hosting a huge Halloween bash and/or (hopefully and) a Pavilion “around-the-world” night where anyone in Pav that wants to, can open up their apartment for folks. The idea is that 1Ls could hop from apartment to apartment, or “country to country,” and enjoy food and drinks of that respective country. Lots of ideas being thrown around for fun 1L events this semester and next!


So I know SBA and FYC is a lot of work, but what other clubs are you involved with so far? 

Yes, I am involved with Lambda Law Alliance. I identify as non-binary so joining a LGBTQ+ student organization at UVA was really important to me. I am excited to work with the organization this year!


Lets do a lightning round!

Favorite food? 

Peanut butter. I kid you not, I go through a jar a week.


Anti-Stress Hobby? 

Working out! Either lifting weights or playing basketball.


Pet peeve?

People who make fun of others in the gym! Let them be!


Big headphones in the gym, earbuds, or the dreaded no headphone gym-goer?

AirPods all the way.


Favorite word? 



If you could pick one song to play in the background of your life, what would it be? 

Not Afraid by Eminem. A HYPE song.


What’s your spirit animal? 

Tiger. Tigers were my undergrad’s mascot and also happen to be my favorite animal.


Where’s a place you’ve never been, but would like to go? 



If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be? 

Don’t wear flip-flops with jeans. I’m sorry y’all, I just can’t.
