Hot Bench: Jon Greenstein '24

Jon Greenstein ‘24

So, Jon, tell me a bit about yourself—where are you from? Where did you go to undergrad?

Hey! So, I’m Jon, and I’m a 2L. I’m from Florida. I grew up there, and I absolutely loved it. My family, including my twin brother, Rob, still lives in Tampa. And I went to Florida State University. FSU was awesome. It was so much fun to meet people, and I got involved with a lot of activities and community service. It’s actually a lot like UVA Law, where the community is really close and there are always things to do in the city.


Having a twin must be so much fun. What kind of shenanigans did you and Rob get up to growing up?

We’ve switched places in a class before. Also, our voices sound the exact same, so when we’re on the phone with our parents, they can’t tell who it is—so sometimes we’ll switch on the phone too. Once, we switched places in swim practice . . . but I was at a higher level in swimming than he was. So, they threw him in the pool because they thought he could swim. He could not swim.


How have you liked your first year at UVA? Has anything surprised you?

My first year was great! My section-mates are some of my closest friends. I’m so lucky to be here and to be surrounded by such great people. I’ve loved my professors too, and I think my classes have been super interesting. And, honestly, it hasn’t been as hard or as crazy as I thought it would be.


It’s awesome that you’ve been enjoying it so much. Do you have a favorite memory here so far? 

Yes! So, my friends hosted a “livery of seisin” party in honor of Property, and I would say that was pretty fun. I also liked our section poker nights, and I’m hoping we’ll do them again this semester. We’ve had a lot of great nights here, and it’s been great that we still get to hang out and have fun on top of working hard as students.

I feel like law school people are very interesting and unique in a sense. I think I came in expecting everyone to be really professional and nerdy—and the people have been nerdy in the best way, where you can have really cool conversations—but I’ve been surprised at how normal everyone’s been. People still want to go out, do cool things, and socialize, while at the same time being so incredibly smart and driven and dedicated to their goals. It’s really inspiring to be around people like that, and I think it makes you a better person and a better lawyer.


If you could give any piece of advice to the new 1Ls, what would it be?

So, first off: Everything is going to work out. Everything is going to be okay. We’re at this great law school, and you’re going to be surrounded by some amazingly smart people. Take advantage of it. There’s so much pressure and stress in 1L—everyone’s freaking out trying to figure out the law, what they want to do, what they like. The most important thing is to take a step back, take a breath, and realize that you are going to find your place. You are going to find your people. You are going to find what interests you. Everything will work out—we’ve already done the hard part. Enjoy your time here.


That’s great advice. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“Be yourself.” So many of us worry so much about what other people think about us or what other people are doing. But at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself twenty-four hours a day. Be true to yourself, and be confident in who you are; some people will love it and some won’t. It’s just a part of life.


Lightning round!

Favorite spot in C’ville?

Carter Mountain. You have to pay, which kind of sucks, but it is the best view in Charlottesville. Going there on Thursday nights for the Sunset Series is something that every single student at UVA has to do. It’s incredible.

Favorite snack?

I love the fruit snacks that they give out in the Student Affairs office. They’re the real ones.

If you were a drink, what drink would you be?

Because I’m going to professional school, I’ll say Dr. Pepper.

What song is on repeat recently?

For the last year and a half, it’s been “Circles” by Post Malone—such a good one. Recently, it’s been “Way It Goes” by Hippo Campus.

Texting or calling?

Big texter.

What was your best Halloween costume ever?

I went as a DEA agent one year, and my friend Eric went as a criminal. So, I got to spend the entire night chasing him around parties and locking him up, which was pretty fun.

Do you believe in fate?

I think that things happen for a reason, and that everyone is on the path they’re supposed to be on. So, yeah, in that way, I do believe in fate.

Interviewed by Julia D’Rozario ‘24